Thats rediculous........ nearly worse than the immigraint problems....dont get me started.
get fed up with the abuse of the welfare system in this country. there should be a limit to the benefits, child benefits should be available for the first kid, 50% rate for the second and nothing for any further children you decide to have. if you think you're responsible enough to have loads of kids then you're responsible enough to work to keep them and deal with the consequences. A level of flexability could be worked in to the system for situations arising from redundancy or accident/serious illness but these should be reviewed on a fairly regular basis. the penalties for blatant abuse of the system shoud also be more severe, many people have been found to be working while receiving invalidity benefit, this should be recovered from them straight away, if they have to have their house seized or suffer other hardships, tough. you want to take the piss the learn to deal with the results, unfortunatly we have a parliament with less backbone than a jellyfish and until they actually have the balls to deal with decay in this country we will slowly continue the decline into a 3rd rate power.
Our welfare system is too fucking soft on these spongers!!
and they should impose a tax on people who double post :twisted:
well i know there are a lot of girls out there who will use a man to get a baby so they can have a bigger house. i met one unfortunately. was dating her for two months and she said she wanted my baby, i said "no, not known you long enough", she went ahead and stopped taking the pill without telling me. in fact she lied and said she was still on it.
she screwed up my life big time. i always wanted to be a proper dad but she drove me out and started using the baby as a weapon before it was even born. ive never seen my daughter but it hurts to think about it all.
god what a minefield.
easy i feel for you hunny, youll get people saying well you should have used a condom, but this wasnt a one night thing, and you trusted her.
to many people use their children as wepons in relationships.
i actually do not think the state should pay and keep paying.
Hang on its not he state paying, its us the tax payers who are paying.
what makes me laugh is when some single parents say they refuse to take money of the absent parent, and want to do it them selves, be independent HELLO, then get off ya arse and get a job, claiming state benefits isnt being independent.
before anyone slates me, i know there are situations where women, and men are left holding the baby or unemployed, but the welfare system is a safety net not a never ending pot of cash.
xxxxxxxx lou xxxxxxx
yeah thats it what point is a partner supposed to start trusting the other? it really affected me because i was one of those who thought any man who runs out on his child is scum. then i was edged into my worst nightmare. im still fighting self loathing over it.
meanwhile the girls keep getting pregnant and getting a nice cosey house as a reward.
I've been through that also easy. But we agreed to bury it and not look back. It could still return.
Anyway, its been reckoned that the existing stock of breeding adults is not replensihing itself in the way it should. This is not good for any authority as eventually there would be no youth to send out and do the chores.
Also an easy life soon breeds infertile people. Combined with the obsession of a 'career' people are also avoiding breeding until an inappropriate time of life. I was I had started earlier.
So I believe that the state is already making sure there are sufficient breeders and babies being supplied for the country.
Great - soon only the chav's will be breeding!
fantastic, such a high quality gene puddle :doh:
Were the couple Catholic? In which case the birth control argument doesn't get a look in...
Regarding "abuse of the welfare system" (meat2pleaseu) - without going into the full on debate about the inadequacies of it, which in it's modern gyse if roughly 70 years old, surely they are only claiming what they are entitled to. If not their appearance on Jeremy Kyle (or whoever it was) will not go unnoticed.
Maybe it is not a question of is the individual right or wrong, but does the system work fairly?
British citizens are still incredibly well looked after (go live in the States and see what you get!!! never mind "poorer" countries) even though we all feel that we are "hard done by" when we see others raking it in when a majority of us work our boll*cks off every day to survive.
or :wanker:
xx lou xxx
Meaty I think I love you!
Absolutely spot on with all comments you've made on this thread.
Can I just say - child benefit is less for the second child than the first, but I don't know if it's reduced further for subsequent children.
We've been in the same position as Dawn is now in and were refused benefits. Meanwhile we saw others who had never worked, living a far better lifestyle than us. Still do, and it pisses me off no end. I have, and will continue, to report people who I know to be abusing the system.
i wasn't questioning your post, just expanding on your comments and the inclusion of religion. I don't mind people having a beleif in any god or religious structure, what i do find offensive is when they expect me to make allowances for their beliefs. they should keep it behind closed doors and learn to live with whatever come with it
I totally agree, as I expressed to Constance above, I was curious about the couple in question and felt it was relevant to the topic.
You did intimate that I was being religiously moralistic, which wasn't correct or relevant to me personally.
However, to the topic in general, it may contribute to the REASON the couple have 15 children
People regularly raised huge families in the worst conditions during the years before relative prosperity. They were helped by neighbours and charities.
I havent read all the post completely but benefits should be capped at a reasonable amount, why should 10 honest people go to work and pay taxes to keep these spongers in fags, lambardi and cheap fish fingers for their offsprings teas?? Bring back national service i say!
A country can not thrive if it does not have a sufficient population.
And how many people can actually say they are truly financially independent? Not many. Consider all the loans, mortgages, hire purchase, overdrafts. Its all debt.
We are the state. Social services, banks, finanace companies are just the anonymous people who handle all our interelated debts. If they weren't there, people would be knocking on each others doors all night.
I am still thinking of a suitable solution to post which is in balance with both social and moral values.
It is a fecker that has me stumped. On the one hand - this particular couple stated their reason for having so many kids was the wife liked having babies and wanted more (whilst asking the council for a bigger house). Surely one aspect of being a responsible parent is to provide for your family - they clearly were unable to do that several babies ago.
On the other hand there is the moral issue of what action can actually be taken.
Nobody knows what is around the corner and circumstances change - we may all need some state support at some time or another. Yet it sits uncomfortably with me that people should render themselves reliant on a support system in such a way.
Our social welfare system is a safety net - not a hammock.
i like this post, at least the british can have a healthy debate among themselves without calling each other "gay"as if its an insult, or telling each other to "kill yourself".
ive noticed americans on the net cant seem to grasp the concept today.