"You get what you pay for" or "You’re only paying for the name"
I know I have said both at some point or another - but which applies to what?
What is over priced hype and what really is value for money?
What would you not pay over the odds for and what would you not try and save money on?
Pain relief is one I thought of - supermarkets selling ibuprofen for less than 20p per pack next to branded versions for over a pound. I will buy both the supermarket ones and the branded ones and somehow think the branded ones will be just that bit better - even though I know the contents are just the same.
Anne Summers, over priced junk, is deffo one for the only paying for the name category!!
Dell servers and PCs are definitely worth the cash (and they're fairly competitive on price too).
I realised this the day I walked in to a branch office, asked to see the server I was supposed to be working on that day, and eventually found it, still running and in perfect working order, despite being buried in a mixture of plaster and sawdust about six inches deep. :shock: Apparently they'd had some building work done a week or two previously and nobody had bothered to close the door to the rack or to clean up afterwards.
Im cheap.... but have to admit that there really is no warrentee
and you dont have to look tooo closely to see the shoddy workmanship.
Regarding the painkiller thing, there is absolutely no difference between the cheap versions and the brand name ones.
except the non brand name ones are generally about 10-20% of the price.
That ones not even really up for debate, its a fact.
But in other areas i suppose it varies, i find a lot of 5 pound bottles of wine to be every bit as good as a 20 pound bottle, and can never ever get my head round why anyone would buy a £1000+ bottle of wine, yeah its a vintage from 1972 or whatever, but can it really taste 200 times better than your fiver bottle!!!!!!
Fixed service charges!!!!!
Now that is a laugh – shouldn’t you be given the choice to add something extra if the service lives up to your expectations? What if the service is crap – you certainly don’t always get what you paid for when it comes to service!
Being involved in retail I can see that you cant get what you pay for these days...... I am offered goods that range in price for the same product but originate from the same place/ factory.
My thoughts on this are that theres far more manufacturers and suppliers compared to years gone by and people cant forget about the impact of the far east. These people can mass produce and send their goods to this country by ship and still offer iit cheaper than most home manufactured goods!
This has led to reliable brands (which were bought knowing we were paying a little more for but were of better quality) having to slash prices on certain goods or reduce Quality just to compete.
There is a lot of time and money going into the development of a product made in this country (guidelines and regulations to be met minimum wage etc) and once launched can be coppied and mass produced far more cheaper from over seas.
Thus the time for Brittish manufacturing is hard and many have been forced to stop production or move to an overseas opperation.
This being said a well known brand name can still command a higher price to a unknon one but strip the packaging back and the odds are they are the same product! People still buy the dearer choice thinking because they are paying more they are getting a better product.
In short nowadays you cant judge a product on price alone, check out the quality and work out if indeed you are getting what you are paying for? and you are happy to purchase at that price.
theres a good saying that rings true Buyer Beware
just a bit of a rant lol
Mr goodtimez
Maz here now,
Take the example of soap powder- the majority of brand names are actually all the same company and again the same product.
They are actually just packaged differently on purpose, and then the companies tell the shops where to place them on the shelves according to price, and what customers they expect to buy what.
i.e. the middle of the range product that get the most advertising get eye level position, the cheap n cheerful (which are actually the exact same product) get put to the lower shelves, and the supposedly higher quality powders go higher up on the shelf.
All the companies do this and they all have different levels of branding ( i couldn't tell you what companies are part of who ie persil fairy surf bold etc but it's one main company that make the majority and own the market.)
m xx
Kellogs, Heinz, Yorkshire Teabags, Tissimol Coffee, these are just a few of the must have 'no compromise' products on our shopping list.
However, when it comes prunes, any make or label will give you a good run for your money.
Working in retail, like Goodtimez, (although possibly completly different sectors) I know how much a company actually buys in said items for.
We recently introduced our own brand into our shops. We have seated it next to more well known brands, and are obviously trained in how to sell it. It is cheaper then leading competitors, and just as good, if not better. So far so good for the consumer.
For every bag I sell at , it costs my company to market, produce and sell. Giving the company a whopping profit of !!! Not bad really. And the consumer thinks they are getting a good deal switching to an own label!!!
Same here Polo, make up, perfume, skin care products etc, I only ever by good quality branded stuff, usually Origins, Estee Lauder, Chanel or Dior. They are fantastic, last longer, look better and generally feel nicer than cheaper ones.