I have been invited by Ice Pie to wangle away.
Anyway, as I was considering the best wangling technique to achieve my aim, I realised what a lovely word it is.
It's almost as good as chalk, just say it to yourself a few times, really stretching your mouth around it. Chalk.
Another favourite is prunes and custard, now if you mouth this without actually making a sound, it looks quite erotic, alternatively, you can keep your mum in giggles for hours. :shock:
Any other good ones out there?
Reese can't hear, let alone say "lake Titikaka" without crumbling.
The Singing Detective tells us the best word is "elbow".
IMHO, though, some of the best may have to be "No, he didn't go underground today, we'll be there asap"
I like the word CREAM
It just brings so many different things to mind
Voluptuous ...just rolls so nicely off the tongue, don'cha think?!
i really love the word MOTTLED.....(.the hills of mottled green.).i mean who on earth thought up this word
how about salubrious sort of rolls of the tongue
Unfortunately most of the words in this thread read well and then get totally destroyed when I open my gob and say them out loud.
as a word I kinda like.....moist.
Could we stop all this cafuffel I am trying to think....
oh yes, I like squelchy, squishy, sluprping sounds
I like moist, and agree with (if anyone remembers him) Jarvis the pervert off the telly that Negligee is a rather excelent word, just say it slow and dirty, negligee Mmmmmmm