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The Beatles

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I was never a great Beatles fan when they were around. Though the first record I ever bought was 'Day Tripper' for 2/6d. At school it was you either liked the Beatles or the Stones but there were a few of us who didn't go for either. Much as their music was diverse and their influence massive, the Beatles didn't really do it for me at the time. I enjoy listening to their stuff now though but that's probably because of the associations I have with various songs. Now the band that really did it for me was Cream. Great stuff.
Come together
Right now
Over me.
My favourite song lyrics.
Quote by celticq
Come together
Right now
Over me.
My favourite song lyrics.

Ahem - now where did you spring from all of a sudden. What a lovely surprise - welcome back. biggrin :D
I was lost, but now I'm found
I'm moving on up now
Out of the darkness
Sorry - nothing to do with the Beatles.
Sneaked in for a look around. I see the old place looks pretty similar. The showers look the same anyway.
Quote by celticq
The showers look the same anyway.

Well it has been retiled since then...
...but 'Good Day Sunshine'.....
Quote by Theladyisaminx
Didn't the beatles take us through a journey from rock and roll into pop.
I Thought popular music started with the beatles.

just an ickle of information ::: Pete Best the original drummer of the Beatles is on the road with a band ,a couple of my mates went to see them and said they wernt half bad.
I wonder if Pete ever wonders " what if ".....
Quote by travlinmanukok
Didn't the beatles take us through a journey from rock and roll into pop.
I Thought popular music started with the beatles.

just an ickle of information ::: Pete Best the original drummer of the Beatles is on the road with a band ,a couple of my mates went to see them and said they wernt half bad.
I wonder if Pete ever wonders " what if ".....
I would think he has been asked that question a zillion times. What do you think?
I think the guy is about as pissed off as someone who has the 80 million euro lottery ticket, only to find he has left it in his trousers that are now happily going around in the washing machine. lol
I happen to like most arthrpods, though more recently have become rather enamoured with the molusc
I liked their earlier stuff - Eleanor Rigby, She's Leaving Home etc but was never a huge fan and went right off them at Sgt Pepper and all that stuff.
Quote by Cicero
Now the band that really did it for me was Cream. Great stuff.

I think I love you :inlove:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I liked their earlier stuff - Eleanor Rigby, She's Leaving Home etc but was never a huge fan and went right off them at Sgt Pepper and all that stuff.
Now the band that really did it for me was Cream. Great stuff.

I think I love you :inlove:
You wouldn't if you saw me! smile
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Now the band that really did it for me was Cream. Great stuff.

I think I love you :inlove:
Me too!
Quote by Resonance
Hiya Mr K,
I can't really argue against Led Zep, for the reasons you've rightly said and I love many of their songs too. It's just Queen appealed to me more, I think I was just a bit too young to appreciate LZ in their heyday, whereas I was the right age for Queen.
As you say, the number of albums sold / no 1's isn't a good measure of quality, more just the trends and taste of the public at that given juncture in time. Remember Van Gogh sold practically nothing during his lifetime, and now is regarded as one of the foremost artists ever.
There's many great rock bands through the era's though and who is the best will always be a matter of opinion. It's hard to separate the best from the best though. I guess it all comes down to individual taste!

Led Zepplin never had any number one "singles" so to have their stuff people had to buy the LP's thus greater Album sales. It was a great sales ploy really, well in the UK anyway.
Personally I think Led zepplin are the greatest rock band ever and the variety of stuff is awesome, as Kent says from Ballads to Blues to Hard rock to folk to melodic country and several different more ethnic styles, its all there. And as for Robert Plant well it was a unique match with music really, fantastic.
I think If I was ever to wish to see one act, it would be Led Zep. Awesome.
I was lucky Losty.....I saw them twice, but as a teenager who was following my Brothers music tastes, I never realised the significance of Led Zep until many years later.
I understand where Res is coming from with Queen, as Freddie was a genius the likes of we will never see again.
But for me Zep was the height of the kind of music I loved.
Who said Led Zep / Queen were a better band than the Beatles? They havin' a giraffe? dunno Let me at 'em! duel :P
Yellow Submarine is shite, as a film, and as an album, but All Too Much is probably the best psychedelic track made in the late 60s (((( Unless you actually have Grateful Dead albums at home? confused redface ))). Pink Floyd did the whole 'Get ripped to the tits on drink and drugs and then have a listen to this thing' way better, but Revolver and the White Album are seminal albums. I don't really care if My Guitar Gently Weeps was played by Eric Clapton, and not George. It's all about the cross over of raw talent.
You ask Paul Weller where he got Start from, he can only say Taxman! Paul, it's an identical baseline ain't it? I was a Jam fan, being an 80s child, but I can recognise a stolen bassline when I see it!
I can't stand Oasis, cos I know exactly where Noel got the choons from. Yeah, yeah, I know they were always poor Mott The Hoople and Beatles wannabees, right down to the lip curling, face pulling, Lennon snarl! In short, some piss poor manchester band nicked everything they ever did from McCartney & Lennon, some 30 years later! :? Did nothing happen musically in the meantime? :dunno: What? Not in 30 odd bloody years? And yet it seems the entire country lapped it up, right down to singing along to I Am The Walrus! . :?
The Working Class Hero thing . . . . it's dripping with irony . . . .
He gets slagged for one particular line . . .
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see,

The context is everything . . . .
Quote by John Lennon
As soon as your born they make you feel small,
By giving you no time instead of it all,
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,
And you think you're so clever and classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasents as far as I can see,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
There's room at the top they are telling you still,
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
If you want to be like the folks on the hill,
A working class hero is something to be.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be a hero well just follow me,
If you want to be a hero well just follow me

Maybe it's just me, but 30 years on, that lyric is stil devastating!
N x x x ;)
Oh lordy, I hate the Beatles. It's not a popular view I know...but I do lol
I dont really like most of the Beatles stuff either and to see them on TV sort of makes me cringe a bit I don't know. Something that does make me retch though is when "Our Cilla" talks about the "Boys" (puke gak gak puke)
No denying the influence of them though and they most certainly were rock n roll
Did you know that 40 years ago today, their final album Abbey Road, was released?
And did you also know that it was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play?
(sorry! redface )
Quote by TheLovelyOne
And did you also know that it was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play?
(sorry! redface )

I believe they've been going in and out of style, but they were guaranteed to raise the prices of various items at Tesco.
Or something like that, I left the lyrics to John and Paul mainly and kept pounding the drums.