Something's happened. I was happily browsing Swinging Heaven, adding to the odd post, and suddenly I'm getting pop-ups - links to porn sites etc - and then loosing my connection to the site. This has NEVER happened before on Swinging Heaven and look how long it is since I joined.
Help needed.
id check what number is being dialed (control panel, internet options, connection, details)
if its not 08*** & it's 09*** it a premium dialier. log off asap and delete the connection name, recheck before you log on again as they come back. then get broadband
Hello - I'm back. Ran Xsoftspy (after paying for it.)
I was already very clean and haven't looked at anything other that Swinging Heaven, WOMAD and the Radio Times in ages. (How sad does that make me!) So I'm certain the spyware came in through SH.
Be warned. As I say it's never happened before so our defenses may have been breached.
I've been getting some email, supposedly from my ISP Tiscali, but, I opened the first one to find the attatched file was a virus with a .jpg file extetion.
Fortunately, I have good anti-virus and it was eradicated immidiately, the following 6 I've had, also supposedly from "Tiscali" I have deleted without opening. The subject headings were all account warnings with the last one being a FINAL WARNING.
Also, as someone else on another thread has pointed out, make your email annon in ur ads. This will serve as some protection at lease from unscrupulus parties.
Also watch out for worms, you can get those by simply being online with somthing on your PC not up to date...
You can download Spybot and Ad-Aware free from the web
You can get updates to them too
Run them frequently
Works for me
Following advice previously on here I switched to Mozilla Firefox ages ago and that has proved 99.9% better than Outlook. I don't even go to my account direct from MSN Messenger because that causes problems.
No dodgy email for ages. No porn-browsing or looking up naughty-knicker catalogues. That's why I posted. I'm fairly sure it was a SH entrant.
BTW - I don't think Ad-aware catches everything. XoftSpy found loads more than Ad-aware did.
But it's definitely OK now.
It's almost impossible for it to be SH, it's far, far more likely to be a weakness in whatever version of Windows you are using, there are known ways of remotely infecting every version except possibly the latest WinXp with all the service packs and security updates - and even that's only a matter of time.
The one-line answer is 'boot from knoppix and disinfect from there". The bad news is that this is NOT the sort of thing that I would recommend trying yourself is you are anything less than supremely confident in your mastery of all things PC and have at least a passing accquaintence with Linux. Owning a PC that's so ruined it opens an IE window of junk every 2 seconds probably means you don't fit into this category! If you have a friendly local geek, ask him to come round and rescue your holiday snaps by "booting from knoppix and disinfecting from there". It shouldn't take long, and everything will be safe when it's done.
If your not into manually removing sypware we have found the following will catch everything. All FREE with FREE updates Google for the web addresses:
1. AVG antivirus - free download and free updates
2. Microsoft Antispyware - for those still on Internet Explorer (why!?) its good for picking up spyware and resetting IE homepage back
3. AdAware from Lavasoft - catches sypware MS AntiSpyware misses
4. Spybot Seach and Destroy - if there are still suckers left on your machine.
If your still bugged by a persistanct problem try googling the symptoms. Often you will find a page that describes how to get rid of it. It usually involves booting into safe mode and removing via command line. Be careful when googling a problem site that you don't click a link that brings you to the offending site. Solutions from forums, symantec, other antivrius sites are a good bet.
To continue along this thread I would just like to sing the praises of ZONE ALARM firewall and anti virus. Have been having mega mega computer problems since Feb.
Old comp got infected with something (don't know what, couldn't find critter) which would not allow me to connect to the internet, yet I could hear that the modem was active and my computer was clicking away so there were programs running.
Pulled plug on internet immediatley (didn't want anyone to get their hands on any personal info that could be used for identity cloning etc). I was still using Windows 98 at the time and the other half is only good at fixing problems if he is using XP. So had to wipe comp, upgrade the memory and installed XP. This got rid of the little nasty - but (there is always a but isn't there) I was now without any protection.
Plugged in modem, went straight to Symantec to download Zone alarm (other half swears by it) and BAM infected with biggest, nastiest, highest security rating virus that was doing the rounds. Unplugg internet again. Found the infected files, but (yes another but) as soon as one file was deleted another was replicating and we coundn't find master file.
So the only thing we could do was format the comp again, get someone else to download Zone alarm onto disk and installed it from disk before turning on internet. Fingers crossed I have had no more problems and in the month comp has been back up Zone Alarm has found and treated three viruses and deflected 16,000, yes 16,000 intrusions, so it gets thumbs up from me.
When setting up a new copy of windows XP install at least service pack 1 and preferably service pack 2 from CD before you connect it to the internet or try doing anything else.
New computers will come with either service pack 1 or 2 integrated onto the install CD. For older computers use a disk... u can get it from microsoft... and they were covermount on a load of PC magazines a while ago.
Not keeping windows XP up-to-date with patches and such like is a good way to get some spyware (etc)... trying to get a new copy of windows up-to-date can take a while!!!
I hate to see vermin like this get on peeps machines... nasty stuff... Good advice here though.