In the earlier thread about responding to mail, a huge majority of people said that they don't respond to winks. This put my mind at rest as I thought I may be being rude.
I am interested to hear from people who do send winks why they prefer a wink to a quick, more personal mail?
I think I'm a bit of a hypocrit because I've got an auto send out on my account for winks.. however I do send out winks myself as an ice breaker if I think they may be out of my league.
Weird I know, but then that's just me all over :uhoh:
just a quick note before this famous wink thread get locked,i think we should have a system where a similar topic can be reposted after acertain time as ellapse....
sorry am not a winker!
Non paying members can send 2 winks a day, but they can't chat, send e-mails or post in the forums, although they can read forums (as can anyone else without having to log in). They can also receive mail sent to them although it is censored by the site software to remove e-mail addresses and phone numbers etc. I do respond to winks as its the only way of those members to make contact - its then up to us to indicate whether we are interested, and to try to persuade them to part with a little cash so that they can mail properly and exchange details.
Never send them as never really knew what they were for ... everyones profile seems to say they don't accept them anyway ...
So what happens when you get winked?
Cannot quite see the point ! (or is it us ? ) If you are interested in what we have to say-then surely you can string a sentance or two together ? btw we have extras I reckon we can block winks but wiltsguy thinks I am wrong ? X
Cannot quite see the point ! (or is it us ? ) If you are interested in what we have to say-then surely you can string a sentance or two together ? btw we have extras I reckon we can block winks but wiltsguy thinks I am wrong ? X
I have to admit I am a winker, I personally dont see anything wrong with winking someone if you have got your profile filled in properly...I mean after all its only saying " hey nice profile have a gander at mine"
I wouldnt wink anyone who said they dont like winks though I would send them a nice email saying " I liked your profile take a look at ours and get in touch if you fancy chatting further"