Saw this email the other day...
You take the name of your fave choccy bar, followed by the name of a fave pet..
Mine comes out as "Chunky Claude"
Anyone got anything better?!?!
Quote by fem_4_taboo
Quote by dambuster
Sorry - I was being flippant.
I don't eat a great deal of choccie, and I couldn't choose between the pets.
So here's a couple of choices based on what I might pick up at a garage.
Bueno Budbud
Duey Twix (reversed)
Ripple Bertie
* Think I prefer Bob
in edit -someone PM me with a list of choccie bars. I've just been thinking of some of the animals I've had/been associated with :giggle: (like a girl)
Quote by rocknrollstar05
If you try you're favourite pets name followed by your mothers maiden name you will get more Dirk Digglers I think.
Mine is Rocky Ryan.
I pity the guy who comes up with Tiny Ball