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Over 90 days ago
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I don't fancy what you lot are drinking but I'd love a port to go with my cheese and crackers please? :thumbup:
Quote by Tinsoldier149
Hiya Sexy Dawnie
Can you put us down as provisionals at the mo please? We probably will be there, but need to book time off work, sort the dog etc ...
Cheers honey

It wouldn be my pleasure kiss
Sappho is the other half of you and should never be missed off your profile kiss
Quote by Bambi
Hadn't actually thought about it until now..... seriously thinking it might include shagging Bambi.....and bear too of course.

Double whammy :twisted: :twisted:
Pictures dunno
Quote by katniss
Can you put my name down plese, with a plus 1 innocent

Sorry katniss but your plus 1 will have pm me or add themself to the list, its the only way I can be sure everyone attending is a site member :thumbup:
scubamum added :thumbup:
I did a similar thing and got cross with the state of my kitchen so stripped it. I no longer have wall paper and now need to decorate it!
Its quite therapeutic but scary, Ian doesn't know what I'm going to rip apart next :grin:
Certainly nola, be great to see you if you can work it out :thumbup:
Quote by Funlovers2009
Can you add us to the list please. At last a date we can make!
It will be good to catch up with friends and put more faces to names!

Excellent...............I think bolt
Quote by MidsCouple24
we are not on the list either :sad:

When we chatted by pm I thought we left it that you hadn't decided yet but its not a problem. I will add you again now :thumbup:
Quote by like2share
The list has been updated :thumbup:

has it? we're not shown on the list?
redface oops you were on my list which is the one I'll hand over for the door but not on this one, sorry. Fixed it now
Quote by Waxer
having read your profile you sound so genuine!

Some people choose not to have a full profile. Personal choice :thumbup:
Quote by Dawnie
The party is open to all full members of the site and will be held at Xtasia's Swinging Club in West Bromwich who have kindly given us complete run of the club for this exclusive Swinging Heaven event.
The club will open exclusively for Swinging Heaven members at 6pm on the Sunday and will be open till 1am.

As stated in the original party thread, a person may need to confirm their attendance so need to be able to post on the forum :thumbup:
Paul and Flirt are being very kind giving us exclusivity to SH members only and for that I am grateful :thumbup:
Quote by MidsCouple24
OK best take us off the list then, have fun everyone we know you will have a great night

OK :thumbup:
Quote by neilinleeds
Recovering from the works Xmas do last night. Didn't have a drop of anything alcoholic, sober as a judge but out till 5am dancing me bollox off in a club

Well done Neil, bloody well done kiss
Quote by MidsCouple24
Can I just check if you are still coming to the free swinging heaven 10th Birthday party because you have offered others a lift?

Yes still attending the event and still available to give a lift/accommodation, the owners of Xstasia have our phone number if anyone needs to contact us lol
But the event is exclusive for SH members only which is why I am confused. If you cancel your membership, you will not be on the guest list or allowed in to the event.
The owners have confirmed they will only let people in from the list I provide confused
Quote by Steve
Seeing as my birthday is on May 19th, I suppose it would be rude not to.....
Oh, and a hotel list would be welcome. Ta.

You have a PM :-)
Thanks Steve kiss
Can you do me a favour and help Glassgowwlassie with a hotel too please?
In fact, if you'd like to carry on helping anyone and everyone with the hotel details, I'd be very gratefull :kiss:
Mr Essex, be good to see you :thumbup:
Can I just check if you are still coming to the free swinging heaven 10th Birthday party because you have offered others a lift?
Quote by Ian
I'll be chief jaffa cake monitor. I bring with me many years of experience wink

You're not even on the list yet :giggle:
I've know Tinsoldier149 for years and they have been to tons and tons of socials :thumbup:
Quote by Steve
Discuss any thoughts of progressing further with a subsequent visit afterwards when passions are cold.

I'll just snip this bit if I may Neil..
Spot on advice :thumbup:
Quote by anais
Pop me on a provisional list please Dawn - I'm thinking about it but not sure at the moment. If that's okay? :-)

Oh my goodness, please make it happen. I know its difficult but anything I can do to help, even if I have to come get you kiss
List has been updated :thumbup:
Quote by Bear69
Can we bring cakes ? lol :lol:

I'm hardly likely to say No now am I :lol2:
List has been updated :thumbup:
Quote by deancannock
well...been here long enough to remember when the forum and the chat rooms were ruled with a much more stringent hand.....I for one think the forums are now moderated very fairly.....
and so with all the other forum users can we hold hands..and start singing with me


Not heard that in ages, I used to sing it when I was young and I'm shit at singing rotflmao
I don't like prince alberts at all and I'm not keen on labia piercings either.
Clit hood looks nice and nipple piercings.
Quote by noladreams
And yaaaayyyy.... Christmas has started now we've Wigan-ed lol

Exactly :thumbup:
Mr and Mrs NWC I bloody loves you pair for creating yet another brilliant night out. Thank you passionkiss