Quote somebody
Lets be honest here and say that until the benefit system is over hauled, people will always want to come here for free everything. Free housing, free health care, benefits galore, christ we even paying millions to eastern European workers kids ffs. The benefit system is open to every scrounger there is, and the lazy work shy.
Allow me to retort.
My word rarely have i read such ill informed toot.
If u would like to dfine these "daily mail phrases" Ill happily explain why they exhibit:
A ignorance
B Stupidity
C A lack of education
D A lack of wisdom
E Prejudice
A bit inflammatory this post but Im tired of the loud and stupid takling over the reasonable forum threadss with their half baked views. Give it a erst save it for the golf club eh?
Its a quote from another thread... Ben didnt want hijack that particular thread. So has started another on a subject that was brought up.
Im too tired to reply to this properly tonight! Will come back to it tomrrow...
I've not read any other posts on similar subjects, I just read this one properly :-)
I'm in total agreement. I hate the knee jerk / John Gaunt / Dail Mail style reaction to such matters. Unfortunately "Save it for the golf club" is more like "Save it for the work place" as too many people believe the right wing rhetoric in my opinion.
Ben, the quote from 'that person' is their own thoughts you shouldn't really pull it to bits.
However, as you've started a thread on the subject I'll comment.
Whilst there is a benefit system, people will always access it, and sometimes by whatever means. Maybe the person you are quoting should've used a different word other than 'scroungers', but to be fair there ARE some people in this country that 'play' the system, so yes they are taking the mick and scrounging.
No matter which policitical party is in, there will always be some form of assistance and therefore there will always be some people who will take advantage of that, that's life I'm afraid.
As I've said maybe if it was worded differently you wouldn't have got so upset, but I repeat it was their own thoughts just as yours are.
I think what makes me cross isnt the expression of the views folk hold. I love a debate. Which is why I started the thread.
I started a new thread becasue the views I quoted had hijacked the main subject of several other threads. I thought it might be healthy to have a thread devoted to the persecution of minority groups. I thought maybe this way, other more interesting and well informed debates could prosper.
TY Anais for clearing up the ramblings of my febrile mind.
Ty Jay for your thoughts, I think I have every right to comment on the posts of others. I dleiberately did not link the thread wanting to use the opinions expressed as a spring board rather than flame any other forum memeber.
We receive benefits in the way of "working tax credits" I feakin hate them I freakin freakin do. The benefit system should in my mind be there as a mostly temporary safety net against extreme poverty, or as Missy says "for the few that there is no option"
Wouldn't it be nice if we earned just enough to be able not to haveto resort to chikd tax crdits. Sometimes I think its used to pat themselves, the government, on their backs. Saying, "Oh how good are we another 500,000+ receiving money from the state"
Money from who!! ffs money from themselves and others back??
I would like to see
Money in from wage/salary -----> money out in bills etc = enough for just a little over.
wage + working families tax credit + child tax credits + housing benefit + council tax benefit ----> money out in bills = By this time fu*k knows coz it changes every week
we live in a highly regulated country with over 85% of the worlds cctv camaras and some of the highest taxes in the world!booo hooo!!!
Well maybe not! we all have our gripes about the system and we can all see inequalities and couruption!
but would you want to live anywhere else!
not me I like our green and pleasent land!
I like to be able to rant about our greedy courupt police and polititions!I love knowing that my outspoken views can lead to debate reater than a knock on the door or a bullit in the head or woorse!!
i also like knowing that if I fall ill I will be treated by the NHS for free! and not like say the USA where treatment depends on your welth
so while yoou are complaining about taxes and tax credits ect ask youorself do you realy want the alternitive! as say the USA or maybe somewhere worse lik africia or south america or asia!
look at wot we got and compair it to the rest of the world!
dont downgrade our superb system to that of lesser countries to reduce the flow of economic migrants upgrade their countries!!so they dont feel the need to run from oppression economic oe otherwise!!
There is always a point to wanting something better..
Appreciating what you have is also a valid point.
But when it comes to politics and debate about political issues and wanting to 'make a difference'. Is a more useful tack to be involved in the interwebnet forums that debate these issues, sending letters to your MP or other influential people. Setting up your own forums or public routes of expression and change etc etc
Or whining on a swingers site ?
Flowers and Lost have pretty much covered the foreign worker angle. I have no problem with them and correct, they (most) work their butts off in the unskilled, minimum wage type jobs which they have because the many wankers who are happy on the dole wouldn't and wont do them.
My/ the problem is with the system, we have no quotas etc unlike our equal European buddies that do and as such far to many have been allowed to come and thus the unfortunate leaving school with only the minimum wage path to take or the people made redundant who need to earn money as soon as whilst they get back on the feet and similar now find that they cannot go any work order picking in a factory. Don't blame the Eastern Europeans, blame Labour for letting it happen!