damn , forgot about tripe. I adopted a rescue dog that had been mis treated , and everyone told me to feed it tripe to beef it up (no pun plz) , so i did. i boiled the bluddy stuff up and had to go live at my moms for two days while i waited for the vomit inducing aroma to leave :shock:
crazy , but true
my two penneth ....
dangerous driving sucks , so do witchhunts
Tea timer is included in Version 1.3 . When installing 1.3 it gives you the choice to install (or not) teatimer when u are installing the main prog.
The Hillman Imp . (aka The Fanny Magnet)
Finished in turd brown metallic with chrome overiders and sidepanel mouldings. As with the less well regarded Porsche, the engine resides in the rear.
Note the fabric full sized 'moon roof' , a desirable extra on this model .
Click on 'tools' at the top of any Internet Explorer page , including this one , then click on internet options. A box will appear , click on Delete Files and Delete Cookies. You cannot delete anything important by using this method
I'm no mobile phone fan myself , but its essential for me to earn money to keep the kids in shoes and me in Vodka.
Hey Folks ...
Heres my problem ...
I live on a mountain (well in a house on a mountain actually , but get my drift) and my mobile phone signal is almost zero. To talk at all i have to adopt a one legged pose with my head hanging out of the upstairs windows.
What i want to know is this , is there some kind of mast / aerial that i can install and hook upto my moby ? ... i know i can divert the phone to the landline but that isnt what i wanna do. I also purchased a little device that goes inside your fone to supposedly give u the equivalent reception of having a four foot aerial . My arse!! (copyright Jim Royle).
I cant believe i can be the first/only person with this problem , and i am hoping someone has a solution .
I am wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much of a gentleman to mention legs up walls , or anything similiar ..... and as this is in danger of becoming a Alex 'n' Cops Hijack , I'll finish by saying ....
Now Playing : U2 - Bloody Sunday
after seeing me in 'that' hat hun , and hearing me sing (omg :shock: ) , i think we are both devoid of any kinda cred !!
injected with a poison - Praga Khan
the bouncer - kicks like a mule
Pure class !
as i have no idea who kelly is , would u ask her to get me one while shes at the bar.
started life in the Motor Trade , ending up as a Dealer Principal , then bought two small companies , now a self employed pc engineer.
Edit: shit just re read your post . u wanted what we do now , not a complete CV , bugga it :dry:
bugga ! .... just found out its on this weekend and i'm away for most of it :fuckinghell:
a pissed off Cops :cry: