What kind of things do you believe make a good erotic story?
I would rather check boxes instead of radio buttons so please just choose whichever you think is most important for you.
I just wanted to put my hand into writing a couple of stories and I would love to know what kind of stories are preferred.
One thing that puts me off reading strories is when they go on and on and on, without a single break.
I just look at them and say no way am I going to read them.
I know what you mean TS,
Not many people can read a long story, novel or even a manual on a computer screen. Especially if you can't mark where you have got up to.
I always try to break any writing up with some kind of resemblance to proper pronunciation, like the use of commas, periods and paragraphs. If only this was common practice throughout the World, Jags would be a happy lady.
The font used is all wrong too. Georgia and other curved well spaced fonts are best at reading on screen. It makes the writing more legible, while the Times new roman etc are narrow and are best for printed documents.
Thanks for the comment. Please keep them comming. I have a few ideas for stories, I am just looking for any ideas on how to write them down.
I have dyslexia which make reading and writing a problem sometimes, on here I use spell check, but even then I may get words with the wrong meaning.
Hence when I write for any of the magazines I get work published in, all my work gets proof read before it is published.
Is there any colour coding that can help. I know sometimes, depending on the person, a different colour font and background can make it easier to read?
Some one told me that black letters on a blue background made it easier for people with dyslexia to read, or was it the other way around
I think it all depends. I knew somebody who could only read dark purple on a black background. His screen was black but he could read it fine. Mind you he had bad eye sight too.
Lots of colours that contradict each other seem to work. Green Blue, Red Green, Blue Black.
I think it would best have a black background with blue writing. A blue background and yellow writing should be good, this is the usual colour for program code writers as it makes the writing easier to read. You can spot mistakes easier, but if it helps with dyslexia I wouldn't know.
Why don't you just have a play around one day with a screen of writing in word or something. If you find something that makes a considerable difference you can make web pages use your colour settings to make it easier for yourself.
Problem being though, the web pages will not look as they were designed too so you may miss out on the whole image the page wanted to achieve.
If you do try it out, let me know as I am really interested in HCI (Human Computer Interaction). Sad I know.
Probably not this sort of thing...
I agree with the txt speak and punctuation comments. Txt speak does make it hard to read and breaks up the flow of stories.
Punctuation and paragraphing break it up where it is supposed to giving a proper emphasis to the parts of a story and it gives you a chance to breathe.
Eats shoots and leaves!!
Hey Tikka, love the avatar 8)
But, really, First thing tomorrow morning, you and I, have to get a life!
Hmm. I've read lots of stories, and perhaps I'm just a pedant, but I find it really distracting if the grammer, spelling and so on aren't all right. Also, I think a good story has to have rhythm - several 'scenes', but building to, well, a climax - save the best kink for last...
grammer grammer punctuation splelling a start a middle and an ending and non of that txt crp u c oh plus a few capital letters in the right places get all that right and the story can at least be red thn the rest s dwn 2 imagntion and mood
*runs off - gleeful in the knowledge that he has saved a whole bag of Capital Letters, punctuation and time writing the above sentence - and knowing full well it is going to annoy the arse (nice arse!) off of Jags*
*whispers to Jags, tee hee, he has been drooling over those pictures again, told you if I let you wax my backside and took photos we could convince Fred they were you - shush*