I think its about a £1 now.......don't want the kids pulling them out on purpose!
Don't ask us.. the dollar-to-pound conversion rate is crap.
and my tooth fairy was really cheap anyway.
Last tooth my son lost he ended up getting £5 for it. The tooth fairy came at night, then grandma gave him some more the day after.
Not wanting to sound too much like an economist but if you multiply your original 10p by an average rate of inflation of 8% over 20 years then your 10p is now worth about 47p.
All you mums & dads giving your kids £1 or £2 for a tooth have been duped by your entrepreneurial kids!!!
Crafty little buggers, ain't they?
Hi folks - just came online for a while and found this thread. We started at £1 for a tooth, 50p for a filled one. The reduction in value is because the magic fairy dust that the teeth are used for is not only depleted but the amalgam has to be removed in the fairy-laboratories, which is qiute expensive. Additionally the tooth-fairy has difficulty in flying with an amalgam-laden tooth and needs to rest more often, sometimes needing to buy a snack or drink at the fairy is a waiting list at these as there isn't mushroom inside!
Bloody hell, I got 20p!
Been a while since I lost one, last time it was about £1. Now it's a knuckle sandwich
Here its £1 or 50p if its damaged lol (mind you multiply that by 4 children costs me a small fortune)
I would of thought in the current climate a credit card would be left under the pillow so they can run amok ordering umpteen things from the shopping sites.
When I was a young lad I always dreaded a wobbly tooth as my dad used to tie cotton round the tooth and the end to the door and slam it shut.I can still see the vision sometimes of blood running down the walls. :cry: