I thought it my duty to warn you all of an internet site that has everybody's passport details.
Click on the link
I found this very worrying as I found my details on here.
I put in someone else's name, and it still gave me my own photo. How do they do that?
GOD!!! They got me confused with Kate with his sussies on... damn it!
At last, a passport photo I can be proud of!
It's an image that will warm the heart of all men
My god! I must have aged quicker than I thought.
Excellent.... though I think that i might need to shave a bit more often....
I have got that much body hair ffs,but not a bad likeness.
Beware ! This passport is a fake !
How do I know? .....Well I comisssioned it from a rather shady slavik guy called Simeonevski
He didn't speak very good English , like what I do.
It cost me £500....well he said something about a monkey so thats how much I gave him.
Mind you........ mmmmmmm...... on reflection with a toupe and a little grecian 2000 I may get away with it after all.
facial hair`s out of control
need a ton of wax!
If theres one noise I can't stand ....its the screams of a man as he is being waxed.
Now I am no coward ....ok I am !!!!
No way would you get near me with that vile substance....
.....sleep ...meeeeee??? No I never sleep.
Yes I am deighted to see you but this is a gun in my pyjamas ....well it would be if I wore them...its actually a gun cunningly disguised as two fingers!
Now take that wax pot away!!!
I don't remember smiling for mine but it must be me - my hands are in the right place.
I wish someone had done an April fools joke at work... but I arrived to late and a new manager which put people off ...... not me if I had known .. :cry: I would of be game !!
Thankyou Harry, I fell for it too when MrsFC told me about it. Even told my work mates before I checked it out!!