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Over 90 days ago
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Quote by cool4catz
God you lot are sick! :P

and ur point is?
I mean you wouldn't catch me using toothpaste, or that pleasure gel stuff, or even that minty shaving foam for heightened sexual pleasure purposes, oh no no no.
I love my kids to death and miss them like hell when I'm away from them. However, if I didn't have my Saturdays and the occasional weekend to myself when their dad has them i would go crazy. I also have a week in the summer when they go to stay with my parents.
I work full time and when I have a week off work I often still take them to the childminders!
Sounds like I never see them! However, when we do have time together it is quality time. I take days off work specifically to be with them. A couple of times a month we have an evening out doing whatever they want, and Sundays are always just for me and my kids.
I may be just reiterating what others have said, but it is all about balance. You need time to be you as well as being a mum. Time when you and Mars can be a couple and enjoy the company of adult friends. smile
Lots of people on here seem to have similar issues - wonder if we should start an SH babysitting circle!! lol
The Rabbit is my fave toy. It has to be the original Ann Summers one though for me. I've tried cheaper versions and the new improved models that Ann Summers have brought out but I always go back to the original. smile
Go for what is right for you Rachel. Life is to short to let the powers that be stop us getting where we want to be. Good luck in getting where you want to be. X
Can't believe nobody has mentioned Butter Pies. Good job I can't get them in the Mildands as I'd be trying to lose about 10st rather than 2st if I could.
There are no better fish and chips, ever, than the ones bought on Blackpool seafront from my uncle after walking through the illuminations on a freezing cold winters night.
Quote by Kit-Off
What a suprise. Why did my hubby put this up. I dident think men would complain about having too much sex it is always never enough. I might have to find a man who can keep up with me. Ha Ha.

Or maybe several men??
Sounds very much like the type of thing Tool and I are into. He rarely participates when we meet guys because he prefers to watch me and loves it when I meet someone and come home and tell him about it.
I tend to get the same reaction from most people 'in real life' (for want of a better phrase). Because I am a woman who enjoys sex and has no intention of being monogomous I am labelled a slapper. Good job I don't care really isn't it! biggrin
At a rough guess... I'd say it's none of your business.
And besides, I can't remember anyway. It all went blurry after the first few thousand. rotflmao
Tool usually compliments me by calling me a slut. Occasionally he gets really romantic and tells me I have a big arse. rolleyes
I've always preferred books to films - for the same reasons mentioned by one or two others. I prefer to use my imagination and feel that films take away from that. Tool has nagged me to watche Silence of The Lambs. I won't because I loved the book so much I just know I wouldn't enjoy the film!
I would take the chance and see what she is like. If you date her to see how it goes, if you get on etc, you can find out if she is your kind of girl without commitment - just make sure she knows it is on a loose basis..
At least you didn't wash it like my mate did last week. She sat by the washing machine crying and watching it go round and round!
My ex got a taste of mine when he wasn't expecting it. Wouldn't go near my tits till I'd dried up after. Said it tasted vile. He always was full of compliments.
Cats Protection League will take it in if you can't keep it and won't have it put to sleep. Maybe see what the vet says about it's state of health before you make a decision!
I've had mine in for over 5 years. Never had a problem. Slightly heavier periods than before but nothing I can't handle. Tool says he can't feel it and I've never had anyone else comment that they can.
As far as safety goes, my doctor told me it has only slightly less reliability than sterilisation! I've not got pregnant yet - and I've had a lot of sex in the time I've had it in! (Obviously only unprotected sex with Tool, don't want to start another bareback thread!)
Don't know if you've had children but if not the only problem might be that some dr's are unwilling to put a coil in someone who hasn't had children.
I've met up with a number of single guys, from ads on this site and others. Never had any problems. I'm not saying I never will but the untrustworthy people are in the minority in my experience.
As Tool has said, we would love to come to a munch. However we have been having a long discussion since reading this thread about whether we should or not.
Like Calista I have a history of domestic violence. That history has had the oposite effect on me and ensured that never again will I put up with anyone doing anything to me that I don't want them to. However I would still not want to have to put up with some of the behaviour mentioned in this thread, and nobody should have to.
My biggest concern regarding munches though is something different. It has been mentioned a couple of times in this thread but it was a scenario that concerned me from the first time I read about munches. As many people on this site have already met each other on numerous occasions there is a danger of the forums becoming cliquey. Generally this doesn't happen but I have seen threads that have become a discussion between regulars and full of 'in' jokes. On a message board I can ignore those threads but if a munch was to become a social gathering for a group of friends to the exclusion of all others I would walk out.
I still hope Tool and I will attend a munch some time soon, my attitude is give it a go, if we hate it we don't have to go to another. Having read through this thread I think Tool is more inclined to stick to answering ads rather than getting any more involved - I may have to do some persuading! It is a shame that, rather than munches being a way of introducing newbies to the scene, they are actually scaring us off!
Porn films do very little for me, I find stories far more erotic. But then I would always prefer to read than watch a film, porn or otherwise!
Quote by lilacgem

As others have pointed out, condoms are a necessity in our age and time. Going bareback is not an option, even among couples. You can never be 100% sure of anything in life, much less the fidelity of your partner.

I know ppl have taken offence to this, but i agree with Tania on this one through experience, I'm not going in to details because it would be long & boring, but its very true, but that is when someone breaks the trust.
I'm now with someone else & when we met we used condoms, now i don't feel the need to between us, I do however if it involves anyone else. Sex doesn't come with any guarantees
Nothing in life comes with guarantees. I trust my partner to be 100% honest with me. He is not infallible - neither am I. I am 99% certain that he would never cheat on me. I am 100% certain that if he ever did sleep with anyone else without my knowledge he would be honest and tell me. And I reckon that honesty is far more important than fidelity.
I think we all know there are people around who, for a variety of reasons (excuses?) choose not to use condoms. We all have the choice not to play with those people and most swingers make the safe choice. More so, in my experience, than people who do not swing. I am constantly amazed by the number of guys I meet who have never used a condom. Madness.
Quote by freckledbird
You can never be 100% sure of anything in life, much less the fidelity of your partner.

Excuse me, I can. That's likely to be seen as offensive by some people on here. confused
Agreed Freckledbird. You have to be secure in your relationship if you swing as a couple. If I wasn't i wouldn't be here.
Quote by ^Tigger^
If the house blew down now....he'd turn over n go back to sleep lol

lol, I know that feeling. Had it just last night with my other half. I am convinced it is a lie that men have a higher sex drive than women. Higher sleep drive maybe...
Quote by ^Tigger^
Broke the rabbit ages ago lol...wasnt over use...was just badly made hehehe

I broke mine too. I admit it, - overuse. redface Wouldn't need it if I could find a bloke that could keep up without falling asleep!
Quote by ^Tigger^
........When all kids are sleeping round a friends for the night (not often that happens!) and hubby has promised a chinese and a drink in a pub then swifly falls asleep by 10 PM and u havent been out nor had dinner........HELP !!! Bored stiff!!!!
*wonders weather she should have bothered getting up today......*

Order whatever you want and have it delivered. Nick the money out of his wallet to pay for it. Then go to bed with a rabbit. That won't fall asleep. wink
Quote by peenut
Yes. if you ever did the student thing of filling one up with water they can stretch to enormous sizes!!!!!!!!!
What are peoples views on femedoms then?

One of the few methods of contraception I've never tried. Always thought they sounded horrible! A friend of mine tried them and said they sounded rustly - could ruin the moment a bit.