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Your first porn magazine

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Every man has a special relationship with the first porn magazine he has access to. Whether it was furtively brought into school under cover of blazer, found in a hedge in the park or misappropriated from the shop where you did your paper round (guilty), they're our first introduction to the ways of women and the world.
While a lot of them succumb to the parental rule - witness the brilliant Beastie Boys lyric "And your mom threw away your best porno mag" - or simply get lost along the way, you can now hark back to and buy your once favourite magazines. I've just spent a very pleasant hour or so going through all of the copies of Fiesta I used to own.

Step back into the time warp!
Master of Sex
I used to read Mayfair, just for the motoring section. :shock:
Pinched mine from my dads drawer!! redface lol
Umm if i can recall is was pages from The Star when i was mere nipper... tho never actually bought a full on mag... i just got loads from my mates dad! (umm we found his stash)...
found one of my dads in his garden shed
Sex God
For absolute confession time !!!!!!!!! rolleyes redface never got brave to buy them till I was married a year or two and that was for sheer devil meant :twisted:
And I used to serve the men that wanted these mags under the usual papers. :roll:
Aschool friend had an older brother and we "found" a magazine under his matress!!!! She threatened him for ages after that she would tell her parents
Cant remember which one it was but something like Fiesta.
Sex God
Hummmmm.... must have been those I found in the park, before the police stamped out cruising there sad . I searched the house high and low and never found any :( so I had to scramble round the great outdoors to find it. I used to find some quality material too - straight and gay - not like the boring shite lads brought into school, thinking it was cool rolleyes
My cousins, an entire suitcase full to the top with porn. biggrin
Master of Sex
Used to raid my dads supply. Always loved Vibrations, especially the letters section.
Have always preferred the written word to pictures, seems to get the imagination going. cool
Mine was one that was passed around at school. No pics - just stories. I was supposed to take it back and pass it on - but my mom found it and threw it out rolleyes
I wasn't the most popular kid at school then!
Hmmmm - must've known something even then 'cos I was the only girl the boys would share it with biggrin
My mate found one of his dads. Cant remember what it was called as I was only young, 9 I think, but it was pretty hardcore... Thats when I discovered that black women were pink on the inside :shock:
found my first one in the street after some work men had moved on
still find loads on the motorways
Used to get mine from my dad's wardrobe, most of them had the 70's sort of pictures in them, he used to steal them back in return. Eventually my dad got so fed up of me borrowing them he put a huge stack on my bed one day when I was out.
We never ever spoke a word about it
Quote by Alex And Lianne
my dad got so fed up of me borrowing them he put a huge stack on my bed one day when I was out.

Cool dad :thumbup:
I dont think my dad ever had any. If he did he kept them WELL hidden. Not like his weed... innocent
Leon :color:
Warming the Bed
My first bought mag was "Exclusive" around Jan 1981.
Unfortunately my parents were extremely strict, so I would buy porno mags, hide them in the house somewhere and then terrified of being caught, I would have to get rid of them somehow. Getting rid of them was quite difficult, because you couldn't put them in the bin, because they might get found. Once I was so desperate to get rid of a copy of "Men Only", that I posted into a postbox while on my paper round. It must have given the postman quite a suprise the next morning.
I was on holiday with the parents at a caravan park in Rye. I was desperate to have a look at the mags in the nearest shop, so one day I nipped in and quickly selected a couple of the mags and approached the counter. "How old are you ?" the assistant asked sternly. "15" I replied. "Put them back", she said. "They're for sale to over 18's only". Extremely humilating it was.
First hardcore was courtesy of "Filmnet+" on the old analogue satellites. Quite a shock it was to see hardcore for the first time. There was no Internet in those days.
Warming the Bed
When I stayed at my parental home for a few weeks following a move from London I found all my old softcore porn magazines stuffed in the same old hidy hole - up the (disused) chimney!
Probably still there and one day I'll smuggle them out - but unless anyones in the market for a collection of material from the mid seventies they'll end up in the recycling bin!
Sex God
A brand spanker out of my dads the ensuing struggle between me and my mates the front page was ripped accross :uhoh:
He's never said a word to this day!!
Warming the Bed
Brilliant thread. being abit of a nostalgia fan, this got me thinking.
Remember stumbling across my old man's collection and then over time learning to sneakily enjoy the delights of Club and Men Only during the late 80s and early 90s; discovering women of different sizes, races and style.
I am sure he knew, bit its kinda one of those unsaid things. He had just as much to lose if not more by 'fessing up. I laugh now thinking about the day when my future son find's mine!
I think the first magazine I finally summoned up the courage to buy in a newsagent was called "Parade" and was very tame by today's standards.
I remember being very disappointed when I saw my first naked woman in the flesh, to find that she didn't have little black stars over the naughty bits. confused
I remember my first left handed pamphlet, it was in one of my local newsagents, in his "reduced to clear" box - a Christmas edition of Fiesta - and because I was only 12 at the time ( and Catholic - raging hormones AND guilt :crazy: duel ) I left both copies for a few weeks before I could take no more and used my five fingered discount. I must have kept it for 2-3 years ( not easy with my mum ) and I still want to repeat one of the stories climax - sat in a chair woman on top, 2nd woman licking balls, cock, labia and clit as she is penetrated doggy style. Happy days lol
Quote by sexybimale4fun
When I stayed at my parental home for a few weeks following a move from London I found all my old softcore porn magazines stuffed in the same old hidy hole - up the (disused) chimney!
Probably still there and one day I'll smuggle them out - but unless anyones in the market for a collection of material from the mid seventies they'll end up in the recycling bin!

Be a surprise for someone when the house gets sold.
Sex God
I used to sneak my Dad's redface I loved the stories in them and to this day remember my favourite :twisted:
I once got one of his porns vid's stuck in the video player whilst they were out and went into a blind panic trying to get it out :shock: :shock:
c x
It wasn't a mag, it was half a dozen black and white photos in some bushes where we had to go for a walk at school. Boarding School, so they got passed around the dorm a lot, only allowed one at a time and there were a couple of favourites that got fought over.
"Oi xxxxxx's wanking", "you've got one of those photos", "No I'm not" (Slows down to one rev a minute and tries not to speed up at the end).
Warming the Bed
My first porno was 'escort' not your average car mag eh cool lol wink
Quote by MrsFC
For absolute confession time !!!!!!!!! rolleyes redface never got brave to buy them till I was married a year or two and that was for sheer devil meant :twisted:
And I used to serve the men that wanted these mags under the usual papers. :roll:

I'm still not brave enough to buy them :$
I've never bought a porn mag, use to loan my ex-brother-in-law's stuck together pages off him. But bah to mags who needs them. I've decided to star in a porn movie for my 40th :P
hump :spit: :sticky:
Quote by Libra-Love
I've never bought a porn mag, use to loan my ex-brother-in-law's stuck together pages off him. But bah to mags who needs them. I've decided to star in a porn movie for my 40th :P
hump :spit: :sticky:

Can I be the male lead please?
The ABBA annual 1979, did you see Agnetha in that all-in-one white costume. rolleyes :roll:
Had many a good night with me and my right hand with that in mind. biggrin :D
She never answered my wedding proposals though.....bitch wink :wink:
ya like the rest of you found me mum and dads porno mags
but then went on to buying the forum mag...had many a moment playing with me self reading the stories :twisted: :twisted: