Quote by Freckledbird
Here here. Thanks for that.
You guys... cut the lady some slack!
I'm sorry, but she obviously said that comment as a flippant statement - note the included 'LOL' smilie fgs. I don't like this clickie 'not a regular forum user' behaviour either, personally. Does it really matter if someone posts every day or once in a while...or if someone has been using the forums for a year, or a newbie? We all have to start somewhere... and the forums aren't a hierarchy, surely?
Just my two pence. WHB :rose:
Who said anything about a click? Or a hierarchy? I just wonder how someone can make a statement like that when they admit that they rarely use the forum? How would they possibly be able to say that things like that happen? Which is the flippant remark? The one with a ? Yeah, OK.
And there are people who use the chatroom who think that forum users know sod all too
Well frecklebird... I had to laugh.. Ive been posting on the forums for about a year now.. Although not on everything I read there and also under another user name which I changed back in feb this year which wont now appear anywhere on here due to a personal reason.
The 'inexperience' comment came from the fact I'd never tried to organise a social before or ask for anyone opinion, maybe the wording wasn't to your & a few others liking but theres nothing I can do about that. And it was because the chat went down that gave me time to scan the forums and discover Chaotic_spirits suggestion(in this topic forum)of a singles night. I personaly have not seen a suggestion before but that doesn't mean I believe its a unique one.
The highlighted bit was an obvious comment re all the rather unnessasary comments in the other forums tryin to twist its meaning. I see they've continued in here. These are not opinions, these are comments that are beginning to become a little personal. And whislt Ive been very careful not to make personal derogatory comments about individuals I DONT KNOW. It seems others have taken it upon themselves to do anything that degrade my attempts in what seems like an attempt to shout the loudest & belittle people.
How long do we have to keep travelling this cycle when everyone knows some opinions are - We dont like it, you shouldn't do it, we feel discriminated against, etc etc. And more say yes we love the idea, cant wait to attend, and even 'thankyou'...
In other words.. you & those who agree with you have your veiws - fine.. but we have ours and the response has been majority positive. Its arranged anyway, so end of!
I thought it was a GREAT idea from you, well done. I really dont mind taking the flack for taking action on it, good or bad
And to inform you again... This has been already organised so its already 'got on with' and I will be posting details as soon as Im happy with all the arrangements & NOT before.
The Minx xx'
Thankyou Wildhoneybee & Firelizard xxxxxx