Sorry to hear about your situation mutley and it seems a strange way to introduce myself to folk, but it seemed appropriate to make this my first post-place because it's for a so similar set of reasons that I've ultimately arrrived here in the last week.
About 2 months ago my gf of nearly five years just upped and left. To cap that, she shacked up with my brother, who left his wife of ten years for her, two weeks later! (Something rotten in the state of denmark there methinks). The knock on effects are now being felt through my entire family and he was due to give the "value of marriage" reading at my sisters wedding in about a month. Wedding paperwork has been printed up already. It's been like EastEnders this last month!
It's hard mate, but it does get easier, just like everyone says, even if you don't want to believe them. I'm still not sleeping too well,, and I don't wonder if that is half down to not wanting to go to sleep, nightmares and stuff. Nothing I can remember but if I do wake up in the night, just for a moment everything's fine, and then I realise there is this cold space next to me, and it breaks my heart again. I'm going to try some Valerian Root. I'm told it just calms you down a bit, makes it easier to get off to sleep. Just getting a good rest will do a person a huge amount of good.
Take care of yourself buddy.