Sadly we cannot join the camp. Have fun!
Classic british mongrel here. The only interesting folk in my ancestral line were travelling players. The rest appear to have shovelled shit from one heap to another.
A subtle sexual overture. The subtler the better.
Financial Ombudsman Service.
Jolly helpful.
I am reliably informed the coast of Wales is full.
We would very much like to join the frolic.
We have a rule when we can find the time.
If it isn't used or good to look at we get rid of it.
We sure miss grandpappy.
Bless you and yours xxxxxxxxxxx
Chin up Stevie.
We will be having a slothful day in front of the telly.
Thyme is one of those herbs that I find a bit too dose sensitive.
If I use just a little too much minx complains of a "burnt" taste.
Blue, if the Act were rigorously enforced there would be a prosecution after most hunts. My experience is that a fox scent is followed as often now as it was before the Act, when there is no obvious surveillance. Of course the hounds should be trained to follow the artificial trail but here we are 8 years on and it hasn't happened.
Now you are either less involved in fox hunting than you make out or your are being deliberately disingenuous.
In either event, bored as I am with the frequent pro hunting threads, I feel obliged to challenge the misinformation.
No, for disagreeing with the law and having the arrogance to presume that nobody will care.
Yet, this is exactly what the hunt were prosecuted for.
People hunt foxes with horses and hounds because it is fun.
All of the rest is just smoke n mirrors.
I chuckle every time I read the ridiculous arguments in favour of fox hunting but I have a terrible habit of challenging misinformation.
What makes me very angry is the way some sections of society feel they can ignore the law. Boxing day, the local hunts will allegedly following a scented trail. They will probably pick up the scent of a fox and kill it as they often do.
Let us hope this case will make them think twice although I doubt it. Perhaps with enough prosecutions folk will start to behave responsibly or it may be necessary to ban scented trails too.
We don't know the rationale behind the costs award either.
Bear with me on this.
Do we know why the charges were dropped?
Do we know why the judge didn't award all of the costs?
Do we know why the hounds weren't confiscated.
I don't think we do.
I dont know, he could have made it all up eh?
Hence my wish for transcripts. They would also answer my other questions. Justice being seen to be done is important I think.
Yes I had read hat article, authored by th pro hunt Countryside Alliance chappy I believe.
As I said I do wish they published court transcripts.
I think you have been misinformed blue.
I think the RSPCA chose to drop some of the charges when the main ones were admitted to.
I think the magistrate awarded as much as the hunt could afford.
I still wonder why the hounds weren't confisctaed.
I do wish court records were published.
I got the impression "scrap heap" was a monetary measure.
If it isn't what is the measure?
Why didn,t the guilty have to pay 325k?
Why weren't the hounds confiscated?
Was either matter mentioned in the summing up?
Are we measuring success in money again?
There are 7 people who call me dad.
Their academic abilities range from Oxford Graduate to one grade D GCSE in IT. Their choices have ranged from the best performing state schools, to the worst and include private specialist schools.
They are all reasonably happy living the lives they have chosen from the opportunities available to them.
I think that's the most important thing tbh.
Thankfully none of them look down their noses at others who have different opportunities or make different choices.
Roadkill mutton is tasty. Takes a while to run one over mind.
I think this public interest malarky is a red herring. I dont think the case was ever reviewed by the CPS. Furthermore the cost of the prosecution do not appear to feature in the CPS criteria for public interest.
I like the idea of recovering as much of the costs as possible from criminals.
I think the vaccination runs for life but one has to do the new badgers as they pop up.