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What are you good/bad at?

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I've just been told I should nurse someone better tomorrow, as I've told them to go to a party even though they feel poorly.
Now, I don't do nursing or sympathy very well. When faced with a cut, I am of the 'it's not dropped off, you'll live' brigade. Think we've only used one normal sized packet of plasters since the kids were young (they are now 16 and 17 years old).
However, I am a good listener (even though I don't really do the 'poor you' thing)and I can usually see a logical, practical and sensible solution to a problem. And I'm good at English.
What are you good/bad at?
Im good at going to parties when Im poorly lol
Quote by helnheaven
Im good at going to parties when Im poorly lol

sorry for the hijack fluffybird but...
helnheaven you last post I have just quoted was post number 666666 :shock: goes with your name to :haha:
But apart from being a martyr, Im a very good listener, problem solver and friend.
Oh and reading back....good at blowing my own trumpet!
Quote by helnheaven
Im good at going to parties when Im poorly lol

See, I'm good for something!
I'm just good................ rolleyes
We are good at being bad............. :twisted:
and bad at being good........ rolleyes wink
We know its late, but hope you all had a great Crimbo and will have the best of luck in the coming new year.
Steve and Caz
Im a good listener too, good at writing poetry and cooking, and I'm a good and loyal friend
Im sooooooo bad at making decisions, bad at dealing with conflict and hopeless with telling people 'no'
Some say I'm good at flirting dunno
smile good at sending messages to adds bad at getting replys from them confused lol
Quote by didyuk
smile good at sending messages to adds bad at getting replys from them confused lol

Oi! don't be moaning about lack of replies on here! :?
Quote by Freckledbird
smile good at sending messages to adds bad at getting replys from them confused lol

Oi! don't be moaning about lack of replies on here! :?
wink wow i got one lol
Quote by didyuk
smile good at sending messages to adds bad at getting replys from them confused lol

Oi! don't be moaning about lack of replies on here! :?
wink wow i got one lol
That's cheating! smackbottom
Quote by didyuk
smile good at sending messages to adds bad at getting replys from them confused lol

Oi! don't be moaning about lack of replies on here! :?
wink wow i got one lol
Nice one!
Spellin, and gramma
im good at 10 pin bowling on the wii usually get a strike every throw biggrin however im crap at it in real life confused
i'm good at talking and telling stories....oh and making camp fires
I'm bad at being tall !!!
I am not sure there is a point in being good at anything really.
The idea that you are accomplished at anything usually causes other people to react in the most peculiar ways, usually hatred; in its various forms.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
im good at 10 pin bowling on the wii usually get a strike every throw biggrin however im crap at it in real life confused

I thought the Wii was supposed to be realistic. Is it 'cos the balls are not so heavy?
I seem to be bad at organising meself at the mo'.
Angelica reckons I'm good at being a pain in the neck - 'specially when I'm poorly. (I'm good at denying that one - I pretend to be grumpy when I deny it, so it looks authentic!)
Quote by westerross
Angelica reckons I'm good at being a pain in the neck - 'specially when I'm poorly. (I'm good at denying that one - I pretend to be grumpy when I deny it, so it looks authentic!)

It's because you're good at being grumpy that it's authentic! lol kiss
I'm good at being me!! biggrin
Quote by Bonedigger
Im a good listener too, good at writing poetry and cooking, and I'm a good and loyal friend
Im sooooooo bad at making decisions, bad at dealing with conflict and hopeless with telling people 'no'

Mrs Bone is the only person on this thread (so far) that has answered FB's question sincerely (you forgot cake icing btw). Why is it that people don't want to add their bit? Are they afraid of being seen as blowing their own trumpets? Or as Duncan says being subject to hate (in reality envy/jealousy) rather than appreciation?
Boy that is just so sad, we are ALL good at something, a redeeming feature or skill that makes us what we are and appreciated by others.
Good at
Exceptionally organised
Been told I host fabulous parties
Being very loyal
Bad at
Small talk with people I don't warm too
Interuppting when I want my say redface
Being patient
Philosophical rant over
pink x
It's a thread on a forum, open to hijack and however people want to interpret my question - I don't mind the daft contributions biggrin
Quote by Freckledbird
It's a thread on a forum, open to hijack and however people want to interpret my question - I don't mind the daft contributions biggrin

Just my observation and opinion FB
Quote by blueandpink
It's a thread on a forum, open to hijack and however people want to interpret my question - I don't mind the daft contributions biggrin

Just my observation and opinion FB
I know - was just saying I don't mind what people add to it. :D
I think the things we do well we sometimes take for granted and therefore don't consider them yet beat ourselves up about the things we can't do, which is a bit negative really.
The things I can do well and take for granted;
Solve problems
Have patience (unless it's with kids biggrin )
Things I can't do but wish I could
Play a musical instrument
Be methodical and organised
Be gregarious
This is quite difficult to answer really I think, because whether we do something well or not is down to perception.
For instance I play the flute. If you compare me to James Galway etc etc I play it badly lol if you're comparing me to someone (who can just about get a note out of it) then I play it very well. wink
im bad at -
saving money
saying No! (as in saying no to friends or family)
im good at -
trying to keep the peace
cooking (although dek says differently since boxing day mad )