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which one would you choose

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If you had to chose between kilign someone you really loved or 100 people you have never met and never will which would you choose?

Warming the Bed
Misschief - armed and bluddy dangerous :shock: :shock: confused

:shock: thank you for the lesson in how power corrupts... and absolute power is bluddy dangerous in the wrong hands rolleyes
Was pleasantly surprised by your grovelling PM apology, thought honest Admins were an extinct species!
/me thinks how best to deploy this new superweapon... :twisted:
Warming the Bed
someone you really love 13%
100 people you've never met and never will 86%
Probability that the Human Race is lost: 100% sad
Forum Virgin
take a gun shoot myself that way you save 101 ppl. If you love the one, you would make the supreme sacrificefor her...
Quote by pendant
someone you really love 13%
100 people you've never met and never will 86%
Probability that the Human Race is lost: 100% sad

This isn't really a surprise - its programmed into us as part of the survival instinct. Not necessarily for ourselves but for our genes.
Its been termed 'the selfish gene' - if there's someone we love theres a good chance they carry some of the same genetic code as ourselves because we are related. Or, there's a chance that will happen in the future through children.
There's lots of research been done into the behaviour of people based on genetic relationships; the closer someone is related to you the more you will do or risk for that person, your children being the best example of survival of your gene line.
Its an impossible situation, there is no right answer and in the end instinct is likely to overcome rationalising the choice anyway.
Misschief. That's a harrowing nightmare, I've had similar ones involving my children too, they are extremely upsetting and disturbing :therethere:
Sex God
Kill the 100 strangers ... it's one of those hypothetical questions you find in tests that have no right answer as both choices are pretty shitty, designed within the context of the test to try and get an indication of how you approach difficult situations.
Warming the Bed
Quote by SpiritedAway
someone you really love 13%
100 people you've never met and never will 86%
Probability that the Human Race is lost: 100% sad

This isn't really a surprise - its programmed into us as part of the survival instinct. Not necessarily for ourselves but for our genes.

I agree that it's no surprise. But at the end of the day it's not much good as a survival instinct, is it? It's the reason that wars start and take so long to fizzle out, and unless we evolve beyond it, its end result is the death of our species.
Warming the Bed
This certainly a very difficult question to answer xx
I really hope that none of us ever have to choose xx
I been thinking about it but i could never decide unless in that position xx
confused :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?
Quote by pendant
someone you really love 13%
100 people you've never met and never will 86%
Probability that the Human Race is lost: 100% sad

This isn't really a surprise - its programmed into us as part of the survival instinct. Not necessarily for ourselves but for our genes.

I agree that it's no surprise. But at the end of the day it's not much good as a survival instinct, is it? It's the reason that wars start and take so long to fizzle out, and unless we evolve beyond it, its end result is the death of our species.
You may well be right, but I like to take a more positive view. The very fact that we have this discussion, and that we do wrestle with this sort of issue, is a sign of hope.
But the point I was making is that the selfish gene theory is about ensuring your own genes have a better chance of survival than someone elses. Survival instinct only really applies to the individual, its not a species imperative. For example, there are no real winners in war, there are survivors.
So though I don't disagree with you, I think that over-population is a greater threat to the species than war is. And often war is caused by the friction caused by a population's environment no longer being able to sustain the number of individuals in it.