I have searched the net for an answer but haven`t really found anything of any use.
Where my daughter goes to school parking is a problem as im sure it is in and around most schools at dropping off and picking up times.
Today I parked outside someones house who has paved over their front garden and parked on it. They do not have a dropped kerb. Whilst getting the baby out of the car I was approached by a member of the household asking if I had considered the fact that they might want to remove their car from their garden. I replied saying that the do not have a dropped kerb so do not really have any legal rights in asking me to move. He said I was causing an obstruction and that he could use force to remove my car... :shock: .
I believe that he caused an offence by driving his car over the pavement and that I was leagally allowed to park there.
Can anyone help? Whos right??
if theres no drop kerb then he has broken the law by crossing a footpath.
just googling driveways and the law, i took this from Lewisham council website.
If you need to cross over the footway in order to get your vehicle into your driveway, then you must, by law, have a crossover constructed.
A crossover is an area of lowered pavement and kerbs which is used to give access for vehicles from a road across the pavement and onto a driveway or parking area on a private property.
The crossover must be constructed by the Council's highway maintenance contractor, to the Council's specifications. This is because only qualified contractors are permitted to work on the highway. In this way we can be sure that when crossovers are installed the services that lie under the pavement are not put in jeopardy.
It doesnt seem to matter how much parking is or isnt available
we have a school carpark with properly marked out bays, at my kids primary (just outside the school perimete gates) AND the use of another carpark right next to it for parents to use. Happy days you might think....a luxury some people might think,
the number of parents that park closer and closer to the school gates (outside the designated bays) double or even TREBLE park,
or on the pavement that splits the two carparks, or even in the yellow hatched area marked to be kept clear for emergency vehicular access to the school :shock:, and even drive through the school gates and park in the school driveway (a priviledge thats supposed to be reserved for the parents of disabled kids) is unbelieveable.
all so they dont have to walk a few yards into the school grounds, or so their offspring dont have to.
Mr Bone undertook a user survey of all the people who double and treble parked or parked outside the bays or on the keep clear area, and asked them to their faces why they chose to disregard the rules of the school by parking in such an irresponsible and potentially dangerous way. He pointed out that thye could cause an accident to onew of the school kids who couldnt exit the school properly because of their parking.
The excuses that he got were amazing!!
I dont like her/him to have to far to walk
Its raining/cold/windy
Im late for work and I need to make a phonecall/apply my lipstick
S/Hes late for school
I like to wave them into school
and the best one "I dont CARE about other kids, im only interested in my own"
he also got much abuse for daring to ask people why the didnt use the proper parking spaces in both carparks.
not directed in anyway at you Lyns, you know I loves ya....PS hows that cake coming along??
it seems to be a popular thing now for people turning their front gardens into driveways to park their cars but not getting the kerb lowered by the councils...if i see a parking space regardless of where it is...if the kerb isn't lowered i take the space simple as that...if they couldn't be bothered to get it lowered through the proper channels why should i care if they can't get in or out of their frontgarden.
dave, do you live on the same estate as me LOL you could have been describing our street there!!
see i think sometimes there should be less interest in what you are allowd to do leagally and more interest in what you should do morally and with courtesy and respect to others.
we live VERY close to a place where public events are held ( not saying where, you might be my neighbours lol) and this place has its own carpark.
now people are too mean to pay the couple of quid to use the carpark and instead take up EVERY inch of road side in our area on the days when there is an event held.
they may have a legal right to park where they like, but it is extremely inconsiderate! it is not nice having to walk half a mile with the kids and shopping to our house because our car had to be parked so far away.
correct, the person in question chose to live in a house near a school, but the parents in question choose to take their kids to a school with a shortage of parking.
maybe i am odd, but i would never chose to inconvenience someone else, just because i had a RIGHT to do so.