Quote by Freckledbird
well for every £5 they spend on cigarettes there putting £4 back in,
Quote by sugarspice-nw
rotflmao betty your so excited and done nowt yet lol. Well 23 more sleeps babes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm only sleeps you will be getting hehehehe.
sugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Sara_2006
I wanna a lot of things but never gets erm pmsl.
sugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
26 more sleeps to go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Quote by Sara_2006
I wanna a lot of things but never gets erm pmsl.
sugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
26 more sleeps to go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Quote by little gem
Ugh,uke: Glittermaker
I like sparkly with the next person but those things just simply do my head in. I am firmly in the 'small-ish signature fan' camp!
They should give you the code when you make the infernal thing so you don't have to faff with codes and the like, just copy and paste.
*hangs head in shame*
Yes, I made one once too, but it just was too distracting everytime I posted. :lol:
A girl can't take too much twinkle n sparkle apparently, although my fella would disagree and say I was a right magpie. :lol:
And is it supposed to say barmy and batty? Cos I've got a feeling that's what you'll be called from now on! :lol: Should've just signed up with those names to start with! Save the name change fee eh! ;)
ps. welcome btw cos I've not spoken to you before.
pps. any help with fixing a dodgy laptop keyboard while I'm here? ;) Well you don't ask you don't get eh! :lol:
Quote by cu3b4ll
I always cheat. Hit 'reply' to this post, and then paste the URL of the image in. Then highlight it with the mouse and click the 'Img' button. That will give you the full string to copy into your sig.
It should look something like:
but without the spaces.
In edit: here's one I prepared just now: