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The dangers of being perceived as a "swinger"...

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Quote by Rainbows
(reminds me of the works Christmas do when I was outed as a Lesbian and was immediately accused of trying to chat soem bloke's girlfriend up! We worked together and were chatting about work!! He was fine with that till he found out I was a and felt inadequate!!!)

Pathetic isn't it rolleyes Why is it that straight people aren't considered to be a 'threat' but admit that you are gay/lesbian/bi then all of a sudden you are a rampant beast who wants to screw everyone, especially other peoples partners?!?! I don't get it dunno
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?
Appalling story Reese and Vix. I can't add anything more to what has been said already, but I can certainly say I wouldn't have been so calm - brilliant handling of a shite situation cool
It could always have been that his wife has actually suggested swinging.. he's then got a complex over not being 'enough' and now thinks all swingers are partner stealing evil scum!!
I greatly admire you Reese for the way you handled it... I am another one who would have struggled to remain so calm.
And I wonder if 'airplane' is the bloke in question?!? lol
Quote by airplane
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?

Some of us care about some of us
Quote by airplane
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?

Dont even go there................................
Quote by airplane
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?

Not you obviously rolleyes
Quote by airplane
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?

15 days - 1 post - and what a little erudite contribution - still - who cares?
Quote by airplane
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?

Not the best way to introduce yourself to a community.
Quote by westerross
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?

15 days - 1 post - and what a little erudite contribution - still - who cares?
Yeah, but who cares what airplane thinks flipa
i personally find all the comments about this guy being a wanker offensive to wankers, redface but hey i see what you lot mean................
some folks go out looking for trouble if it hadnt been you two it would have been some other poor soul, just remember revenge is a dish best served cold, :twisted: rise above the eeejut for now then when he has forgotten go out and get the bastard in george double ya fashion Reese,
bet he hates gays blacks ,whites and hetros as well as swingers not mention leeds fans and volvo owners, cant get it up thats his problem, lol
adiose amigos
Quote by airplane
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?

Sorry but, i am pissed - you are a complete prick, somes it up really.
Reese, all i can say is well done for your restraint despite the provocation.
Unfortunatly, i would not have remained so calm and would have flown off the handle if it had been me, which from experience would have no doubt landed me in trouble.
You did the right thing in not reacting, it couldn't have been easy though.
The guy seems a complete tosser, hopefully what comes around, goes around.
Vix, i'm sure you feel like jacking your job in, but surely it's best not to give him the satisfaction.
Hugs to you both Vix & Reese
Not a pleasant experience by any account ... knowing you two you can move on and soon passionkiss
Calista xx
Vix – his intention was to intimidate, by letting him get you down he has won. Don’t let him win! Get out and about and just accept that the bad nasty people are far outweighed by the good decent ones. You did right to report him, I hope he gets his comeuppance, although I doubt it.
Reece – You did the right thing by not retaliating. A tip I was given was – only fight when it suits you!
As you quite rightly said, you could have been the one that ended up being prosecuted.
At some point he will be made to pay .
i think any way you answered his question he would of took it the wrong way , i think he was looking to pick a fight , i have never met both of you 2,but i asume he was looking to bully some one ,people like that need a sharp shock ,personally i would of seen him when he was sober and well put it this way i think his sick record at work would have went right down hill ,vix go back to work and you can hold your head up high as you have done nothing wrong pet, when he woke up i hope was ashamed of his self,and i hope your co workers see this man for what he really is A BIG BULLY
Quote by airplane
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?

Ummm - lets see:-
those of us on here who care for our freinds on here
those of us who have had ignorant crap thrown at us
those of us who have open minds
those of us who care about our fellow human beings
Plenty on here who care mate.
So - for the aske of open mindedness - would you care to share with the forum why you think this is a load of bulls testicles and why you dohn't care?
now the devil in me has control of my typing, sorry............... Reese have you shagged his missus and was she any good??????
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I read this earlier - and was so furious I did not know what to say.
But after the completly mind numbingly stupid response by Airplane, I do.
Reese, the guy was clearly an arsehole, and you appear to have handled a shitty situation in the best way possible.
We all fear this happening to us, and we all care about it.
Quote by airplane
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?

Hey Reese, I think he's here!
Right – I’ve been thinking about this and have tried to put myself in Reeces position.
I think I would have been proud of myself for not retaliating, I’d be thinking – thank god I didn’t do anything stupid and yes I kept my dignity. I would also be thinking right now that my friends on here have commended me and yes that feels good.
However, I would also be thinking, and I know its wrong but…………………………………………..
Now, the logistics of smacking him probably make it difficult – however revenge is a dish best served cold –
How could he satisfy (if he has it) the feeling of needing vengeance???
Reese, I think you did brilliant by not retaliating, shame you not the president of the US!!
Vix , I am so glad you complained to your supeiour, please dont let them drop it or sweep it under an office carpet. If this guy hadnt have had a go at you he would have bullied someone else for something else. Keep on at them about him, you meay even feel too ill to go to work for the next week or so, due to the stress it has caused you!!
If swinging is a religion this is religious bigotry at its worst!!
Really sorry to hear about that Reese & Vix....
Idiots like that deserve a good kicking to be honest. we have one used to be like that here til someone gave him a panning. Bullies are scum, and are usually pretty insecure with it. One good sorting usually changes their outlook on life.
Normally when I get to this point in a thread I agree with what's been said and then don't post because I can contribute nothing, but on this occasion I am so outraged and disgusted that even here as I type I am quivering, how stupid and narrow minded can people be?
Why is it that something so beautiful and delicious can be so disrespected?
How the fuck some can people be so stupid as to give away their courgettes? It just leaves me speechless!!!
mad :x :x
Quote by airplane, with his first post on SH,
This all sounds like a load of bollox to me...who cares?

Why would Reese make it up?
Don't answer that, you clearly don't know who or what you're talking about, and I can think of at least a million better ways to introduce yourself to the site. rolleyes
Quote by Reese
I hadn't said a word to this bloke, and still have no idea what may have provoked him

Possible reasons...
1 - he has never been good in the 'making the wife moan department' and is insecure about losing her to someone who could manage it!
2 - maybe he can't get a stiffy at all!
3 - his misus is regularly playing away - and possibly using a swinging site to arrange meets! pmsl (sorry to laugh - but I really hope that is the case)
4 - he got knocked back by a couple once! (probably not - seems to narrow minded)
5 - his wife keeps suggesting to try swinging coss he alone just ain't doing it for her!
6 - he is just a tosser!
7 - he reads the News of the World and believes what he reads!
8 - a combination of all of the above!
Sorry to hear this vix and reese.
You are more of a man than i am for handling the situation the way u did.
My mother always taught me to stand up for myself no matter what.
Good on you.
Would just like to addmy thoughts to this thread.
Reese I think the way you have handled this ridiculous little man deserves a hugh pat on the back. For someone to be so small minded and treat you in this manner is utterly sick.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Personally I (and mr pink) dont care who knows we are swingers. We dont go out and physically tell everyone, but if we are asked then we dont deny it. From what you have said Reese you where of the same opinion and this incident now may have changed that opinion.
Vix I take my hat off to you, this is bound to get around at work, people will have seen this incident take place and people talk. The feeling that you want to resign is totally understandable, but surely that would be letting that twat win?
Anyway from what I know about you two, you are a both very nice and didnt deserve what happened. Total respect for you. xxxxxxx
I wont even comment about what airplane said its not worth it. Pathetic.
Sounds like some drunken prick tbh - the problem with being seen as a Swinger is that (in this country at least) its still seen as dirty/ . People get uncomfortable around things they don't undersand and without the open minded ability to accept, it turns to violence. Quite often you'll find that people who are violent are simply unable to express their emotions adequately.
Fuck em, fuck em, fuck em.
Also Reese, it seems to be that you are obviously the pacifist kind and very accepting of peoples life style choices - this guy is no more than the classroom bully 20/30 years on. He exerts control by force and this will leave him very lonely.
You have your sexy lady to be going on with.... wink