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Single again does the gal ever learn !!!!!

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Hello folks
Well as I always seem to come on here and tell you my news thought I would share this installment of my life with you. I posted before xmas that after being split from my ex that we had got back together. I hadnt felt that good about myself for a long long time and although my family and friends thought I was foolish I really wanted to make it happen. Life however doesnt always end happy ever after and unfortunately this was one miracle I could not perform. Yes he loves me but he cannot commit to sustaining a relationship just friendship. I think I am worth more than 'just being friends' so its over. Its strange this time as my heart isnt broken I just feel numb but I know I can move on. Have just sold my house so plenty to keep me busy.
This isnt a sob story its just a sadness that even when two people love each other, that in itself does not mean you can make a long term committment.
So I am SINGLE listed on here as being 100 ( that means when you meet me you will think wow not bad for her age lol) and I am in need of some tlc (oh lets leave love out for now as its a pain in the butt).
So will be posting bollox more again as will have more time lol
Oh and we were booked to go to centre parcs in March so I need a mate to go with for the weekend lol
So if you are at mids munch give me a hug as for once in my life I will really appreciate it - dont think I am a bad person, just a little niave and far too much of an optomist but that is not going to change - we all need to dream smile
Love Corrie xxxxxxxx
Big :therethere:
kiss Take care babe
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
chin up plenty more fish in the sea and all that cliche shite...... biggrin
So can I send you a "fancy a shag" Pm now then??? :rascal:
Honey, onwards and upwards.
Gem. x
Quote by little gem
So can I send you a "fancy a shag" Pm now then??? :rascal:
Honey, onwards and upwards.
Gem. x

hahahahahahahaha hey maybe thats what I need a gooooooooood - god just realised its been 6 weeks !!!!!!!!!!!! thanks Gem xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
6 weeks! Good greif........
:scared: Ducks and covers
Men, hold onto your seats... corrie is on the prowl! hehehe :grin:
corrie i wont be at the midds munch but i will give u a hug hun.........
we have all being naive and looked for the best in every situation. Hugs corrie
corrie i didnt have sex for nearly 2 months over xmas period hun. Trust me, it makes u aprreciate when u do have it. Anyway as littlegem has offered you a shag i wont butcan i be put on the reserve list.
kiss :kiss: have couple of them hun like they say life goes on chin up
come and have a drink in the bar im buying :cheers:
This isnt a sob story its just a sadness that even when two people love each other, that in itself does not mean you can make a long term committment.
So I am SINGLE l
Oh and we were booked to go to centre parcs in March so I need a mate to go with for the weekend lol
((((( Corrie)))))
A similar thing happened to me and we were booked to go to centre parcs !!!!
never did get that jacuzzi moment togethjer :cry:
Quote by wild rose and the stag
coffee any time you are passing Corrie

wrats that would be lovely xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx well have spent the day looking at houses. Really had to laugh at this young estate agent trying to sell me a house that had about £50,000 of potential work neediing doing. He was so serious and the house was literally falling down. I thanked him for making me laugh unintentionally.
ain't life a bitch sometimes? sad if you're at the NW, will give you a big hug then. ;)
neil x x x ;)
A free weekend at Centre Parcs? Yep, put my name down for that! wink
Seriously, good luck
Quote by neilinleeds
ain't life a bitch sometimes? sad if you're at the NW, will give you a big hug then. ;)
neil x x x ;)

Oh I will be there smile thanks Niel it will be good to see you lifes a bitch but hey worse things going on so just move on
Thanks Happy Cats :)
Well if someone wants to buy a weekend for 2 at nottingham centre parcs March 31st weekend in executive villa at a good price pm me :)
Quote by corriefem
ain't life a bitch sometimes? sad if you're at the NW, will give you a big hug then. ;)
neil x x x ;)

Oh I will be there smile thanks Niel it will be good to see you lifes a bitch but hey worse things going on so just move on
Thanks Happy Cats :)
Well if someone wants to buy a weekend for 2 at nottingham centre parcs March 31st weekend in executive villa at a good price pm me :)
Just take me! Its all paid for probably, why waste it?
Sorry to hear that Corrie, life always gives you a window when the door's slammed in your face. kiss
Don't worry about the sex, you should try going without for 4 months :cry:
Quote by Osmosis
Sorry to hear that Corrie, life always gives you a window when the door's slammed in your face. kiss
Don't worry about the sex, you should try going without for 4 months :cry:

Osmosis havent actually missed the sex at all !!!!!!!!! maybe thats not such a bad thing - think its just I am tired of relationships as the effort to sustain one or let someone down is crap which is why I suppose people who play just have so much fun and I need to just get my head to that place. Thanks by the way smile
Quote by Happy Cats
ain't life a bitch sometimes? sad if you're at the NW, will give you a big hug then. ;)
neil x x x ;)

Oh I will be there smile thanks Niel it will be good to see you lifes a bitch but hey worse things going on so just move on
Thanks Happy Cats :)
Well if someone wants to buy a weekend for 2 at nottingham centre parcs March 31st weekend in executive villa at a good price pm me :)
Just take me! Its all paid for probably, why waste it?
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
corrie, do NOT let that cheap fecker talk you into taking him. he's a miserable cat bastard and you'll have an 'orrible time, trust me.
i on the other hand haven't had a holiday in years, and would be so grateful, i'd attend to your every whim! ;)
neil x x x ;)
Quote by neilinleeds
ain't life a bitch sometimes? sad if you're at the NW, will give you a big hug then. ;)
neil x x x ;)

Oh I will be there smile thanks Niel it will be good to see you lifes a bitch but hey worse things going on so just move on
Thanks Happy Cats :)
Well if someone wants to buy a weekend for 2 at nottingham centre parcs March 31st weekend in executive villa at a good price pm me :)
Just take me! Its all paid for probably, why waste it?
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
corrie, do NOT let that cheap fecker talk you into taking him. he's a miserable cat bastard and you'll have an 'orrible time, trust me.
i on the other hand haven't had a holiday in years, and would be so grateful, i'd attend to your every whim! ;)
neil x x x ;)
Typical, her relationship has broken up and all you can think of is getting yourself a free holiday.
Mine was a selfless offer, designed to ease her pain and give some companionship. I am more than happy to pay for my drinks on one of the nights and will even make my own way there. I would treat it as a mission of mercy.
*hangs his head in shame*
sorry happy cats. i now realise it was beneath me to try and take advantage of the situation, and applaud you for being so noble and giving. i apologise profusely! redface
neil x x x :P
Quote by neilinleeds
*hangs his head in shame*
sorry happy cats. i now realise it was beneath me to try and take advantage of the situation, and applaud you for being so noble and giving. i apologise profusely! redface
neil x x x :P

Apology accepted.
Another example of how I am misunderstood and misrepresented. As this illustrates, I am a giving person, regardless of the sacrifice, all I want to do is help others.
she might bring both of us!
what what what rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
you buggers I have been hijaxed lol
*hangs his head in shame for the second time tonight*
i'm sorry corrie. was never my intention to hijack you, but in my defence, it was miserable cat bastard wot started it! i'm easily led you know!
now about this holiday . . . . .
neil x x x ;)
Ooooh now I know someone who I want to give a big {{{{{{{{{ Hug }}}}}}}}} to at Mids - you try and stop me.
My God I can't believe I'm gonna meet the exquisite Corrie after all this time!!!
Quote by westerross
Ooooh now I know someone who I want to give a big {{{{{{{{{ Hug }}}}}}}}} to at Mids - you try and stop me.
My God I can't believe I'm gonna meet the exquisite Corrie after all this time!!!

TE just aim for the dance floor and you will find Corrie.
I have never known a lady dance as much as this one rolleyes
kiss Corrie, not seen you for ages...........ever since............ :giggle:
God I cant believe I am gonna meet Tune I will cry !!!!!! Tune you are my conscience my friend - I am so looking forward to meeting you.
And Dawny xxxxxxxxxxxxx shhhhhhhhh I am trying to look good here hahahahahaha
Quote by westerross
Ooooh now I know someone who I want to give a big {{{{{{{{{ Hug }}}}}}}}} to at Mids - you try and stop me.
My God I can't believe I'm gonna meet the exquisite Corrie after all this time!!!

hhhmmmm . . . . if that means you ain't gonna be at the northwest, i'm gonna be really really pissed off? mad
how's things matey? no chance of making the mids, but hopefully one of these days?
this was of course meant to be in PM, cos i've hijacked this thread enough, but i'm a numptie, and it's too late now! rolleyes
neil ;)
Corrie - first of all - BIG BLUDDY HUG.
Secondly - I'll never forget those legs laying across me :twisted: :twisted:
aRSexx :color:
Quote by Rainbows
Corrie - first of all - BIG BLUDDY HUG.
Secondly - I'll never forget those legs laying across me :twisted: :twisted:
aRSexx :color:

OOOOOOOOh its always lovely to see you on here Rainbows and its always great when you remind me of things I have forgotten hahahahaha hope you are going to a munch soon where we can catch up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Corrie sad :( :( :( :(
For pure selfish reasons tho >>>>>>>>>>>>>> :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Awwww no, I'm kidding :therethere: - Although I miss you like mad in RL, I miss the natters, the non stop 100mph talking n stuff, I miss your laugh....... well I miss every RL about you. But that doesn't stop me feeling pretty gutted that your natural full blown optimism has been dented again :( :( :( :therethere:
Great big hugs for you - and a big kiss for Mr Corrie too, cos from what I've heard of him, he thinks as much of you as you do him. Sadly, at the moment tho, it ain't gonna happen :( ............ always next week tho :twisted: :bounce: Once we've had our RL natter, 100mph gobshite stuff of course cool 8-)
Great big :kiss: :therethere: to you both (although of course the biggest one goes to you Corrie :kiss: )