I miss em .. i miss the global , ok perhaps not global but the ones we used to have way back when..
folk from the south coast came to the manchester dos .. folk from dundee ffs came to midlands dos..
too insular these days
Quote by danne-gary
maybe people dont travel so far to munches now cus there are so many local socials ?
also the cost of travelling etc would put some people off too these days
Quote by Steve
I miss the "old days" when there was at least a munch a month if not more..
The miles that were done going to munches was unreal sometimes :lol2:
There seems to be almost as many socials now as there were munches then so I'm not sure if the cost thing applies totally....
Could it be that social "rules" are slightly more relaxed than munches
Munch is strictly no play where as social is allowed to be more adventurous
Munch is SH members only where as socials can invite members from other sites
Quote by wild rose and the stag
I miss the "old days" when there was at least a munch a month if not more..
The miles that were done going to munches was unreal sometimes :lol2:
There seems to be almost as many socials now as there were munches then so I'm not sure if the cost thing applies totally....
Could it be that social "rules" are slightly more relaxed than munches
Munch is strictly no play where as social is allowed to be more adventurous
Munch is SH members only where as socials can invite members from other sites
Quote by fabio
I think I have been one of the more vocal people in this subject so promise not to bore you all anymore... but I think the Regional Chatrooms in effect killed the big munches....
very few people from there own regional chatrooms travel outside of them anymore....
people from the mids room don't go to north west, people from yorks room don't go to the north east.... people from north east room don't go to scotland....
and the list goes on and on... the site has become more and more and more insular...
for example... halloween night 31st october... event in leeds and an event in nottingham - distance between leeds and notts is 60 miles ish..
people would have clubbed together and got a minibus in the past... or would have come up as a group, but now its one group at one party and one at anyone and everyone else in the middle picks sides...
back in the past, there was also an unwritten rule where people wouldn't organise events on the same weekends... so that people could go to events all over the place... doesn't happen anymore
Quote by wild rose and the stag
theres no turning back the clock here as i really think the site is better in so many ways for the localized chat rooms and of course folk can choose to hang out in the beach bars and so on .. but for us i think the future lies at least in a little bit more getting out to the darker depths of the uk ..
Quote by fabio
I think I have been one of the more vocal people in this subject so promise not to bore you all anymore... but I think the Regional Chatrooms in effect killed the big munches....
I tend to agree fabes...
very few people from there own regional chatrooms travel outside of them anymore....
people from the mids room don't go to north west, people from yorks room don't go to the north east.... people from north east room don't go to scotland....and the list goes on and on... the site has become more and more and more insular...
Possibly not entirely the sites fault, we are in a major recession here, add to that the price of fuel etc ....? I do think that a lot of ‘excuses' are made, let’s face it, it’s not easy to say, sorry, I just can’t afford it.
back in the past, there was also an unwritten rule where people wouldn't organise events on the same weekends... so that people could go to events all over the place... doesn't happen anymore
:thumbup: AHHHH, now here's a point in fact, as you say, it was an unwritten rule. I think this is a major problem now, I was looking only recently to organise something for my 50th, not a chanceso much other stuff going on
Quote by fem_4_taboo
living in cornwall has it issues alone, but when the bristol munch was only on say once a year and that was the closest to me i would try and arrange things so i could attend.
there was always plenty of notice so you could book in advance and get cheaper accommodation, most people would travel to it and would all stay in the same hotel if possible, they were munches, so no worry of chatting away to a vanilla or be stared at like the weirdo swinger, or worse considered easy sex by the drunk vanilla.
it was a chance to put faces to forum names.
and after hours if play happened so be it but it was completely pressure free enviroment at the munch.
i miss the old munch days. they were more special as they were big planned for events. might have cost more, took more arranging, but more people from far and wide would attend as it was special.
xx fem xx