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SH Amateur Dramatics Society....!

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Any support for this one..? would be great don't you think..?... :bounce:
edit - This is just an IDEA, I don't have a plan of action or anything like that.....if enough people are interested - then who knows what might be achieved.... wink
Your thoughts on the above....?
CheekyChimp..... cool
Well there are plenty of drama queens on here at times :grin:
Quote by blonde

The formation of a SH Amateur Dramatics Society.
Marcus..... cool
Quote by RedHot
Well there are plenty of drama queens on here at times :grin:

That's very true T-J...... rotflmao
So explain how this would work?? confused confused confused confused confused
To be or not to be ..........that is the question ! :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Sgt Bilko
So explain how this would work?? confused confused confused confused confused

Hi Sarge......good question and one that requires lots of help from lots of people. I'm certainly no expert in this area but full of enthusiasm.....if there's enough interest and it's feasible..!
Yes its full of logistical problems: to name a few, location of members, venue's, scripts, meetings for rehersals etc. etc....perhaps we have a local society for each region that wants to have a go and a national meeting on occasions.
Dunno really...... dunno
CheekyChimp..... cool
Tell you what - you think it through and get back to us then wink
Quote by westerross
Tell you what - you think it through and get back to us then wink

Tell you what - why not help out with some ideas to get this off the ground and then post something worth while.... wink
CheekyChimp.... cool
Quote by westerross
Tell you what - you think it through and get back to us then wink

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Quote by cheekychimp
Tell you what - you think it through and get back to us then wink

Tell you what - why not help out with some ideas to get this off the ground and then post something worth while.... wink
CheekyChimp.... cool
It was your idea, shouldn't you have thought it through first instead of asking others?
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Tell you what - you think it through and get back to us then wink

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
I refer you to the answer I gave westerross..... lol
CheekyChimp.... cool
FB wonders if Sarge will refer CheekyChimp to his keys lol
Quote by cheekychimp
Tell you what - you think it through and get back to us then wink

Tell you what - why not help out with some ideas to get this off the ground and then post something worth while.... wink
CheekyChimp.... cool
What is it that you are trying to get off the ground ? :crazy:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sarge .......... u must be in a really good mood today kiss
Quote by cheekychimp
Any support for this one..? would be great don't you think..?... :bounce:
Your thoughts....?
CheekyChimp..... cool

As per the original post........."Your thoughts."
I didn't claim to have the answers - It was an Idea I thought could be expanded on with the help of other members......I that isn't the case then fine.
CheekyChimp.... cool
Quote by cheekychimp
Tell you what - you think it through and get back to us then wink

Tell you what - why not help out with some ideas to get this off the ground and then post something worth while.... wink
CheekyChimp.... cool
OK, here's an idea. Why don't you establish the society that specialises in soliloquy. That way you won't have to organise anybody! :idea: lol
Quote by cheekychimp
Any support for this one..? would be great don't you think..?... :bounce:
Your thoughts....?
CheekyChimp..... cool

As per the original post........."Your thoughts."
I didn't claim to have the answers - It was an Idea I thought could be expanded on with the help of other members......I that isn't the case then fine.
CheekyChimp.... cool
My thoughts? It's awkward and unworkable - which you obviously knew as you can't think of how to make it work. You didn't ask for ideas.
Quote by cheekychimp
As per the original post........."Your thoughts."
CheekyChimp.... cool

My thought for today is .................. don't eat yellow snow !
Hope thats of some use to you babe kiss
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by westerross
Tell you what - you think it through and get back to us then wink

Tell you what - why not help out with some ideas to get this off the ground and then post something worth while.... wink
CheekyChimp.... cool
OK, here's an idea. Why don't you establish the society that specialises in soliloquy. That way you won't have to organise anybody! :idea: lol
What a great idea te..... wink
Quote by blonde

As per the original post........."Your thoughts."
CheekyChimp.... cool

My thought for today is .................. don't eat yellow snow !
Hope thats of some use to you babe kiss
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks for the tip blonde...xx
Quote by freckledbird
FB wonders if Sarge will refer CheekyChimp to his keys lol

They're jingling!! :shock: :shock: :shock: lol lol lol lol
Noooooo don't! I'm making constructive suggestions here.......
davej puts on his best norfolk accent to audition for the part of mucky pete the cowman......
rite then me old dear ows that mrs humphries down on dingly farm, last I eard she was rite poorly, mind I'm not surprised what with her being out doggin in all weathers, always said she would get a chill, she's been goin up on boggle moor with old stan in is sidecar,
rite bloody sight an all what with her dressed in that see through vest, stockins and crash aat...........
am I I? I...I can bring me own string and cordorouys!
But im sure we could have a swinging heaven panto that would work im sure .........
we all have part given and play it out on here lol lol
Quote by debz4u
But im sure we could have a swinging heaven panto that would work im sure .........
we all have part given and play it out on here lol lol

No way .. there are too many Trannies here and they would all want to be Widow Twanky and we would have a punch up and the Pantomime horse would be in chaos cause there would be squabbles about who was going to be at the back of whom 69position ... and the tree lovers would put the mockers on Jack and the Beanstalk cause they would stand in front of the Beanstalk and stop Jack from cutting it down ... can't you see it would be anarchy rotflmao
Cheeky Chimp - what role would you play? confused confused:
Quote by debz4u
But im sure we could have a swinging heaven panto that would work im sure .........
we all have part given and play it out on here lol lol

Oh no we couldn't.
You could have Dino, Postie & Meaty as the 3 ugly sisters - no make up required
Quote by northwest-cpl
But im sure we could have a swinging heaven panto that would work im sure .........
we all have part given and play it out on here lol lol

Oh no we couldn't.
Oh yes we would..... wink