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2 days ago
Straight Male, 66
0 miles · Staffordshire


Quote by getthatdownya

Whats the best time to go and where about on the chase?

No best time it's a matter of going up and sitting and waiting for hours sometimes and even do that many times before you are lucky and even then no guarantees. That's dogging I am afraid.

Quote by bustmanuk

Made a couple of visits last couple of weeks not been fortunate enough to have any fun what is the best times and places to go if anyone could help us with this pls do send a pm with details

There are no best times to go its a matter of parking up and waiting and having patience. Ive waited for hours and nothing happened and gone weeks before anything happens. That the joy of dogging.

I have been going up the Chase all through the winter. Dogging never stops been going up there for over 20 yrs all year round. Had some gr8 fun in quieter months in the past.

Quote by Lapua

 Sorry but totally disagree. We all know that there are some on here who will arrange and actually meet during current times and are therefore breaking current UK law in either travelling outside their "local" area or if not still meeting other households.
Fair enough to disagree, but an additional question- if they are prepared to break the law, how much difference do you think it would make to close the "looking for meets" section down to whether they continue to try (and potentially be successful at) arranging meets or not?

 If in any of the chatrooms people are regularly warned not to discuss anything illegal in the country that they reside and if not they will face the consequences. It is not about closing the "Looking for Meet" section as long as they are enquiring for future reference. If not, as like those breaking SH rules in chatrooms, they should be warned and if persist suspended because like certain discussions in chatrooms are illegal in corresponding countries arranging to meet at present time is breaking UK Law and if they persist they should be either suspended or banned from SH. But we all know why SH will not ban anyone because it is down to money and renewing subscriptions.

Quote by Lapua
Quote by MrandMrsBad
Quote by DavenKat
Do people not actually realise we are in a national lockdown? or that thousands of people are being admitted to hospitl daily? or that the NHS is crippled partly due to people not adhering to guidelines?
Im just speechless
 I actually pointed out this a few months ago on other posts ..I got hammered for it from the mods on here, telling me it's none of my business and people can decide if they meet or was quite a discussion..I think it is ridiculous that meet request are still allowed to be posted on here,I think SH as a duty of care to protect others..Like those folk who are still meeting for sex , going out in to the wider public and passing Covid-19 on and possibly causing deaths..The mods who were arguing with me went to my profile and came back to slag me off for the fact we practice unprotected sex, like probably 1000"s of other members on here do..I did point out I can not pass a STD on in the queue at Tesco, but I could possibly pass on Covid-19 and kill someone, I did eventually leave the discussion, Because I was losing the battle as more mods joined in to hammer me..I think the post was taken down, I've not checked, as I have not been back to it..
We've been through this before- the principle is that the site has and continues to note that there are rules, regulations and in some cases primary legislation (ie Laws) that tell people what they can and can't do. If the site were to open/close the 'lets meet up' section of the site for each eventuality, what do we do for example if its allowed in Wales and not England? What about if we go back to regional lockdowns and you live on the isle of Scilly and you don't have any restrictions affecting you? What about our members from other countries for example?
I take the view that the site also doesn't tell people not to speed to their next meet for example as its quite obvious everyone should know not to exceed the legal speed limit, however, still some people will and some wont obey that rule too, its not the sites fault if someone gets a speeding ticket for doing 90mph on the M25 is it?.

I think that in the first discussion you also referred back to other posts by mods at different stages of the Pandemic, as we all know the rules have changed over time, so what we must and must not do has the last year..I suspect that will continue to be the case for some time too.
I expect anyone advertising for meets at the moment where that is banned by law, is just highlighting themselves as someone who is willing to break the law for a meet- I'd certainly think that would put them on nearly everyone's "no" list, but then I might be wrong.
As for the previous discussion where you claim to have been "hammered" by the mods- I think that's unfair, we had a discussion, much like we're having here, and no, it wasn't taken down, the discussion just moved on.

 Sorry but totally disagree. We all know that there are some on here who will arrange and actually meet during current times and are therefore breaking current UK law in either travelling outside their "local" area or if not still meeting other households.

I arranged an outdoor gang bang for a couple I am friends with. He wanted to just watch her having fun but it wasnt as easy as one would think, having advertised on a swinging forum had over 100 messages in 24 hrs from all over the country. Eventually arranged for 10 relatively local guys who sounded genuine and gave them time and place (local dogging area). Glorious lovely day and of the ten only 3 turned up there were 2 blokes, lucky for them, who were dogging who joined in and so including me she was gang banged by 6. She really enjoyed it but was disappointed more didnt show up, if you arrange a gang bang just be aware that if you arrange 3 they might not turn up as arranged so leaving disappointment. Sad that there are so many timewasters or those that bottle out at the last minute.

Think dogging is going to be even more dead than it has been due to current situation and dont think anyone would risk there health  so at least for me its suspended for a while. Stay safe everyone.

Where I frequent on the chase there have been an element of bi/gay males looking for fun for over 16yrs. The gay element never have any interest or interfere with cpls that appear the bi guys if they cannot get str8 fun then they are happy to have bi fun and switch back if a cple appear. This happens at all dogging sites and always amazes me couples who go dogging but are so anti bi/gay and have fun have no idea what those guys do before or after they have appeared. Life is too short live and let live and just have fun whatever sort you are happy with.

Having been dogging up the chase for over 16yrs find that number of cpls have decreased not because of the gays/bi but due to the aggressive attitude of doggers that dont know the rules and think they have rights and are too demnading.

Still open day and night on Cannock Chase very hard to close all car parks on 26sq miles of AONB

Certainly would approach car especially if you are in a car park known for dogging but certainly wouldnt approach car with your cock out thats asking for trouble. Slowly approach and make sure they see you then they will either stop or carry on or tell you where to go. If they carry on just watch from side of car and if they open window or door take it from there but dont forget some couples only want to be watched and not any involvement with others so be happy with whatever they want.
Its just a matter of experience and all depends on what time of day. If its late at night and you are in a secluded car park then there is a strong chance that they are dogging as well. If its daytime, yes it does happen, best thing is to park up go for a little walk and see if anyone follows and if they do and you feel comfortable find somewhere quiet and discreet and you can then have as much or as little fun as you want. If at first due to nerves you only want to be watched from a distance a proper dogger will not have a problem with that if you are unfortun ate to get a pushy dogger just walk back to car and go home. As an after tnought if its at night and you have fun in your car keep doors closed and windows up until you feel comfortable to do anything.
Anybody any idea why I cannot view webcams I am using Firefox browser was OK with Chrome but since changed unable to view webcams in chatroom.
Didnt say I had fun 24/7 just that where I go dogging you can be lucky to have fun day or night at anytime of the year like I have in the past.
Seen many adverts looking for fun on particular cruises but dont know or ever seen anything ever happen. wink
Just wish the coffin was see through just to make sure she is in it.
Says it all Max you say you know nothing about the closure of Littleton Colliery so you have done a LITTLE research and now you are an expert and preach that closing of the collieries were nothing to do with Thatcher. A little knowledge is as dangerous as no knowledge at all and you should not preach about things that you know sod all about.
Speed does kill and that is a known fact and seen in my own eyes for many years but the positioning of 95% of fixed speed cameras and mobile cameras are not in accident black spots they are just there to take easy money off motorists.
Doesnt matter how you look at it and at the end of the day you can always hide the truth amongst figures, governments and big companies and accountants have been doing it for years, it just proves what priorities this coalition government have in giving the rich even more money in tax breaks while the rest of us are paying the cost for austerity.
I was a bit upset by the programme actually because I have met that deer and she said I was the only one for her and she loved me lol actualy the programme was pants.