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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 72
0 miles · Lancashire


I dance waltz, foxtrot, quickstep, tango, cha cha, rumba, a bit of jive and ceroc and umpteen sequence dances.
We are keen dancers - ballroom and sequence with a bit of jive and ceroc. We go on dance weekends with our friends from the dance school. We all have grown up children who are convinced we are all swingers lol. Hmmm maybe the last waltz might become last tango lol.
Happy daning xx
We have a Honda civic sport from new 5 years ago and nothing has gone wrong so far we also have a '52 plate Suzuki vitara and that has been the same. Both have proved very reliable.
Best thing we ever did 4 years ago was to start Ballroom and Latin classes. Still at it and loving it.
I have to agree with Sassy, Wickerman with Nicolas Cage is utter crap.
Since I first saw the original back in the 70s I have had an ambition to see the Summer Isles...I'll get there one day.
The Strip in Albufeira is quite lively, starts up near the roundabouts with Linekers bar I think. The barmen can be a little erm...careless when handing back your change so make sure you count it. I don't remember much about our trip there, we went with the First choice reps who were young enough to be our children had a great night though. Last bar we were in we danced cha cha to Donna Summer's Hot Stuff lol.
Dunno about nude beaches but there are some very nice ones between Albufeira and Vilamoura.
Have fun.
C-moon by Paul Mcartney was banned there was a line about a "body gun" the "B" side became a hit instead.
You did the right thing. I am also a birder, seems birdwatching and swinging are quite compatable lol. We recently had a sparrow hawk kill a pigeon in our garden, it is all part of nature and the natural food chain for the predators.
Hmmm, Legend of hell house, Wickerman (original), Exorcist of course, The devil rides out, To the devil a daughter, Twins of evil, IT. All classics in my view.
Quote by bbw_lover
I've just noticed another great new feature!
When you've selected a room, and clicked 'join', instead of the list going right back to the first room in the list, it now highlights your current room and puts that at the top of the viewable window. That's just brilliant! … and useful.
You clever people deserve an extra scoop of chocolate ice-cream!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Kewl so it does...nice one SH
Good move guys, saves having to change font colour when I move from server to server. I like it.
Well sparky, looking at your pics I would say you are above average in the cock dept.
Difficul one kitty as you say geocaching is family orientated so i guess a mission to visit swinging clubs would not meet with approval. Good luck with it though, hope i find it in a cache someday.
It is happening to me when I click the chat tab. It was working fine at lunch time.
I am on aol and it seemed to work for me. I managed to delete all cookies and temporary internet files, not quite as instructed in the link but got there.
ty st3v3
I remember from a presentation some years ago, delivered by one of these behavioural life coach type gurus. He explained that it is not at all unusual for complete strangers thrown together in a stressful situation to have sex. He cited one or two examples of hostage / kidnapper situations or persons involved in some sort of trauma.
Or maybe she just fancied you.
I'm with you Kitty, these guys are biking legends, I would also add Bill Ivy to the list. Not that they were any better than those before or after them, they were just the idols of my era.
Mike the bike of course had much success in both F1 and F2 cars, he became a true hero the day he rescued Clay Regazzoni from a burning car at the South African GP.
In 1976 4 lesser known drivers also became heros when they put themselves at great risk to rescue the legendary Niki Lauda.
Acts of bravery such as these are truely heroic in my eyes.
Holly came from Miami, FLA
Hitchhiked her way across the USA.
Plucked her eyebrows on the way
Shaved her leg and then he was she - she said:
Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side,
Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.
Candy came from out on the island,
In the backroom she was everybodys darling,
But she never lost her head
Even when she was given head - she said
Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side,
Said hey babe, take a walk on the wild side.
And the coloured girls go, doo dodoo
Little Joe never once gave it away,
Ev'rybody had to pay and pay.
A hustle here and a hustle there
New York city is the place where they said:
Hey Babe, take a walk on the wild side,
Said hey Joe, take a walk on the wild side.
Sugar plum fairy came and hit the streets
Looking for soul food and a place to eat
Went to the Apollo, you should have seen him go go go - they said:
Hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side,
Said hey babe, take a walk on the wild side.
Jackie is just speeding away,
Thought she was James Dean for a day
Then I guess she had to crash, Valium would have helped that bash - she said:
Hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side,
Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.
And the coloured girls go, doo dodoo
Don't know any nudist beaches Staffs, but I do love Nerja. Try a paella at AYOs if you get a chance, or have a short walk to Maro it is lovely and quiet.
Wish I were there now, have a lovely time.
75 since April, one FTF and still not using gps it's great fun. Tomorrow off to Entwistle for the day.