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Over 90 days ago


I hate to sound scathing , as i am not much more than a newbie myself , but have you even read the chatroom sticky ? or indeed the several posts recently on the same issue ? If you have then maybe you could be a little more specific with what you have done , and what exact issue you are having.
Just a thought
good luck
If you dont want the aggro of editing taskmanager screenshots , download HijackThis (save it on c: drive , not in a temp file, assuming C : is your primary drive) , open the program up and hit the 'scan' button , do not click on fix . Choose the save log option and copy and paste it here. It doesnt divulge any 'sensitive' data , just what processes you have running and what is set to autorun when you boot up.
Good luck Judy
HijackThis Link >
oh , and its free biggrin
Quote by devil_in_part
Now, unfortunately, I couldn't quite get the angle right as I was balancing the camera on the top of the telly.... but I'm sure you get the idea....
(please forgive me Lord...)

ROFLMAO rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by steveg_nw
Who wants to buy my vote???????? :twisted:

I think he means sexual favours Alex , and that deffo rules me out .Over to you....
i think one of us is suffering from the night before H . Coz on my screen the link is on the left. I know this because of the 'L'in indelible marker on the back of my left hand .
Quote by JonJon
Great smile If BT say you can have it you should be fine. You'll need a filter for every phone and for your adsl modem. They give you two in the pack, extras are likely to be cheaper in your local computer shop than the tenner Pipex charge.

just on that point , i bought some filters from ebay @ each. (p+p free) .
I cant comment on that exact package , all I can tell you is that i have the solo 500 option and find it excellent. I have never had any downtime , ever. This is particulaly important as my 2 desktops and my laptop are connected on average for 16 hours per day , 7 days a week.
With regard to the customer support , I have only had cause to call them once (local rate number) , and once you get past the standard '' we are extremly busy , u may wish to check our website FAQ for help'' message they are very good.
The software that comes with it basically comprises of modem drivers only , with no 'bloatware' taking up disk space and ram resources ala AOL.
As Silk n G said , u will always find people saying good and bad things about every ISP , but the above is an honest account of my Pipex 'experience'.
With reference to AOL , I too found the software to be resource hungry , allthough i didnt have any downtime with them in fairness, but they were bloody dear!
And as for browsers , I dont think u can whack Mozilla Firefox.
Hope this helps
i very recently lost my Father.
Unfortunatly the funny moments were very few and far between , as was any kind of interaction ,so using laughter as way to get through it didnt help me.
But i do understand where you are coming from , and agree that if you can do it , celebrating someones life is far better than mourning.
Good on ya smile
Quote by massage_man
does anyone have this Nicks e mail or phone number

Tell me your joking .... right ?
Quote by Jags
If you PM Mark he'll do it for you - no charge either!!!!

mega , u think he'll change mine to ' wokeupthismorningwithabitchofahangoverbutgotlaidlastnightsothatainttoobad '
I know its not a snappy nickname , it just reflects my mood rolleyes
No, he's more liable to say:
:lol: :lol:
lmao rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by Jags
If you PM Mark he'll do it for you - no charge either!!!!

mega , u think he'll change mine to ' wokeupthismorningwithabitchofahangoverbutgotlaidlastnightsothatainttoobad '
I know its not a snappy nickname , it just reflects my mood rolleyes
thanks Judy ,
You raise some very valid points (as usual) , and its always nice to hear from reformed smokers , as opposed to well meaning people who have never had a ciggie in their lives.
I've tried patches before as Steve obviously has , but they just made me feel ill , i think i'll nip out and get some gum later . Maybe this would be a good time to give it a go.
Take care
I own three animals , alltho my Ex has custody of one of them confused
Two german shepherds.....
Max - 3Yrs old , rescued from total complete and utter bar steward
Tara - 2 Yr old , eats my socks :? - had since 8 weeks old .... pretty sure she will stop growing some time soon :shock:
Casper - Black cat that sleeps / shags and eats
Yeah i tend to agree about the host. He just didnt seem into the scene , basically he seemed like he was in the wrong job. Maybe if he offered cookery courses for bisexual Jackie Chan fans then maybe he would be more enthusiastic.
Was happy to see that the young couple took the plunge in the end , which yet again was a testament to D & R's approach , and nothing to do with the surroundings / facilities offered by the host.
Dunno what other peoples take on this is , but from where i am looking , Donna and Richard are just about the best advert for swinging u could get. Caring , considerate and easy going . Excellent.
hmmm , yeah u may be a twin with Corrie , but i'm a twin with Captain UnderCrackers... confused
No offence Roger wink
"What do you love about making love?"
You love to be intimate with someone. You know every inch of them, you're big on touching and any kind of body contact especially cuddling though you need to feel comfortable with someone.
I never used to rate these quiz's much , but those who know me would say thats pretty much spot on
I would dearly love to give up smoking but I find it calms me down , which i know is a shite excuse but its the truth. When i have been without ciggies for a while i get tense , agitated and extremly bad tempered.
What makes life worse is that my 6 yr old keeps coming home from school telling me that I am going to die, which is pretty upsetting so i guess that will have to be my main motivation.
I have the utmost respect for people who have given up smoking , I just wish i was confident that i could do it .
Good luck and i sincerely hope you succeed.
Gotta put a lid on this paranoia folks , its gettin outta hand. I have no doubt that every member on here has pissed someone off at some time or another.
Its not my place , but maybe its time to draw a line under all this and move on.
take care
yeah mine go back this week too. And even though i love the little darlings , it will be nice to get a bit of my life back.
Today i took them to town for breakfast. Then came home later for lunch on the patio , after which we went for a walk with the dogs to see some of their friends and visit the local bunny farm. When we got back we had a BBQ and sat chatting for a hour before having a game of hide and seek then a full blown waterfight.
As the evening drew to a close , approx 10pm , my six yr old daughter chirped up ' that she was bored' and why was she having to go to bed so early ? :shock: :shock:
Just goes to show that no matter what ya do its never enough!!
Roll on school time and some homework , should help entertain them :twisted:
Quote by mongo
Why oh why oh why oh why oh why am I totally bald!

I must say that after reading many other threads first tonight , i am so glad i left this one to last . Bluddy marvelous , more of the same please rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by easy
So anyone recommend an ISP (by PM if they don't want to post about ISPs on the forum).
I've been looking at Pipex, but the Wanadoo offer is pretty good providing they don't package thier own browser or anything in with it all.

As a Pipex Broadband customer (for over a year) , i can honestly say they are the mutts nutts. The service is reliable , with no d/l limits or other small print loopholes.
From memory u get something like 50 email addresses and more webspace/bandwidth than i will ever need. But by far the biggest plus is that there is no software bloat that takes over your pc , unlike AOHell . From what I have seen at adsl guide and a few weekly PC mags most people seem pretty chuffed with the , and the important bit , per month.
Just my two cents worth
Smirnoff and Diet Coke , followed by some very suspect foreign duty free lager. I'll save the Grand Marnier and 7UP for later :twisted:
Quote by WilmaFlintstone
Honest I have never tried one and I know I won't like them.
x x x x

yeah must admit to being a 'pick, roll n flick' kinda guy myself