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After reading lil_miz_naughty_0204 joke, on the other thread. I thought i'd see who can cum up with the worst joke.
Heres mine:
Why did the banana go to the doctors ???
Cause he wasn't peeling well
GOD that make me laugh everytime rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Knock Knock....
Who's there?
Dr who....
A man drank six litres of paint the other day. Doctors are waiting for him to show his true colours. (Groan)
What goes from green to red at the flick of a switch?
confused :cry: redface
^Don't click here^
Q. What time does a Chinaman go to the dentist?
A. Tooth hurtee
Two birds are sat on a perch.
One turns to the other and says:
'Can you smell fish?' .........
redface surprisedops:
Q. Where does a bad japanese ship's captain go on his holidays?
A. Helsinki
two tampons are walking down the street what one do you talk to first?
none they both stuck up c@@ts
man who walk through airport turnstyle sideways is going to Bankok.....
Quote by J
Two birds are sat on a perch.
One turns to the other and says:
'Can you smell fish?' .........
redface surprisedops:

Reading that again, again, again...................
Half an hour later....... rolleyes
y did the chiken cross the get to the other side????
Quote by HungryP
Two birds are sat on a perch.
One turns to the other and says:
'Can you smell fish?' .........
redface surprisedops:

Reading that again, again, again...................
Half an hour later....... rolleyes
play on words.
A perch is a fish
Quote by J
Two birds are sat on a perch.
One turns to the other and says:
'Can you smell fish?' .........
redface surprisedops:

Reading that again, again, again...................
Half an hour later....... rolleyes
play on words.
A perch is a fish
Thanks for that information J. :roll:
However, what I failed to make plain in my post was that.......... it took me bloody ages to get the joke. biggrin
No no...the worst joke has to be:
Q: "How is the Starship Enterprise like a piece of loo roll?
A: "They both fly around Uranus, looking for Klingons."
~Reese! surprised
Two cannibals, eating a clown. One says to the other... does this taste funny to you?
well i hate to hijack a worst joke thread, but here's the best joke ever . . .
what's green and hops through the australian outback?
skippy the cooking apple!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
the worst thing is, i've just wet meself typing it! how sad is that? dunno
n x x x :P
I was told this one the other night and it probably wont seem funny on here cause really you need the facial ezxperssions for this one but i'll put it in anyway so here goes...
An egg and a sausage are in the frying pan and the sausage turns to the egg and says "what the f*ck are you doing in here" and the egg turns round and goes "aaaaaaargh a talking sausage"
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
I was told this one the other night and it probably wont seem funny on here cause really you need the facial ezxperssions for this one but i'll put it in anyway so here goes...
An egg and a sausage are in the frying pan and the sausage turns to the egg and says "what the f*ck are you doing in here" and the egg turns round and goes "aaaaaaargh a talking sausage"

(shakes head in dismay rolleyes )
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
I was told this one the other night and it probably wont seem funny on here cause really you need the facial ezxperssions for this one but i'll put it in anyway so here goes...
An egg and a sausage are in the frying pan and the sausage turns to the egg and says "what the f*ck are you doing in here" and the egg turns round and goes "aaaaaaargh a talking sausage"

Now I'm peeing myself laughing! I had managed to keep a straight face and groan a lot till then (hmm what does that remind me of........ memories of Saturday night returning.......)
Air traffic control to Irish pilot.
"what is your height ans position over"
Irish pilot to ATC.
Oim foive foot ate and sat in da front of dis plane
Now I'm peeing myself laughing! I had managed to keep a straight face and groan a lot till then (hmm what does that remind me of........ memories of Saturday night returning.......)

:shock: you saw talking sausages and eggs on Saturday Night? That musta been one heck of a party
q;what do you call a man with a plank on his head

q;what do you call a man with 2 planks on his head
a;edwood wood

q;what do you call a man with 3 planks on his head
a;edwood woodwood

q;what do you call a man witt a car on his head
a; jack

rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll:
What do you call a woman with piles?