Anyone who eats pate :shock: its dog food mashed up and placed on toast and charged a stupid amount for, so i recon anyone who eats the stuff must be a tad wierd oh and i like chips :P
Weird is good. It's 'normal' that worries me.
One thing I've always considered weird is a sign I once saw as a kid in a local jewellers... "Ear piercing while you wait"
I can't stand chips or chocolate.... so I must be weird, I guess! :smug:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
mmmmmmmmmm pate yummmmmmmmyyyyy :P
Chips - yes
Pate - Yes even though I know how it's made
Tea - can't live without it, I would have a drip if it wouldn't get in the way when I'm driving
Coffee - filter yes, can drink far too much of it although I have to cut back on it as Twiggy doesn't like the taste of it a few weeks after I've drunk it.
What I don't get is vinegar - it is truely the urine of Satan, just the small of it gets me coughing, then again, that may have something to do with drinking half a jar of vinegar out of a jar of pickled onions when I was much younger.
STrange thing is, I still love pickled onions, pickled eggs and roll mop herring.
am not sure if i like chips or not but have just realised i havent had chips for over two years am bordering being weird according to lost
for pate i love it,a toasted thick brown bread a layer spread of farmhouse or mushroom pate toppled with sundried tomatoes and mango chutney,oh with a pinch of salad on the side...little heaven
i do like chips, but only every now and then, 2 years ago i bought a chip pan, the kids asked what it was and when i produced home made chips they were amazed lol. were more a rice or pasta household.
pate, yes i like it , duck and orange mmm, although i watched this programe with that hugh fern wittiton ( or what ever his name is) and he was doing a christening do, and ewghh he made a pate out of the afterbirth ewgh ewgh double ewgh.
coffee , minging , dark chocolate minging, white chocolate on the other hand mmmmmmmmmmm
xxx fem xxx