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Your first munch

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I dont know if this has been done before, if it has then sorry.
But what was it like when you went to your first munch?
Were you welcome?
Did the munch meet your expectations or were you to nervous?
It was good..
Yes it was a tad nerve racking before hand, once I was there everyone was warm and welcoming. It was cool to put faces to names, met some really nice people. All in all it was a cool night.
So in that respect it exceeded my expectations smile
Hi there Kit-Off. I hope you are well.
I went to my first Munch feeling nervous, though I soon got chatting to people. I was made very welcome and my nervousness quickly disappeared. I was able to meet and chat to a great bunch of people, so yes it did meet and exceed my expectations. It certainly helped that I was already known on SH in the Cafe.
I wonder have you considered going to a Munch?
It was fantastic, we were terrified - although it did help that we had met a few people from the site already, and in truth, we were one of the few that had. Everyone was very much in the same boat and just sort of got on with it.
Quote by Sharif
It was good..
Yes it was a tad nerve racking before hand, once I was there everyone was warm and welcoming. It was cool to put faces to names, met some really nice people. All in all it was a cool night.
So in that respect it exceeded my expectations smile

I cant waite to be able to put faces to names. There are so many great people on here and I would love to see everyone and to be able to talk face to face. Thank you
for the unintiated amongst us... is a 'munch' different to a 'party'... or is it just that the food is better?
Quote by Kit-Off
I dont know if this has been done before, if it has then sorry.
But what was it like when you went to your first munch?
Were you welcome?
Did the munch meet your expectations or were you to nervous?

I'll be able to let you know after the Essex Munch II ( 4 / 6 / 05 ). At the moment though, I'm just looking forward to having a few bevvies ( that has real rarity value for me ) and putting a few faces to names.
I was as nervous as hell the first munch we went to, I still get really nervous redface
I have a couple of drinks and get nattering, probably too much, before you know it the night is over sad
Everyone is so welcoming and friendly. Munches are excellent :bounce:
Dawn biggrin
Quote by wonderknobhead
for the unintiated amongst us... is a 'munch' different to a 'party'... or is it just that the food is better?
A munch is a purely social event held in a totally neutral environment, often somewhere like a pub, where members of Swinging Heaven get to meet each other. As there's no play involved everyone can relax which gives newbies a chance to ask questions of the more experienced without any fear of getting jumped on, and gives the regulars time to catch-up with old friends and make new ones.
Quote by KitKat
It was fantastic, we were terrified - although it did help that we had met a few people from the site already, and in truth, we were one of the few that had. Everyone was very much in the same boat and just sort of got on with it.

I have met a couple of people face to face and what great people they are too. I hope that when I go to my first munch they will be there just so I can get started with canversation and to go on from there
Quote by wonderknobhead
for the unintiated amongst us... is a 'munch' different to a 'party'... or is it just that the food is better?

As a newby can you please tell me what the difference is then apart from the food
Like Dawn, I was really nervous and still get that way now even though there are many familiar faces.
I deal with this by getting totally stinking rat-arsed, talking bollox and making a complete twat of myself. I don't even need a name badge. lol
I tried to sneak into my first munch without being recognised - I thought it would be fairly easy as I'd only met one person from the site at that point, but nooooooooooooo.... Kit recognised me and blew my cover lol lol lol lol ....
It was pretty weird actually putting faces to usernames for the first time but very cool... unforgettable lol
Quote by Dawn_Mids
for the unintiated amongst us... is a 'munch' different to a 'party'... or is it just that the food is better?
A munch is a purely social event held in a totally neutral environment, often somewhere like a pub, where members of Swinging Heaven get to meet each other. As there's no play involved everyone can relax which gives newbies a chance to ask questions of the more experienced without any fear of getting jumped on, and gives the regulars time to catch-up with old friends and make new ones.
Thank you for that
My First Munch was as nerve wracking as hell - It was the day after my dad died and just had to do anyting to get out the house - I was nervous as hell and probably didn't chat as much as i'm sometimes renowned for, and consequently everyone probably thought i was stand offish and aloof.
Luckily there were a few friends of old there - so at least i didn't feel too left out.
I liked it so much in fact - that i did four in the following four weeks
Quote by Marya
Like Dawn, I was really nervous and still get that way now even though there are many familiar faces.
I deal with this by getting totally stinking rat-arsed, talking bollox and making a complete twat of myself. I don't even need a name badge. lol

At least people will remember you!!!!
My first Munch was about six months after I joined the site.....and organised by Marcuso....
I sort of snuck in there and sat at the bar for ages looking around thinking "is that them"....and then I heard something about "SH" and thought "Aha, that's them". So I went over, adopted a casual pose (which meant me nearly falling over LoL) and said "So you must be here for the same thing I am", at which point Marcuso looked really confused and I thought oh bugger I've got the wrong group......and then he asked who I was and then gave me a big hug and kiss...and things went from there....
Everyone was so lovely to me and asked loads of questions about me (not intrusive ones) and WBB was especially lovely by introducing me to everyone and making sure I felt comfy......
We all spent ages just nattering and then went to get changed and then the Party was fabulous, just loads of people getting to know each other......
It was all depressing the next day when we had to leave sad But of course there was another one just around the corner....
I would recommend that everyone goes to Munches, they are fabulous and great fun....!!! Roll on 4th June :bounce:
Maybe we could just have a quick 'snack' (is this another word for dogging) before a full-on munch...
Are there any of these upcoming in the north-west?
Quote by DreamerHelen
My first Munch was about six months after I joined the site.....and organised by Marcuso....
I sort of snuck in there and sat at the bar for ages looking around thinking "is that them"....and then I heard something about "SH" and thought "Aha, that's them". So I went over, adopted a casual pose (which meant me nearly falling over LoL) and said "So you must be here for the same thing I am", at which point Marcuso looked really confused and I thought oh bugger I've got the wrong group......and then he asked who I was and then gave me a big hug and kiss...and things went from there....
Everyone was so lovely to me and asked loads of questions about me (not intrusive ones) and WBB was especially lovely by introducing me to everyone and making sure I felt comfy......
We all spent ages just nattering and then went to get changed and then the Party was fabulous, just loads of people getting to know each other......
It was all depressing the next day when we had to leave sad But of course there was another one just around the corner....
I would recommend that everyone goes to Munches, they are fabulous and great fun....!!! Roll on 4th June :bounce:

That is really great to hear and I just hope I will have the same welcome you did. Thanks
Quote by wonderknobhead
'snack' (is this another word for dogging) before a full-on munch...
Are there any of these upcoming in the north-west?

No "snack" is not another word for dogging, unless you know the burger van in the layby just outside Bolton... he does cracking fried egg butties - second time I've hijaked a thread with that info today btw :shock: rolleyes .
All the munches currently being organised are sticked in LMU. The next event in the NW is Sparkle.
Thank you... im gonna see if I can get an invite to 'Sparkle'...
God only knows how though...
Quote by Kit-Off
But what was it like when you went to your first munch?
Were you welcome?

The first munch (mini) that I went to, I just went for a look. Stayed about an hour, then left. That was more to do with my own circumstances at the time. (That seems soooooolong ago now) But I remember coming away with the surprising thought in my head, that the people there were just like any other people, and yes; I could probably "fit in"
As for being made to feel welcome :shock:
I can honestly say Miss Kit-Off, I am still impressed at just how welcome people are made to feel at munches. From the small "social drinks" through "mini munches" to full blown "area" type big blowout type munches.
Whether people are on SH to swing, socialise, explore, or for whatever reason - I can and do thoroughly and whole-heartedly recommend going to a munch.
If you're really nervous about "going through" the door - I'm sure everyone will have interacted with someone else that's going. Maybe ask them to "take you in" Just make sure you ask them before you get to the door and that they have their mobile switched on redface
That's enough proper stuff from me.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
But then again - I'm just a munch whore wink
Quote by wonderknobhead
Thank you... im gonna see if I can get an invite to 'Sparkle'...
God only knows how though...

Sparkle is an event being run Manchester's gay village... it is nothing to do with SH, and it is open to anyone at all... it's just that some of us are going anyway and thought it would be good to organise a social event in the evening for SH members in the Village. Thus, if you want to go to Sparkle, no-one is stopping you.
Cool.. then I shall be there... is there something I should do tho to identify fellow munchsters?
Or will the drooling give them away?
Quote by wonderknobhead
Cool.. then I shall be there... is there something I should do tho to identify fellow munchsters?
Or will the drooling give them away?

You're on the wrong thread to find things out about Sparkle. Go and look at the thread in LMU
Quote by Kit-Off
Like Dawn, I was really nervous and still get that way now even though there are many familiar faces.
I deal with this by getting totally stinking rat-arsed, talking bollox and making a complete twat of myself. I don't even need a name badge. lol

At least people will remember you!!!!
I remember rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao
Oops.. sorry... i shall cross-thread immediately (which does seem in keeping with the spirit of 'Sparkle'
Quote by MQ
Like Dawn, I was really nervous and still get that way now even though there are many familiar faces.
I deal with this by getting totally stinking rat-arsed, talking bollox and making a complete twat of myself. I don't even need a name badge. lol

At least people will remember you!!!!
I remember rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao
/set HI JACK = true
nice to see you posting again.. been too long xxxxxx
/set Hijack = false
to be very honest, i wasn't scared at all, with my first munch. i did things the irish way and did the party thing first (not that i was nervous about!).
but i was just leaving the hotel to go to the NW munch and spotted Lucifer , a face i reconised, and ther was a bucnh out side wating for a none exsitant taxi, so i got chatting to a few, like Angel_Chat, little and a couple others. so by the time we got to the munch i wasn't nevous at all
I think redface my first SH munch was the first Wigan munch, up those steps into the room at the top.
Met by MrsNWC and made to feel welcome and had a wonderful time
(prior to my first munch I had been to 2 Parties, so I already knew some people)
My first munch was the North West munch in May 2004 - has it really been over a year since then?! - and yes, I was nervous, but not for too long, everyone was obviously in the same boat and very friendly right from the start. I already knew two people there from a swinging club, so it was reassuring to be able to chat with them for a time. There were over a hundred there, and I'm one of the quieter ones, so I just stuck to one corner of the pub and chatted to the ones who were around me. Some of the bolder ones circulated during the evening so I got to chat with them as well. Everything was fine, and I have been to several more munches since then.