585 for l'il me - not bad for someone my age!
Though I swear - there are some things I've done that there weren't questions for... :twisted:
Though having seen some of the other scores flying about, I feel positively virginal :angel:
Hate them hate them hate them!
I can't even bring myself to hoover them up in case they crawl back a la Terminator with 12 of their biggest mates in tow. There was one on me ceiling the other day that was so big it had elbows and eyelashes! :eeek:
They're grim and nasty, and, and.... *shiver* and now I'm gonna have nightmares! And I had to shut me eyes and whizz past the pic that JonJon so kindly plastered across the page.... :dry:
*wanders away from seat on Arachnid Alert, convinced one's following her movements across the room, with all eight of it's evil little eyes*
Well I work for the Government - nothing exciting and James Bond-like though. I'm not saying which department I work for, else there'd probably be a price on my head ...!