lol HnS
If you head for the Theatre District or the XScape building, you'll find a wide variety of places to eat & drink. I've heard that the multi-story car-park by the theatre can be a bit tight, so maybe best try to use one of the many surface car parks.
Enjoy your stay in MK
shag (she's in her thirties - for this bit of the game)
Bernie Ecclestone
(probably the only other person to get this connection would be my sis - she had the decorators in and talked of having a dildo rail around her living room) :doh:
Granted, but ya forgot to take it 12 years ago ......... and 10 years ago ........... and 8 years ago .............. (summer hols still kill ya, only more so) :shock:
I wish it was warm enough to lay naked under the stars
Granted, but you can't make it.
I wish I was laying on some warm sand, with the hot sun on me and with waves lapping at my feet
Granted, but the local blacksmith wasn't very good at it
I wish I could ride a motorbike
granted, but the delivery van breaks down and you have no food for dinner
I wish I could fly