The Wii light is meant to turn on when somebody from another computer or from the system itself leaves a message. You can adjust these settings on your Wii when you go to Wii connect 24 and click slot illumination. You will find some options on there.
If you are a little freaky like me and like the light on all the time, simply send your Wii an email from your computer and once your Wii gets it the light will shine and wont turn off if you don't read the message.
Lastly, I hope your enjoying it. I bought myself one as a Xmas pressie to myself and have had tons of fun on it, I actually am finding the tennis quite a good work out!!
Personally I don't really think that people change ever.
Whats inside has always been inside, but in some cases the individual has just not discovered it, or in some cases has discovered it, but will choose to hide it from themselves and others.
Maybe another reason why I believe life is about discovery .........
Mine has to be my Wrangler jacket, sleeveless of course. It is 30 years old and is currently draped over a 4 foot high penguin in my bedroom .......
It was really beautifully embroided by an Auntie of mine with all my favorite bands of the time ..
Ted Nugent
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Just for those times over Xmas when you you can't keep away from the pc and may require some light relief.
Oh and lastly, happy Xmas to one and all, even those on here that perceive me as someone I am not :twisted:
Suppose you could just load a voice control programme and forget the keyboard alltogether.
That said, just talking to your pc cant be as satisfying as banging away on the keyboard ... :shock:
Trouble is she keeps burning the bacon for brekkie ......
Ah well, suppose you cant have everything ..... :twisted:
Interestingly enough, there was a report back in the early eighties that highlighted the fact that as a percentage, there were more attacks on humans by Golden Labradors than any other god in the UK. Ok, they were a popular dog at the time, which tends us to believe that in fact it is down to the owners and how they educate their dogs.
That said, there is also a responsibility on all of us to be aware of the potential danger that dogs could pose. I remember all to well taking my Pyrenean into my local pub’s garden. Many a time kids would just come up to her, no asking, but would start to play with her and on occasion, as young kids would be, be overly rough with my dog. It was a rare thing that the parents would actually approach me and ask if it would be ok for their kids just to stroke her.
Strawberries and champagne for me - just in one of those moods today.
Many happy returns of the day Dawnie - I hope you have a great one.
Firstly, huge apologies I have not been on top of this, it has just been manic recently.
So, as stated I will be in the bar of hotel no 1 between 2:00 and 4:00 (maybe just after 2, depends on check in).
It seems on the list I have so far:
NMW Possible
Wannahavefun Possible
I will be sending out a pm probably tomorrow now, however, I will not be mentioning any locations.
yes yes I know, completely off topic, but as the title is smoothies ..........
I am in the process of changing my lifestyle, more healthy eating, giving up fags, more excercise etc etc.
Anyway, bought myself an early birthday pressie last Friday, a smoothie maker and I have to say, I just love it.
Apart from going through ten ton of fruit over the weekend, I am also running out of ideas and may have to start at the beginning of the recipe book again.
So, if anyone has any suggestions for a scrummy smoothie, please let me know!!!!!
Best one for me so far, pineapple, natural yoghurt, pear and plums, twas yummy - although maybe I should add marmite in the next one ......................
I used to chat to a really nice lady and we sometimes ended up having quite profound conversations. She did a lot of work with the community and when I reflected on my work I always came away thinking something was missing, certainly from a satisfaction perspective. She got me to think about stuff that, to be honest, I have not really thought about before.
I have a good job, I work bloody hard and enjoy it thoroughly. But what I do could not compare to what she did from a satisfaction perspective. To this day I have the utmost admiration of her.
It started to make me think. Now I am no way a people’s person and to be honest, would probably hinder rather than help people. After looking at myself I decided that in order to actually do something that I considered worthwhile, it didn’t necessarily have to involve helping people. It could be anything from digging ditches to helping an old lady crossing the road. Most importantly it had to give me self satisfaction that I was actually contributing.
After looking around, there was so much that I could do and intend on doing. Mainly, because of where I live, it involves outside work. The main thing is that I have taken the first step.
Without those conversations I would never have examined myself in the way that I did. Sometimes it can take the most offhand comment, or the most serious in depth conversation to make us look inside ourselves. The challenge is looking at yourself honestly and wanting to do something about what you find lurking there.
It is a little unfortunate, and in my opinion underhand, but a few sites operate systems that entice people to join.
Once they have paid some money then interest drops off, until such times as the subscription runs out, then, low and behold lots of interest commences again.
In some cases, a percentage of the site population will in fact be bogus and would probably be centrally controlled.
I do hope that this is not the situation with you and that you find lots of fun.
As I am now going again, I thought I would give this a gentle bump.
Mike, will be good to share a couple of jars with you matey.
Fingers crossed a few more will be prompted to get their names down.
As I said earlier, please use this thread for any pre-munch drinkies, as per Mallocks suggestions of drinks as well.
Come on down as some idiot used to say
Going again!!!!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Can't wait.
Roll on getting to the bar and having a few social drinks and interactions :cheers: