I have just chatted to someone on the phone for the first time after chatting online for a while. Unfortunately, they sound nothing like I imagined them to. This has kinda put me off meeting them...
Is that silly? Can a voice be a turn-off?
Have you been in a similar situation with a potential meet only to be turned off by something?
Nola x
I hate talking to people on the phone as the Midlands accent can be very off putting :-(
A few lines of text in a chatroom, the wording on a profile or an ad, a few pictures which may or may not show the persons face -- and your mind races off and makes a "complete" person despite the fact that you have never met !!!
And when the reality turns out to be different from the "construct" you tend to reject it !!!
My advice would be to persevere Nola -- whatever turned you on to this person in the first place will probably shine through ..