Pure curiosity this. Do you know what your IQ is? Do you think it reveals anything important about you? What do you think IQ tests actually measure?
Mine too - That's surely a good thing!
Havent got a BLOODY clue!!!! where can i find out for free????????????????
I tested my IQ on the BBC programme and it came out at 141 - honestly!. I don't believe it - has anyone had theirs tested properly?
Bugger forgot the decimal point (14.1) Is that high?
What it proves is that you can have a high IQ (alledgedly) and still be a plonker!!
Referring back to the recent poll on level of qualification, its interesting (to me) that while the qualifications were spread (last time I looked), most of the IQ's are at the high end.
So swingers are a more intelligent breed but you don't need qualifications to be one (except an open mind) which probably confirms what every body knew any way.
As everybody else seems to agree, IQ tests can be learned, so not a lot of use to judge somebody's intelligence.
On the other hand, when children leave primary school they have a VRQ (Verbal Reasoning Quotient) which is similar, and this is a very good indication of how intelligent they are.
Coupled with another test called CATS (Cognitive Assessment Tests), it is possible to predict, and quite accurately, how well a student will do in their GCSEs. Infact it is used to judge whether a school has 'added value' to a student's learning. The two tests can also be used together to target students that need special help.
Does anybody know where i can get tested cos i havent got a clue what mine is?