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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 47
0 miles · Hertfordshire


From what I know of it, it's more of an S&M / Power Exchange thing than a swinging thing. The people involved are often in a femdom relationship, where humiliation is part of that particular couple's kink. It's often combined with chastity play - the woman having sexual control of the man's release.
Seems mental to me, but it takes all sorts.
Erm... this was clearly written by someone who has thumbed through a legal textbook and then made a load of stuff up. It has no basis in real law at all.
Corporations can "sign" agreements, and have many of the same rights and remedies as people - that't the whole point of them.
There are ways of getting out of most debts incurred before 2007 due to deficiences in the agreements and lack of compliance with consumer credit act - google it if you really wanna know.
But if you went to court with this load of claptrap, you'd be laughed at. Then you'd have judgment and costs filed against you.
Maybe this would fly in some weird parallel legal system cooked up by the original author, but not in an English court.
This will never come to anything - just an MP trying to get some column inches.
The great firewall of China is easy enough to route around with minimal knowhow, and if they can't do it, we'll certainly fail.
The only thing that worries me is it's something else IT related for the government to waste our money on before realising it's impossible. But the chances are they will have been slung out by the time it gets started, so probably nothing to worry about.
I think I have a good idea what Symbiosis's strategy is with this site, and I reckon they're going to be pretty successful at turning it into a profitable business. The most difficult thing about getting a viable online community up and running is getting a critical mass of members, and they were given that ready made.
Unfortunately I doubt many of the original members will still be here at that point, but heh, that's life - maybe a new free SH equivalent will have sprung up by then. Sad as it is to see a what many people consider a second home "desecrated" like this, nobody forces you to use the forum, and nobody's made you pay anything so far...
who cares if politicians lie about their private lives?
I get up to all sorts of things I'd lie to the press about, but I'd still elect me. biggrin
Quote by fabio grooverider
Hi folks hope this post is ok (and dosnt break the rules) I did a quick search to find out if there was a solution to these dreaded machines and would really like to know if anyone on here has used (and found it worked ) the photo reflective spray you use on your number plates , or which camera detector is best in use , I have been caught on static and mobile cameras so the time has come to invest in a little protection ......Steph .....I know I should slow down !!!!

never quite understood why if a sign stays 30..... you have to do over 30
or if a sign says 50... you have to do over 50....
or on a motorways is the national speed limit is 70... why people have to do 85...dunno
contry to popular belief the government only made 22 milion on speed cameras..... which is actually less that for example, simon cowell, pays in tax....
they are put in places for a reason.. so why the need for speed.... you see the warning before the camera.... and it isn't like they hid them, the government actually warn you to where they are on their website!!!!
I'd have an accident if i stuck to the speed limit on motorways - it's very hard to keep alert driving that slowly on empty roads in dry conditions, when you do a lot of miles.
Having said that, I've never been booked speeding on a motorway or by a camera - as I said earlier, they're not that hard to avoid if you keep a lookout.
I actually prefer the current situation. Because the UK gov relies on cameras, they ahve less traffic officers on the road. Scameras are easy to avoid, unmarked police aren't.
The only problem is time spent looking out for cameras would probably be better spend keeping an eye out for other hazards instead :dunno:
Quote by Mal
i'm seeing the gap in th market for some good swinging heaven amateur porn, members only allowed to view/purchase. sure there'd be some great stuff, and think a lot of us would agree that we fit the normal average kinda people catergory!!

You're not seeing a gap in the market, but you are ignoring the premis of 'no trading' on this Site. That's why there hasn't been anything done previously..
We'll see how long the "no trading" lasts with the new owners - they have to recoup their investment somehow...
Quote by easyease
sounds like another skank ass gold digger......drop her

agree - but sell her into sexual slavery for 6 months in saudi to make your 500 quid back first.
If it really contains Morning Glory seeds, be prepared for quite an interesting few hours (and stomach cramps) after you eat it.
Speed cameras are a pain, but they're not that hard to spot.
Get a GPS-type detector if you're that worried about them.
Paint etc is a waste of time - use mud or take your number plate off if you've got that much of a problem. I drove round for a month with no front plate on, in and out of london etc past quite a few police cars, and no one stopped me. If they do stop you, you just tell em someone knocked it off and you are going to get it fixed.
Quote by kcshaggers
we find a nice silk scarfy thing does just as well - and leaves pleanty of material to lead him about . . ... wink

please be VERY careful using silk scarves for any sort of "tying" duties... they can easily work themselves into knots which are impossible to undo by hand.
Nice soft rope is much safer, or at least get some "first aid" EMT scissors
Weight training is a secret weapon for losing fat - and carrying on throughout xmas is the way forward. - that way a decent chunk of the weight u put on is lean body mass, which helps you lose fat.
Eating something sensible BEFORE you go out to an xmas party works too. If you're not hungry when you go out, you can just pick on a couple of things and enjoy them rather than shovelling sausage rolls down your throat because you're famished.
My girlfriend is 5'2" and weighs half what I do (she's 7st 4). Yum, perfect.
Just what I've always wanted, my own pet girl biggrin
Quote by davidsplayroom
did you get that ?
everyone I want you to laugh with me
I want to giggle with you
if we can hold hands cuddle and all giggle together
is that a good idea?
pls all hold hands and giggle
and someone open the door just a little

Stop. Smoking. Crack.
David, seriously, if you are going to come on Internet forums looking for an approval, you're probably going to get kicked around a litte. It's an online community, not a support group. If you say strange things, people will take the mickey out of you. Its a hard world, I'm afraid. That's just one of those things you have to deal with....
Or you could be like me, and get a perverse little thrill every time you suspect someone may find you slighly irritating. :twisted:
What a stupid, childish thing to do.
Any woman who tried this trick on me would get very short shrift.
still going now and again - its an occasional treat, and it tends to be ones that my friends organise. I run one with some other peeps a few times a year too. Great fun biggrin
Quote by bisto kid
A lady came into the club i was working at on saturday night with a corset on, i asked her what her waist size was 23 inchs she replied. Blymey the average guy has a bigger measurment than that on 1 thigh. She wasnt really petite either made her boobs look massive tho thats how she caught my attention redface lol

My girlfriend's got a 23 inch waist and has never worn a corset biggrin
i'm waiting for someone to say they have not only named their vibrator, but drawn a pair of eyes on it.
Quote by lauraxxx
i am attached!!!!! but bored so looking for fun times
oh that doesnt sound 2 good !!

if you're bored, why don't you spend the time thinking of something interesting to do with the person you are attached!!!!! to? That might reap a better set of rewards. If after doing the above, you are still bored, perhaps you should consider becoming detached?????
Quote by lusty_modesty
We were having a chat with some friends over the weekend...........Over the next few weeks she fucked 8 guys in the room cause she just didn't mind being fucked. So the qestion on the table is where is your comfort zone set. And has it changed over time.

It just goes to prove that you don't have to be a swinger to do the things that even a swinger would find it a bit distasteful. There is a time and place for wild sex as a swinger with graceful etiquette will tell you.
Frankly I'd prefer be a dignified swinger than that slut you mentioned...unless she has a genuine medical explanation behind her shocking behaviour.
Do you think you look normal, Your Honour?
Maths was done no justice whatsoever at school - it seemed so abstract that i couldnt see th e point. Only now have I realised that there is a mathematical underpinning to almost anything, and have had to go back and re learn a load of it!
Quote by KmarkyW
after I had gone back to my car and was just waiting outside it, I kept seeing the her rear screen wiper going (with squirt!).
was this a signal?

Yes, its a signal you have watched too many 70s british sex comedies. Put the "Confessions of..." series down!
my g/f gets even hornier when she's on - I don't mind going down as long as she's not too heavy - it has a kind of zingy metallic taste, which can get a bit sickly. It's a bit messy on the bedclothes though.
Mind you, she always keeps herself very clean down there, and wouldn't ever consider using towels (or nappies as she calls them) - so you dont get the rancid, stinking blood problem. bleearch.
Quote by flapjackboy
No, but it wouldn't have made much difference if it was as they could have just picked it up and walked out with it and cut the lock off at their own leisure. There was also a locked gate in the way, which they picked.

True, just curious - sounds like the only thing that might have stopped em was if it was locked to something solid with one of those super duper locks, and prefereably wired up to the mains... :twisted: