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What's in it FORUM you?

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6 watchers
I am interested to find out what does the cafe mean to those who use it ?
What do you enjoy seeing most (and I don't mean pics)? What do you dislike about the cafe?
I'll be back later with my comments but the floor is all yours............
x x x
Hi Wilma Baby!!
From my humble (eh hem yeah I occasionally am) point of view, although not a hardened participant in the scene, I have developed some bloody good friendships through the forum.
In general and with VERY few exceptions, people in here are charming, friendly and just generally decent people. I know it sounds weird, but I get a sense of warmth from the regulars in here - even the ones I take the piss out of (FRED!!). It's all meant in good humour and I hope it's taken that way.
It's just a good place to chill out and get to know people and talk about any old rubbish that takes our fancy without it being all "hardcore" all the time... smile
Just seeing what arises and taking it as it cums. ;)
Meaningful/meaningless conversation
Advice - on all sorts
Top 10 lists
Jokes - some
Taking the piss out of the boys
Bigging the girls up
Best music - opened my mind to new music
Best films - surprised how much our tastes coincided
Best books - did I invent this one?
Best people - some are now friends, others more than aquaintances
And now the hates...
Meaningless responses
Rude responses
'Fancy a shag' people
Those who expect others to fall at their feet just cos
Some threads being hijacked
Missing people not coming back
Men hiding the remote control
x xx
I Love
I love diversity....
I love the fact that in the main people are not judgemental
I love Wilma's Avatar (She made me say that!)
I love heated debates where conflicting views are expressed ut in an adult way without people getting personal
I love Fran (She made me say that!)
I love the fact that Jags leaves things unsaid:
Those who expect others to fall at their feet just cos
I love the friendship and bonding - YES EVEN YOU BASSDUDE!
I love the fact you can cock up - apologise and move on as friends
I love the fact that you take the piss - be taken the piss out of - and if it is all meant in the right way it is great fun
I Hate
I HATE people being rude!
I hate threads being hijacked and going on forever
I hate it when the girls invade the GFZ and never leave us men to get away from it - go shopping FFS!
I hate it when people have to win every fight - sometimes you roll over and play dead just to see the merriment it causes when it seems out of character
I hate anyone discussing illegal activities
I hate it when so many threads have the same content - perhaps like the GFZ there should be a new joke thread every week and all jokes are posted in there?
I hate swinging every weekend and having to catch up on all the postings in the forum on a Sunday evening (Believe that and you will believe anything!)
I am beginning to hate the way Mark Dances:
In that case, stand back baby, I need to grooooove

Hello Wilma :rose:
A place to come and enjoy the company/chat of other, mainly similar minded people. biggrin
I Love
The majority of the people I have come to know
Advice info
Funny threads
Different view points
The groups WI, GFZ etc.
The effort that most people put into keeping it how I like it.
Most of the polls
The same threads time and again - keep up people!!
Rudeness - really don't like it all
Umm thats the best I can do at the minute, but I haven't had a drink yet :cheers: so there may be more later :P
I can only concur with the esteemed members above in the most wholehearted and enthusiastic fashion and say I love SH deeply and with passion.
Sappho xxx
Having just re-read Wilma's initial post before replying (hoping for brownie points here smile ), before the likes and dislikes she asked what the Cafe means to us. To me it is entertainment and friendship. It almost always puts a smile on my face. Sometimes (quite often actually) it makes me laugh out loud. I value that.
There is also true companionship and camaraderie. Let me give one example : On Friday evening I called one of the regulars here who I had never spoken to, but had wanted to for some time. I sent a text asking if I could call. I had an immediate reply asking if we could talk later. Then my phone rang. It was the self-same person making sure that there wasn't an immediate crisis that I needed help with. I have taken care not even to disclose the gender of the person concerned (they will know they are). Here was someone who was effectively a complete stranger but was prepared to drop everything and speak to me if I needed help. Now, THAT is special - and it is what the Cafe is really all about. I hope that I could live up to that if ever I was called upon to do so.
*Will clambers down off his soapbox - a little unsteadily because he doesn't get up there very often* rolleyes
Now for the rest.....
I love:
The friendliness in here. There are a lot of people from this Forum that I count as very real and genuine friends - and some of those are people I haven't even met yet! (see above)
The humour and banter above all else. I get made fun of and I certainly make fun of others. I hope everyone enjoys it, and that includes the onlookers (in fact, I hope they enjoy it especially).
The flirting. After all, it's fun and does no harm. :twisted:
Intelligent conversation. I hope this doesn't sound condescending, but I hadn't expected quite such a high level of intelligent wit and repartee. Having found it, it is one of the main reasons I stick around. Sure the humour is sometimes childish - often deliberately so, but it is more often cerebral than not.
I hate:
Condescension. I know I am probably as guilty as anyone from time to time - and I deserve to be pulled up when that is so.
Posts that have little or no punctuation and where the spelling is, to be kind, 'individual'. I am sorry - and I freely admit to pedantry (with pride!). I honestly don't expect perfection in grammar and spelling all the time, but please, please, make an effort. It makes the posts unbelievably hard to read otherwise. If we have taken the time and trouble to post then surely we want people to be able to read what we have to say?
Meaningless drivel. Posts that simply don't add anything - either to the thread concerned, or anything else.
I will admit that some threads end up looking like a conversation in slow motion. Endless one-line exchanges between two or three people. I try to butt out if I feel I am falling into that trap. My apologies if I sometimes fail to do so. redface
Cruelty and/or rudeness. I hope I am never quilty of that. My unreserved apologies if ever am (somebody please make sure you tell me :gagged: ).
A last personal one.......I hate being away from this place for more than a few hours. Sad but true!
.....oh and posts that ramble on like this one. Sorry!!! :doh:
Oh - and another thing.....
I hate trying to keep a straight face when Will is prancing round in his tights and frills before a fight. lol
I love Sappho, Kit, Jags, Jas, Bluexxx, Blueeyes, Dawn, Free Range Chick and anyone else that would do me harm if i don't say that.... confused :? :?
I hate pandering to sensitive women and having to PRETEND I am scared of them! rolleyes :roll:
I hate it when I realise I have had a sense of humour bypass and I have taken something the wrong way redface surprisedops: :oops:
I hate it when Sappho goes off on one of her flowery words type postings making me feel like a puffalump with my farmyard English!
I can't read - and I can't write - but I can drive a tractor!
I hate Will's soapbox - it is far too high for me to alude to being able to climb on it and practice a little alliteration.
I love finding a spelling mistake in a posting of Will's JUST after he has got off his soapbox about spelling:
Cruelty and/or rudeness. I hope I am never quilty of that.
It almost makes me think he is human after all!
I love the fact that I am going to get such a slapping for all this now!
Well how can I add to that lot biggrin
Oooooo thought of something! Just love some of the anecdotes that people come out with, has me in stitches. Off the top of my head, the two that stand out for me are NHS shaving foam and windswept sheep! Just classic lol
So more anecdotes for me please :D
I LOVE that fact that most of us are on the same wavelength... well more a continuum (why does make me think of Fear and Love???? It will come back to me) and there is definitely middle ground.
Now I will NOT do a Gwynneth Paltrow impression, or even a top 10 of fav people (well, apart from the ever present one of course but he WOULDN'T smack me if I missed him out!!) but you all know who you are.
xx xx
Sorry Jags,
Had to edit that - made my screen 6 miles wide hun!
Did it before you.. see, telepathy!!! LOVE it!
x xx
:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: One each but you get the general picture!!!
Hi all, Slim. Being a new boy, I have too say the humour in posts is better than I imagined it to be, but of course I/we are not solely here for the crack boink :boink: (I have explained in a previous post the meaning of "crack") so stop laughing.
The majority of "US" are here because we want too be here. We hope too fulfill whatever it is the individual wants fulfilled. In my case any lovely lady who can satisfy my every whim, dress in the shortest dresses with a low, low sorry, getting silly now, biggrin and can make a bloody good cup of tea afterwards. rolleyes :roll:
Quote by Fred
I love Sappho, Kit, Jags, Jas, Bluexxx, Blueeyes, Dawn, Free Range Chick and anyone else that would do me harm if i don't say that.... confused :? :?
Ahem! Fred. I think you forgot someone. Wilma!!!!!
Quote by Fred
I hate it when Sappho goes off on one of her flowery words type postings
On the contrary. I LOVE it! And she knows it too!! :twisted:
I love finding a spelling mistake in a posting of Will's JUST after he has got off his soapbox about spelling:
Cruelty and/or rudeness. I hope I am never quilty of that.
It almost makes me think he is human after all! mad :x I was originally replying to Fred's post. I took so bloody long over it that, by the time I had finished, Tim & Jas and Sappho had already been and gone - and I STILL cocked up. Oh, believe me - I am VERY (some would say barely) human! rolleyes I am afraid I always take a long time. Over pretty much EVERYTHING. Just ask! redface
Still reeling from Sappho's wordplay he wanders off in search of a strong G&T and a dark room to lie down in muttering to himself "Where did I put that bottle of Bombay Sappho? Dammit! Sapphire!" Why can't I get long leather boots and lacy thongs out of my mind? :twisted: :twisted:
All been said, more or less, and very eloquently too.
Personally speaking, humour has to be the single most important thing in the world-especially if coupled with humility-and is the very essence of the Cafe. That's why I love it. On several occasions, when the frog-brains that rule the world have got right up the Artificer's nose, one of Sarge's obtuse one-liners, or Fred's earthy reposts, or Sappho's cerebral observations, has lifted my spirits faster than bottled refreshments ever could. Hubris and narcissism are the bane of the civilised world -but so very rare in the Cafe.
As a bonus, discussions on music, art, books etc have enthralled me, and, sent me off to discover something new.
I've made new friends, and, if humour is all important, friendship has to run a close second.
So, sorry to sound a bit soupy, but I feel there are people here that are saddled with the same 'mortal coil' that I am..and we're all laughing our socks off at it!
As for 'hates': none really, except, maybe...
I get a bit uncomfortable when people, albeit rarely, boast of their conquests... but ignore that-it is surely only jealousy!!
I've been made angry once only, by comments about whether a certain 'class' of person should be here-suffice to describe it thus-and the awkward, obstreperous yeoman in me bridled and rose to the bait. But, I slept on it, talked it over with someone whose opinion I value, and, hey-presto: matters not a jot.
Only one thing really niggles me-when I get toward the end of writing something and it 'clicks off' and reverts to the thread..aarghhh..but, I just remember to save as I go along and it's usually ok.
Just laugh at it all.
As Dylan Thomas said:
'Someone is boring me: I think it's me!' I'll go. Greetings to all of you out there
As they used to say in the pubs, when I was 'a babby':
'God Bless All Here!!'
Well I am back now and have read this thread and my heart skipped a beat or two.
I love the cafe because of threads like this!!
Simple really. (like Fred)
x x x x

You should see a doctor about that Mark!
Group hug!
You don't really hate my posts, do you Fred?
Well, echoing what's already been said, the cafe is a fine place to unwind after a hard days graft. It can be serious, and also light hearted and funny. You can help others out, and is quite simply a great bunch of people !
And as much as we put the girlies in their place in the GFZ, we love you all really ! passionkiss
to quote vinnie jones from lock stock,
It's been emotional !
A lot of what I feel of this place has been said by a few of the usual suspects - and thats one of the great things - Like minds in abundance.
You come on here as a newbie, thinking yourself to be in the wrong place and a little outside the circle. The second you start to talk to people though you find that there's more common ground than you dared to think.
I've read posts on here for films and music that have amazed me, passion plays (in the literal sense) that have amused me, and sometimes views/writings and off-hand comments that have bemused me.....variety is never a problem.
I'm still not sure if a threads wandering on and off topic is good or bad - sometimes it leads to better places and sometimes spoils a great line of conversation - I guess this jury of one is still out on that.
There are at least a couple of people on here that I find myself really being bothered about as people and caring about as friends....and I've never met either. No names, but they surely know who they are. I thank you both for your time and energy and hope it continues......
My highlight was that I had people I hardly know on here hit me with PM's when I was down and about to leave this place which was really touching (Jags & Mandy - I take my hat off to you) - it really helps you believe in humanity, it truly does.
So, after that ramble, what do I like about the Cafe ?
That it exists
Carpathian, far too serious and deep for his own good tonight....
{looks back up his post}
Blimey-did I write all that !?! redface I'll get my coat......
kiss for Carpathian
Quote by Jags
kiss for Carpathian

Thank you, Jags - it's nice to still be around.
Quote by Sappho
Group hug!

I felt the need for a re group and think this post has done just that! many can I fit in my arms.......brumlad, articifer, carpathian, will, mark, tim, gman, slimjim......
did I miss any of the men?????
Okay girlies you lot next..........Jas, Sappho, Jags, misschief
now after me.........
I'd like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
I'd like see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
Oh peace throughout the land
That's the song I hear!
Let the world sing today
Now doesn't that feel better???
x x x x
A calling to the corners indeed - we're always here, Wilma.
The hug was appreciated, by the way - tis a cosy night to be here indeed.
redface surprisedops: :oops:
I've gone all warm and sticky: either I'm deeply moved or in need of a plastic mattress...I hope it's the former but I expect Sarge will doubtless correct me...
I've just torn the group hug apart - but only to chuck out the idiot in our midst. We can regroup now...Please!!! Not even my loved gin will soothe this fevered Jags!
Ah - friends.... x xx
Wilma, thankyou, i feel quite humble, and proud to be a member of this fine institution, or should that be asylum !?
I took the decision to modify your group chant, with two very important alterations, I hope you approve kiss
Quote by WilmaFlintstone
I'd like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
I'd like to teach the world to swing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
I'd like see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
Oh peace throughout the land
That's the song I hear!
Let the world swing today
Now doesn't that feel better???
"Regroup" has been used a couple of times in this thread - a good choice of word, methinks.
I've not posted much in the last week or two but a couple of threads on here tonight have reaffirmed why I did in the first place and got me back in the "swing" - this is most certainly one of them.
Thanks Wilma.
Just read the responses by, particularly, Fred and Jags on page 1 of this thread!! Thanx guys. I mention you by name as you mentioned me....
I didn't know, although I optimistically suspected, that I had been accepted into your group of friends. I feel deeply honoured, seriously!!
So, to you two and everyone else who doesn't think I'm a complete twat....
kiss (in a purely platonic way - I'm sure Will could give a glowing explanation of the origin of the term platonic as our resident academic)