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Over 90 days ago


Quote by Clare_Lincs
oh and rabbit,theyre for jumping around in fields looking cute not for eating :shock:

same goes for female doggers lol
damn , forgot about tripe. I adopted a rescue dog that had been mis treated , and everyone told me to feed it tripe to beef it up (no pun plz) , so i did. i boiled the bluddy stuff up and had to go live at my moms for two days while i waited for the vomit inducing aroma to leave :shock:
crazy , but true
i'm with u on the cockles and muscles thing , but would like to add:
rice / pasta
Marmite - wtf is all that about ????
cocunut in indian meals
oh and all beans , broad / runner / kidney .... with the exception of Aldi's baked beans in thick tomato sauce , bluddy yummy lol
Quote by Steve_Lincs
Surely it must have been a mod,so come on own up or there will be mutiny lol :lol: mad :twisted:

I think its easier to believe the forum fairy did it. less aggro all round . damn that fairy :x
Quote by Alexandra
It's the last day of a bank holiday weekend - shouldn't we all just move on from this?

sounds good to me , dont wanna speak for anyone else as that would be crass , but it would appear that most have had their say.
Happy BankHoliday Peoples
Tea timer is included in Version 1.3 . When installing 1.3 it gives you the choice to install (or not) teatimer when u are installing the main prog.
The Hillman Imp . (aka The Fanny Magnet)

Finished in turd brown metallic with chrome overiders and sidepanel mouldings. As with the less well regarded Porsche, the engine resides in the rear.
Note the fabric full sized 'moon roof' , a desirable extra on this model .

Click on 'tools' at the top of any Internet Explorer page , including this one , then click on internet options. A box will appear , click on Delete Files and Delete Cookies. You cannot delete anything important by using this method
thanks for your replies Matt ,
The bloody frustrating part is that is I go 30 yards up or down my road i get full signal confused
so WTF is all that about , i really dunno ... I have a digital mobile phone , well i think i do blink
Maybe i should have mentioned the only network that can get any kind of signal is Orange (which i already have) . Guess i'll just have to build an extra storey on my house sad
I'm no mobile phone fan myself , but its essential for me to earn money to keep the kids in shoes and me in Vodka.
Hey Folks ...
Heres my problem ...
I live on a mountain (well in a house on a mountain actually , but get my drift) and my mobile phone signal is almost zero. To talk at all i have to adopt a one legged pose with my head hanging out of the upstairs windows.
What i want to know is this , is there some kind of mast / aerial that i can install and hook upto my moby ? ... i know i can divert the phone to the landline but that isnt what i wanna do. I also purchased a little device that goes inside your fone to supposedly give u the equivalent reception of having a four foot aerial . My arse!! (copyright Jim Royle).
I cant believe i can be the first/only person with this problem , and i am hoping someone has a solution .
I am wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much of a gentleman to mention legs up walls , or anything similiar ..... and as this is in danger of becoming a Alex 'n' Cops Hijack , I'll finish by saying ....
Now Playing : U2 - Bloody Sunday
Quote by Steve_Lincs
Weve had songs that make you cry,so what about the ones out there that give you the shivers and make the hairs on your back stand on end.

My Best Friend - Queen .... played at my old man's funeral confused
That Grandma we love u song , by that kids choir
... both spine chilling for different reasons
Quote by Alexandra
So true wink
You forgot about the dancing!!!!!!!!
(I was going to a lady and not mention that!)

FFS!! The dancing :shock: :shock: ...... Was either that or some kind of fit . hmmmm....
Currently playing ... '' My best friends a git '' , by Art Garfunkel :huh:
My fave bit from last weeks show was when the Blackpool couple told how the police lady sunk her teeth into his arse. At which point he made a swift exit bolt
Priceless :giggle:
after seeing me in 'that' hat hun , and hearing me sing (omg :shock: ) , i think we are both devoid of any kinda cred !!
started life in the Motor Trade , ending up as a Dealer Principal , then bought two small companies , now a self employed pc engineer.
Edit: shit just re read your post . u wanted what we do now , not a complete CV , bugga it :dry:
many many moons ago i worked for a Peugeot main dealer. After a short stint working there i was asked if i would like to visit the factory in Coventry where the Peugeot 309's were being built.
During the tour we saw the dashboards being fitted . The cars were moving around the factory slowly on a carriage system, at this stage there was no glass in the vehicles as it hadnt reached that stage in the assembly process.
The dashboards were lowered through the windscreen aperture whilst a young guy sat on the front seat and kicked the dashboard into place. I asked the production manager whether he felt that kicking the dashboard so to wedge it into position may be the reason that we as dealers got sooooo many complaints about dashboard rattles from customers. Needless to say he refused to comment and i was never invited back confused
We were also a little a little concerned to see the drivers wheelspining out of the factory into the compound blink
the thing that pisses me off with betterware is that they post a bloody catalogue through your door ,whether u want it or not, then get all arsey when they come round to collect it and u tell them u've binned it confused .... since which time i now give it to my dogs to play with prior to returning it to the uncouth scrote who delivers in my area evil So if u live in the north west and a betterware catalogue lands on your doormat covered in dog slobber and teeth marks u'll have a pretty good idea where it came from biggrin
Quote by Timmy
Really is a fantastic weekend. Unless your a driver,they shut the city center to cars.

Matthew Street rocks , anytime of the year , just gutted i am gonna miss it .
bugga ! .... just found out its on this weekend and i'm away for most of it :fuckinghell:
a pissed off Cops :cry:
Quote by Alexandra

In a nutshell:
XP Home
Just in IE
Lost completely
Mind you - I have been checking my IE Options - 'show friendly urls' was UNchecked.
I have checked it now!

seem to remember mentioning to u to check ure IE settings 2 months ago ..... rolleyes
And I did - you talked me thru it - we must have missed that one!!!!!!! confused
But at least I said thank you!!!!!
'we' missed that one ? lol....
Quote by Kenluvslucy
biggrin Anybody else seen the article ref staying power?? Boffins reckon its in the jeans, er genes- I reckon its more to do with- 1 the lady you're with, 2 the amount of alcohol imbibed, 3 general 'ambience' ie the mood you may be in-- any views?? (this is men Im talking about, tho another topic is- why do some ladies get sore?? Loosy never has???)

yeah i agree with some of that . If i have had a drink , which is most of the time , i can deffo last longer, without suffering brewers droop (ever) . God bless Smirnoff.
Time between jumps can also a factor with me.
there , i said it