Can for instance, Mr Muttley? (Muttleys) lick his own balls, I wish I could.
Prehaps if I gave him a biscuit he might let me :spit:
got to go the jailers on his way :bounce:

Quote by two4u
Can for instance, Mr Muttley? (Muttleys) lick his own balls, I wish I could.
Prehaps if I gave him a biscuit he might let me :spit: :bounce:![]()
Quote by Robert1961
aint that something like living in heaven for a bloke . if i could do that i woudl suck myself silly
Quote by MikeNorth
Reese, it's for you!:lol:
Quote by tallnhairy
I just wonder if you would lose a lot from the position you would need to be in to do it?
Quote by Reese
Reese, it's for you!:lol:
Quote by tallnhairy
I just wonder if you would lose a lot from the position you would need to be in to do it?
Quote by tallnhairy
aint that something like living in heaven for a bloke . if i could do that i woudl suck myself silly
Quote by lucysuction
:P :P Sexyluke: Ron Jeremy was the US porn star who could give himself a blowjob I saw a video quite some time ago and thought this guy would take all my pleasure away so he would be no good for me. Best to keep away from guys like that I enjoy giving much more that taking so all you guys out there keep your ribs and let someone else give you pleasure it will be much better in the long term. :P :P