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What were you doing 25 years ago tomorrow!

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Warming the Bed
Just wanted to start a thread with something that matters to me!!
Tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of the death of John Lennon, one of the most important figures in the development of popular music of the last century.
I had overslept, woken next to my wife and we made love, I got to work very late with a smile on my face and a spring in my step, the day had started in a wonderful way! I had a cup of tea and switched on the radio!
Every thing went down hill from there, All the radio channels were full of the news coming from New York that Lennon had been shot as he returned home by a single gunman Mark Chapman, a Beatles Fan!
As someone who had grown up listening to the Beatles, had his first kiss and had lost his cherry while their music was playing in the background the news was shattering.
The impact of his music cannot be over stated to die in such a mindless way at such a young age was such a waste!
So tonight the T.V. gets switched off and the music played
It was my first term at secondary school. I have vivid memories of assembly that morning dominated by girls crying. (I was at an all girls school).
I think I was conceiving my second son redface surprisedops: :oops:
25 years ago tomorrow i was being burped and having my arse wiped!
25 years ago tomorrow I was wondering why my Mum was crying and why they kept putting that fella's picture on the telly.
I was probably also playing with me "dinkle". I did that in public until I was about 8 I am told! lol
Wondering what christmas would be like in my first 'real' school... (I would have been 6)
I always thought that it was the 9th that he died dunno Perhaps that's because the news didn't break until the following morning...
As for me I have no idea what I was doing but I do remember the news breaking only because it was the day before my birthday lol
I had just been posted to Bielefeld in West Germany !!
Warming the Bed
25 years ago tommorow,well I was told the news by the music teacher, as at the time was in my second year at secondary school and a Beatles fan(still am)
can remember holding a girl who was breaking down in tears.
a very sad day for mankind.
his music lives on.
a true working class hero
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I had just been posted to Bielefeld in West Germany !!

And I had not long returned to Woolwich from Osnabruek. (german spelling wink )
Sex God
I haven't got a bluddy clue, and personally I don't consider it important....
Now who wants to shag me on Friday night? far more important to me :twisted:
Warming the Bed
Quote by Sarah
I haven't got a bluddy clue, and personally I don't consider it important....
Now who wants to shag me on Friday night? far more important to me :twisted:

I would but in work early sat morning sad
Sex God
Quote by trainmanone
I haven't got a bluddy clue, and personally I don't consider it important....
Now who wants to shag me on Friday night? far more important to me :twisted:

I would but in work early sat morning sad
Well that rules you out then
And you live toooooooooo far away
Sex God
I was at work when I heard, and I have to admit I didn't burst into tears. I was 19, into Heavy Metal, and thought the Beatles were cheesy old hat. I was sad that he had been murdered, but no more so than I would have been for anyone dying in that fashion.
Sex God
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I had just been posted to Bielefeld in West Germany !!

I havnt a clue, last week is difficult enough to remember
im only 21, so im tempted to say that i was nothing more than a twinkle in my parents eyes, but even that would be a bit early...
its weird, but dont mcFly really want to be the beatles? Also, i find yoko ono kinda creeps me out...
i guess my john lennon would have to be kurt cobain. Isnt it amazing how there is a symbol for every generation...
can i not say anything without feeling like a baby?!
I would have been four, so I was probably at playgroup or sat around in the living room with a big bucket of sticklebricks and big lego.
Forum Virgin
I was just about to go to a wedding, when we heard the news. confused
Quote by Gymguy21UK
im only 21, so im tempted to say that i was nothing more than a twinkle in my parents eyes, but even that would be a bit early...
its weird, but dont mcFly really want to be the beatles? Also, i find yoko ono kinda creeps me out...
i guess my john lennon would have to be kurt cobain. Isnt it amazing how there is a symbol for every generation...
can i not say anything without feeling like a baby?!

Hang on, I was doing my A'Levels when Kurt Cobain died, so you'd have to have been in primary school. I also had tickets for the gig in Brum that was rescheduled after his earlier overdose and eventually cancelled after he died. sad
Bugger, now you're making me feel old.
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I had just been posted to Bielefeld in West Germany !!

feck - that's scary info
A little tooclose to home :shock:
Not sure where I physically was at the time the news broke, but do remember casting half a bleary, drunken eye at the TV.
I remember the day vividly - I'd done morning parade and Bandpractice on the Parade Ground at the Royal Marines School of Music in Deal (yes I too was a serviceman - RM Royal Marines) and we had gone for breakfast - someone on the way over said "have you heard the news" it was then I learned of one of the most tallented musicans of the 20th century had been murdered in cold blood
Hits home a bit when you think back
RIP JL - I'll raise a glass :cheers:
Don't really remember, was only 10 so still at primary school. dunno
However- 10 years ago tomorrow I met my wife for the first time........lust at first sight. :inlove:
She had/ has the most beautiful
brown eyes. lol
Warming the Bed
Me......... I was living in a world I didn't understand.. trying to find work that wasn't there..
and then to make things worse.. John Lennon was murdered... The death of a superstar is always traumatic.. but the death of an icon.. seemed to be catastrophic. For me the death of Elvis hit hardest... but that's due to my being brought up listening to my mum's records... she's an Elvis nutta.. But both artists had a profound effect on the entire world in life and death... My day is going to be filled with the music of Mr Lennon, whether written or performed by him.
Forum Virgin
25 Years ago,,, I was in Germany, getting ready to go to Ireland...where I had my first encounter with a wonderful irish lass, from Portadown..
i was going to do a post on the great man tomorrow morn but looks like i got beaten to it. i was only 13 but i was a big fan of the beatles even back then .i can remember going to school and ppl talking about john lennon and that he had been shot dead . who knows what music he would have gone on to make if he was still alive but the music he left us with will live on for future generations to airways will be full of beatles/lennon songs tomorrow so i will enjoy listening to them at work and then put my cd collection on when i get all the lennon fans out there whats your favourite beatles/lennon track.i like so many well most of them but a day in the life, in my life,dear prudence and i am the walruss are some of my favourite tracks. power to the ppl
I had just got home after celebrating my birthday with my was like some1 had taken a pin to my birthday and burst it...............these are some of the best words that Lennon had ever wrote such a tragic end to a fantastic man
Love is real, real is love,
Love is feeling, feeling love,
Love is wanting to be loved.
Love is touch, touch is love,
Love is reaching, reaching love,
Love is asking to be loved.
Love is you,
You and me,
Love is knowing,
We can be.
Love is free, free is love,
Love is living, living love,
Love is needing to be loved.

Warming the Bed
Quote by a.k.a._Wagon_wheels
I had just got home after celebrating my birthday with my was like some1 had taken a pin to my birthday and burst it...............these are some of the best words that Lennon had ever wrote such a tragic end to a fantastic man
Love is real, real is love,
Love is feeling, feeling love,
Love is wanting to be loved.
Love is touch, touch is love,
Love is reaching, reaching love,
Love is asking to be loved.
Love is you,
You and me,
Love is knowing,
We can be.
Love is free, free is love,
Love is living, living love,
Love is needing to be loved.

Warming the Bed
sarah hun if roz will take the handcuff off me
i'd love to volenteer
Warming the Bed
It didn't upset me as much as when Lonnie Donegan died. I had tickets to see him the next night and I'd waited nearly 40 years to see him live.