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swinging and young 'uns

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hi everyone, just signed up recently, looks like a friendly and open bunch of people on here biggrin
just wondering what you lot think about young people and swinging?
what experiences have people had? do you think it's okay for people to get involved in swinging when they're young? or would that depend on how mature and sensible they are? would it make you feel uncomfortable being with someone whos quite young?
and are they generally not worth it because they've got no experience? :P
by young i mean 18/19/20 (i'm 19)
I think it's fair to say swinging would generally revolve around people older than their late teens but that said, there is nothing (so far as I am aware) written in stone that excludes individuals/couples of that age group.....
As you rightly suggest, a sense of maturity would also be necessary for others to take you seriously...That may sound harsh but if you read over some of the threads that have graced themselves on these pages, you will see a good number of people have gotten pretty "hacked off" by guys in particular who come on board with the, "Here I am who's first?" attitude......
The fact you were bothered to pose the question at all at least suggests it is something you have given some thought to and therefore lends you some credibility.....
If you do decide this is what you want then please bear in mind everyone will have their own ideas on age.....these just happen to reflect mine....I'm sure if you come across as a sensible level headed individual then people will respond accordingly.....
Don't be pushy....take time to get to know the members on here.....I'm sure your patience will be rewarded in the long run.....
i only 20 mucker!! n well people dont seem to be bother
they like abit of fresh meat!!
n well women like teaching is young uns a thing or two!!
Personal opinion here guys and gals but i think you are far too young to be involved in swinging.
how old r u then tounge?? how old were u wen u started
Quote by the_tongue
Personal opinion here guys and gals but i think you are far too young to be involved in swinging.

thats fair enough - is that because you think they're a bit young and inexperienced to have an informed view? what is it about young people that makes them not suited to swinging?
It takes a very firm grasp of different kinds of relationships for a start - not just your own but the relationships of those people you swing with. A firm degree of separation is called for and not many young men I've come across show that much respect to my life outside swinging.
I also find younger men much too impatient, much too 'in ya face', and sexually, although they can keep going half the night, they can't make me come with one tricky of a little finger down my spine the way older guys can. wink
As you can already see......peoples opinions vary.......but please don't "mis-judge" them or indeed take offence. What you have to remember is their opinions are generally based on an experience of life....
Like I say, show patience and get to know a few members here and if youve an open mind you'll probably find yourself warming to them
no offence taken i hope it takes alot to offend me!!
but poeples opinions are glady welcomed!!
Well I'm only 21 been swinging for about a year now, I really enjoy it but I have to say some of the ladies that i've met have shown less maturity than I ever would but as the saying goes age aint nothing but a number, if you meet someone just show them mutual respect and enjoy yourself, after all you only live once!
from what people are saying, looks like i'll have to prove myself biggrin
sxyguy300 i agree with u
some of the women ive meet are wilder than my 20yo mates!!
n well were all young at heart eh!!
For me I see a process people go through before they decide to embark on swinging. This process is taken over a period, and I would find it difficult to relate to someone who hasn`t journyed through certain steps first. I doubt that a young person would have had the time to explore all their other options first. It may well be that there are other approaches to swinging that are just as valid, and which apply to younger people, but because I`ve never experianced them I can`t relate. I tend to judge better from personal experiance.
So theres no offense intended, it`s simply how I think!
Quote by tom-magix
just wondering what you lot think about young people and swinging?
what experiences have people had? do you think it's okay for people to get involved in swinging when they're young? or would that depend on how mature and sensible they are? would it make you feel uncomfortable being with someone whos quite young?
and are they generally not worth it because they've got no experience? :P
by young i mean 18/19/20 (i'm 19)

Hello again Tom,
Still doing your cub reporter bit? I have to give you full marks for tenacity - no change since your first post of the 5th of March! Questions, questions, questions!
It seems to be that the majority of genuine swingers, whatever their relational status, are in their thirties and forties. There are naturally some exceptions to this with younger people adopting the lifestyle.
To answer your questions in turn -
what experiences have people had?
People have many and various experiences - it's all to do with life and living and being.
do you think it's okay for people to get involved in swinging when they're young?
It's a matter of personal choice.
or would that depend on how mature and sensible they are?
Maturity is a state of mind and sense comes from experience. Very few people under 21 can claim to have felt the depth and range of human emotion from which they can learn to make mature judgments.
would it make you feel uncomfortable being with someone whos quite young?
Personally speaking I'd prefer a person on my own level of experience and outlook.
I hope this helps.
Still doing your cub reporter bit? I have to give you full marks for tenacity - no change since your first post of the 5th of March! Questions, questions, questions!

Nooooo! I thought people might think it's a bit weird with the question overload! redface
Basically i don't want to come across as one of those twats (excuse the language) who say ‘well endowed horny guy wants a fuck tonight’, because I’ve had a look through at all the posts in the meet up section and the number of replies says it all lol.
If people aren’t really comfortable getting involved with young swingers then I’d respect that – I just thought I’d be taken a bit more seriously if I made that clear.
As you see me posting more often you'll realize i'm genuine, i can understand why people are cautious!
Although I cannot really comment on *swinging* in general......I dont have that personal knowledge, awareness and experience as the majority here do. Although, I do personally agree with what Venus and Sapho have said........
Sorry Tom, I hope Im not taking this thread too off topic....... confused
I was interested in the age issue....... I work with young people (we class young people from 11-25 yrs old, I was glad to see that Tom was discussing the 18+ age range re: swinging).
There is an ongoing debate nationally (and governmental) about changing the age of sexual consent from 16yrs to 14yrs old (12 has been mentioned). I cant see the age change having an impact on swinging as young people wouldn't get into a club or be able to join a site such as this, but..... it does bring up other issues.
In reality, it would give legal consent for, say a 40yr old fem/male to have sex with a person to whom I consider (and most likely many others) to be still a child........... who maybe unable to make an informed choice, may not have the responsibility and knowledge to take care of their own sexual health needs, immature, no life experiences, vunerable........etc etc etc.
Was wondering what others thought are........?
Well I'm speaking from fairly limited experience as a single guy at the moment! guess it kinda depends on your definition of swinging, and what you're personally involved in?
i would imagine that for many a young, single guy the decision to (try to) swing takes little more than the prospect of completely casual sex, with strangers likely to show you some damned enjoyable new experiences, without any expectation, commitment, obligation, or need for self-analysis on their part Testosterone tends to clarify situations like that quite well, and certainly helps with the decision and subsequent nerves.
different thing altogether for a couple to initially risk exploring their belief that they're strong enough to grant each other the freedom and space to experiment, and discover things they maybe never knew they liked, albeit together to mutual satisfaction. always gonna be an element of risk in that decision, i'd expect, and you certainly need an extra-ordinary confidence in your relationship to open it up to others, and security in your sexuality and desire for each other not to feel at all threatened by that!
only ever swung as a recently single guy, but discussed threesomes (both kinds ;-) ) at times (hypothetically ;-) ) with previous partners, and i'm not sure i'd ever be able to watch a partner enjoying sex with another guy, no matter what the circumstances, or personal rewards!! possibly a failing on my part or my relationships, but hey.....
i think that kind of maturity and security can only ever come with age and experience, and have to admit i find the idea of teen swinging couples a little odd! but hey, i've had a sheltered life, so what do i know ;-) !!! but i have to admit to a sometimes fleeting jealousy of rampant rabbits, let alone another guy. and introducing your partner to a bi-fem must raise questions for any guy????
common to most threads here on this kinda subject, is evidence of real emotional intelligence, and very deep understanding between partners, and an unusually complete awareness of the other partners needs and desires. i'm sure that kind of comfortable, confident sensitivity isn't common to all relationships at all, and must take time and effort to build, if ever!
neil i think that's a bloody good point regarding the difference between being mature enough for swinging as a couple, and swinging as a single male. I don't think I'd neccesarily be able to handle seeing a girlfriend of mine with someone else, but being a single male it would be easier to maintain that sense of detachment that i think you need.
Anais I'd completely agree with what you're saying about changing the age of consent. I reckon a lot of adults are too immature to make sensible decisions about sex, let alone children (and i agree that people under the age of 16 are children). I know people would argue that will happen regardless, but the fact that it has got the is in my opinion discouraging.
How can a child give consent to such risk when they are not legally allowed to make an informed decision about drinking, smoking or consenting to an operation etc.? It doesn't make sense to me tbh - just my opinion!
i dont think anyone can give an age where it is right to start, it will differ from person to person as people mature and come to grips with their own life/ sexuality at diff ages.
i was 22 when i first started and have to say i feel i was mature enough........
and two years later i am still loving every min.
Im 36, been swinging full time for 5 years
My opinion is similar to that of WBB you must be able to handle the situation with a very mature attitude.I think that younger guys are far less able to do not saying that to swing at a young age is wrong but you need a mature attitude towards people,it comes across to me that young guys dont seem to have the right attitude towards females.
Quote by neilinleeds
i would imagine that for many a young, single guy the decision to (try to) swing takes little more than the prospect of completely casual sex, with strangers likely to show you some damned enjoyable new experiences, without any expectation, commitment, obligation, or need for self-analysis on their part Testosterone tends to clarify situations like that quite well, and certainly helps with the decision and subsequent nerves.

Well, hopefully 26 (which I was last year when I embarked on this train ride) might just still qualify me as almost "young", so here's the thought-process that landed me here:
* I really like meeting people, and wish I was doing it more
* I really like sex, and wish I was doing it more
=> What can I do to improve my life in these ways?
Added to this, however, was an overwhelming feeling that I didn't want to do something I'd dislike (like the bar/club scene, or sitting in a freezing car-park for hours, or taking night-school classes just to meet women for casual sex, which someone did actually suggest in a PM when I first started posting here) just to meet people - if it came down to spending hours doing something I hated just on the offchance I might meet someone nice, I'd rather just go without.
Certainly, I'm sure that it's a much longer road that would lead a couple in a committed relationship to take the plunge into swinging.
Quote by anais
Sorry Tom, I hope Im not taking this thread too off topic....... confused
I was interested in the age issue....... I work with young people (we class young people from 11-25 yrs old, I was glad to see that Tom was discussing the 18+ age range re: swinging).
There is an ongoing debate nationally (and governmental) about changing the age of sexual consent from 16yrs to 14yrs old (12 has been mentioned). I cant see the age change having an impact on swinging as young people wouldn't get into a club or be able to join a site such as this, but..... it does bring up other issues.
In reality, it would give legal consent for, say a 40yr old fem/male to have sex with a person to whom I consider (and most likely many others) to be still a child........... who maybe unable to make an informed choice, may not have the responsibility and knowledge to take care of their own sexual health needs, immature, no life experiences, vunerable........etc etc etc.
Was wondering what others thought are........?

Easy, it's ethically sound if she's wearing a school uniform.
Quote by Heather
It takes a very firm grasp of different kinds of relationships for a start - not just your own but the relationships of those people you swing with. A firm degree of separation is called for and not many young men I've come across show that much respect to my life outside swinging.

I've read this a few times and I'm not quite sure what you mean, Heather... are you saying that most of the young men you've encountered aren't interested in your life outside swinging, or that they're too pushy and try to become a part of it (or ask too many questions about it)?
Quote by Heather
It takes a very firm grasp of different kinds of relationships for a start - not just your own but the relationships of those people you swing with. A firm degree of separation is called for and not many young men I've come across show that much respect to my life outside swinging.

I’m not sure I understand that either. In my experience blokes are good at keeping disattached. It seems sex generally means more emotionally for women. I think for this reason it is possibly the females who show emotional maturity by swinging happily. Just my thoughts!
I think I’m generally quite good dealing with my emotions, and putting myself in others position (can't really say that without sounding slightly bigheaded :P ). I’d appreciate knowing about experiences people have had where they’ve had to deal with difficult (emotional) situations – I’m unsure at the moment whether I’d feel more comfortable with a group, a single female or a couple.
As a group it might be easier because there’s less pressure, a wider selection of people etc. but it could also seem daunting. With a single female it would be quite one on one – if either of you weren’t happy with the situation you’d have to be prepared to be quite vocal about your concerns. Then with a couple you’re coming between an established dynamic – quite dangerous unless they’ve got a bit of experience!
What do people think are the best conditions for an enjoyable first time swing?
In my experience, young people are either totally cavalier and arrogant in their attitude to sex, or they regard it as a proposal of marriage. There seems to be no in between position for people under about 25, and I would therefore say that a swinging lifestyle is something that the vast majority of teens/twenties can not only not fit into, but probably can't even understand.
Just a personal observation based on my own experience, and it's not a generalisation before any indignant sixth formers with trainee moustaches tell me they are exceptions.
Ice Pie valid point i reckon!
i recently entered into a NSA relationship (on her insistence i might add, which suited me down to the ground right now) and within a week found myself getting 10 calls and 20 txts a day from her saying she "luffs me more than cocopops" ffs! lol
she's 27 btw! :lol:
sex and love! hardly even the same coin often, let alone two sides!
neil x x x
I would say it depends on individual maturity and tastes. The fact that Daz is 16 years older than me made it easier for me to take on a mature outlook about the whole thing, as i had a "Grown Up"(as it were) view to guide me. The fact that Daz and i have been together a year and known each other for near on 2 was a factor as well, i couldnt just start swinging with someone i've only known or been with for 5 minutes, lol!!!
But in certain other circumstances i would say SOME younger people (as in, for example... a couple both aged 18 who have been together for 2 months) may not be totally aware of the trust issues involved in swinging between yourselves as a couple and the other person(s) involved.
I think swinging isnt something you "decide" to do, if you have the "swinging instinct" in you then it just falls naturally into place whether you're 18 or 80!
Okay, words of wisdom over now!
Hello everyone,
I'm very glad to see this discussion going; I signed up for the forum just to be able to reply to it. I'm 20, and have had my ad up for roughly two weeks now (73215); this is the first time I've done anything of the sort. I don't think I'm in a position to adequately judge whether swinging is harmless and or appropriate in general for people my age, but I agree with others here that it really comes down to the individual. My decision to try these things has been the result of an introspective process whereby I examined what I was feeling, what I wanted, and tried to anticipate what fulfilling those desires would entail. I think it's very important to be emotionally self-aware, and I hope that I am sufficiently so to allow me to deal with the emotions that I will no doubt feel at times if I go ahead with this, and therefore not to confuse 'love' with 'sex' and not to make the mistake which Heather refers to of becoming 'too involved'. The reason why I choose to take the route of swinging is because I am looking to gain sexual experience in a responsible, yet carefree way. In doing so, besides just having fun and giving other people pleasure, I hope to make it a rewarding part of my life and the life of whomever I may meet later and become romantically involved with. I don't mean however that I would (necessarily) continue swinging once I meet somebody; rather I hope that being with that person will be all the more rewarding, both sexually and emotionally, due to my swinging experience. It's all part in a way of a personal journey of discovery.. and the realization that... do only live once.
Tom, I agree with a lot of what you say, especially the following:
As a group it might be easier because there’s less pressure, a wider selection of people etc. but it could also seem daunting. With a single female it would be quite one on one – if either of you weren’t happy with the situation you’d have to be prepared to be quite vocal about your concerns. Then with a couple you’re coming between an established dynamic – quite dangerous unless they’ve got a bit of experience!

I may be about to embark on my first experience with a couple, and am preparing myself to be sensitive to the interpersonal emotional dynamics between them and me etc. They are however experienced, which comforts me in that I feel in good hands. (both literally and figuratively ? :-)
Finally, I'm also curious what others would answer to Tom's question:
What do people think are the best conditions for an enjoyable first time swing?
Finally, I'm also curious what others would answer to Tom's question:
What do people think are the best conditions for an enjoyable first time swing?
You need to be relaxed and able to actually have a conversation with the people you're swinging with. If you're not comfortable enough to have a relaxed chat with them, then how are you gonna relax enough to let them shag you????????? boink