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Over 90 days ago


Quote by Notts4Fun
Bugger, she did say something needed screwing...

Awe :therethere:
That'll teach you to be eager! biggrin
yes i'm finding it ok thanks smile there's the odd one, but isn't there always!
Quote by hornyred and dino
Ooops , spelt your name wrong , sorry . redface

its ok, i answered twice!! ha ha!! it didnt come up on myscreen as having answered! biggrin
Quote by hornyred and dino
Mornin Erica and welcome to :swingingchair: heaven . Enjoy , wink :wink:

thank you very much biggrin
Quote by orpheous1
owwwwwwwww!! Terminal Dropjaw, welcome Erika and did you think you would be this popular?

popular?! people seem to have got wrong idea about me
Quote by freckledbird
Well you can blame me for that, I can't help it.

you were nice to me!! thanks!
Quote by rogerthedragon
Can I just ask where the scepticism comes from? dunno :dunno: :dunno:
There's a few of you saying Erika is a phoney, why do you think that?

Because SH seems to be on Paranoid Red alert today! confused
BTW - Welcome to the site Erika, enjoy yourself. lol
Roger the Dragon cool
thank you! it's nice to know there are nice people!! that's all i've tried to be!
Quote by freckledbird
Welcome Erika , have fun honey.

thanks smile i've met some nice people on here, seems cool :)
Quote by cummon
Erika has learn't to do things that have had me puzzled for 6 months in half an hour :!: !
Guess I should have asked confused:
Hey and welcome Erika............... smile

thank you :) nothing was working! the administrator got me started in the end. am up and running now :)
I'm not quite sure why people are being nasty though? sad
ha ha! thanks Neil!
I've tried doing what it said in the chatroom, just says you're not went to other channel like it said....i was all on my lonesome!
ha ha! think my computer will be dead soon anyhow, making the oddest noises!
So does anyone know how I do get into the chatroom?
I've done what it said but just says i'm not registered?
Quote by Banderas
Hiya Erika......Hope you stay around and have fun .....its great here


thanks smile I will stay around, been on site for ages, just not noticed the forum bit at the top before! :doh:
Quote by manofmuchfun
think they meant what are you looking for on here ?

i was being sarcastic! which i am, very!
not too sure what i'm looking for yet....just having a browse for now, see how it goes. so be kind please! smile
we will......we will have fun !
oh ! and welcome !
thanks :) i'm sure i'll find which form my fun is going to come in biggrin
Quote by Scandal
not too sure what i'm looking for yet...

We'll soon see to that wink :wink:
I'm definitely lokoing for fun biggrin
Quote by manofmuchfun
think they meant what are you looking for on here ?

i was being sarcastic! which i am, very!
not too sure what i'm looking for yet....just having a browse for now, see how it goes. so be kind please! smile
Quote by Bloke2005
Likes? Dislikes?
Think the back page of 'Look In' magazine.. ah, 24. .. Smash Hits? confused

Smash Hits?! ha ha!
Right in that case........ i love Take That and E17!
it's damn cold up here, I can tell you!!
don't cry! :therethere:
You bought it up! so to speak! wink
What do you want to know? I'm Erika, I'm 24, live in North East, haven't been here too long, used to live in South East smile
I wanted to put a different one on, but it wasn't working, hence how this whole conversation started!
Quote by Cock of the North
The background to your avatar pic is an unusually vivid yellow. Do you have a penchant for using primary colours in interior design or are you simply laying across Homer Simpson's naked belly?
If the latter, then that is without doubt the best celebrity lay I have ever heard of.
Cock of the North

It's actually only pale yellow (at my dads house, not mine!) I think it's coz the light is directly above me, colours aren't quite right! only a camera phone pic, so not the best of quality!
Quote by Scandal
yeah like this! now look at me go! quotes and smileys! :lol2:

given half a chance! lol
very witty!! ha ha!
Quote by Scandal
right next question for you all!! how do i put what someone else has said then reply?

You mean like this?
Hit the quote button.
yeah like this! now look at me go! quotes and smileys! :lol2:
right next question for you all!! how do i put what someone else has said then reply?
Why what's wrong with the chatroom?! Scared now! ha ha! confused
Maybe not completely useless....
Now i can't get back into the smileys to find an appropriate one! See I am useless! sad
wave check me out with my smileys! ha ha! easily amused!