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Small willy club

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63 replies
2 watchers
Didn`t want the guys to feel left out.
Now who`s joining! biggrin
You naughty girl
Bet none of the guys ask what determines a small willy..... :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Willies are like tits - more than a mouthful is a waste! :twisted:
erm . . . . i don't know how i landed in this thread??? erm . . . . . i was just seeing if anyone i knew had joined . . . . ya know . . . . . . mines huge . . . . obviously . . . . honest . . . . bolt
n x x x :P
My name's Willy and I'm 3'6" tall can I join?????
Neil get yer arse back in here..........Venus has been good enough to set this club up and
If I can join the Happy Hampsters then so can you.
Happy Hampsters

:shock: redface dave is there something you're not telling us? i think we should be told!!!are the Hamster Liberation Front aware of this, or am i just being sordid and pervy?
to think i was gonna shake that man's hand 'n' everything??? dunno
neil ;-)
if anyone starts one of these called lizard tongue i'll be the first to sign up surprised
Thanks Venus
Thought I was being left out. redface surprisedops:
okay okay ffs . . . . .
now look . . . . so long as you don't bring out mark's official willy measuring device and make us drop our keks ((( sp dunno a sad admission for a northerner i know ))) i'm in. but only cos i like the company ok? don't take it as any kinda admission or owt right???? so long as we're clear on that!
n x x x x :P
Quote by JudyTV
I dont need to ask hunni I just need to look downward wink . I have seen girls with bigger bits than mine :upset: .
Judy TV

Aaahhh Judy but.... With a personality like yours you dont need a big one.... :wink:
Anyway..... those that know me know I prefer a smaller willy anyway.... better quality :wink:
Um when I was I was 17 I went out with a really gorgeous guy who was well endowered and we could never never go the whole way redface surprisedops: long live the little willie brigade... they work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK.....I'm in........though some girls haven't been sure at times. :shock:
Can I suggest we call ourselves 'chippolatas united'?
Quote by steveg_nw
OK.....I'm in........though some girls haven't been sure at times. :shock:

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 10:58 pm Post subject:
Aaahhh Judy but.... With a personality like yours you dont need a big one....
Anyway..... those that know me know I prefer a smaller willy anyway.... better quality
biggrin :D :D :D :D
Count me in
Definately a member of this group
Quote by steveg_nw
OK.....I'm in........though some girls haven't been sure at times. :shock:
Can I suggest we call ourselves 'chippolatas united'?

all will be revealed soon enough! :lol2:
neil x x x x
It satisfies me.........what more can a guy ask for???
Bugger......... I seem to have lost my measuring device.......... (Pheeeewwww .... that was close) wink
well mine is only 2 inchessad :( :( ................... from the ground!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: lol :lol: :lol:
but seriously.... i have always that if the g spot is only 1.5 to 2 inches in... isn't everything else really surplus to requirements so to speak......
confused: :?: :?:
sean xxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by corriefem
Um when I was I was 17 I went out with a really gorgeous guy who was well endowered and we could never never go the whole way redface surprisedops: long live the little willie brigade... they work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woohoo i'm in then.............not that it's small or anything :oops: .I think i'll stop before i look a..............oh, ive just done that :oops:
Where's the join?
I mean at 5.5" to 6.0" (last time I checked at school it seemed to vary a bit), I guess that would that be small willy, and if I had managed 6.1" would that be in the large camp, or still small?
I think I need to know the membership criteria, would the steering committee advise please.
Hi there,
I'm not sure whether I qualify on a bad day I admit to being small down there, but then again, with some of the ones I've seen whilst dogging I am normal. As usual size is only important if you ain't got it.
I'm OK though, I'm bisexual, so get my kicks from almost any size, anywhere and anyone.
Quote by JudyTV
I am never sure whether to measure from the lower tummy to the tip or from the undercarriage to the

At school it was along the top and I think this is universal, sorry to say. I was always jealous of Adrians 7", no wonder he always wanted to start the contests!
Quote by steveg_nw
It satisfies me.........what more can a guy ask for???

That's all that matters isn't it ????? redface
Quote by JudyTV
Do you still have Adrians phone number dear wink

Adrian was an Aussie import, probably went home, but anyway this was so long ago when boys went to school in grey flannels, probably his popularity has long since gone way beyond his head and is now somewhere below a 60" waistline!!
Not me of course, I have to try harder..and harder. mad
Quote by Steve_Lincs
Um when I was I was 17 I went out with a really gorgeous guy who was well endowered and we could never never go the whole way redface surprisedops: long live the little willie brigade... they work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woohoo i'm in then.............not that it's small or anything :oops: .I think i'll stop before i look a..............oh, ive just done that :oops:
So much reluctance on this thread, and there was me about to offer to do the measuring an all :twisted:
Oh well.
Criteria? Anything that fits I suppose :twisted:
Now look if they start a big willy club ..I'm gonna cry ok!!!!!!!!!!
Now then wheres the practice your g spot hitting angle optimisation room I need to hone my skills wink
Another valid point I feel we have not mentioned is........ The smaller the engine the less petrol it drinks , so perhaps the club should be chipolatas with endurance smile
a much friendlier title
BUT STILL I want to know, where's the demarcation line between small and large? Can we have an "Average Willy Club" too? My place in the world depends on your answers, am I a real man, a mans man, a lady's man, a salesman, a gentleman, or just a figment of my own imagination.
For example, are we saying, below 5 SWC, 5.1 to 6.9 AWC, above 7 BWC?