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1 month ago
Straight Male, 66
0 miles · Darlington


I've bought DVDs from in the past. Haven't bought any for a couple of years, but had no problems when I placed several orders with them.
They have £5 and £10 sale items, so you could try them out with little risk. As far as what to look out for, it depends on your tastes, really.
I tend to avoid films made from books that I have enjoyed on the grounds that I'll probably regret seeing them. But one exception I did make was to watch "October Sky", the film version of Homer Hickam's "Rocket Boys".
Superb book, and not a bad film either.
Not sure what happened above - now when trying to edit my post I'm being told I can only edit or delete my own posts. Right.
It was supposed to be:
Radio Radio - Elvis Costello.
To expand on Chief-Kaiser's explanation a bit, there are also the years when the day of birth is skipped over by the leap year. The number of years between the birthday falling on the day of birth runs in a repeating sequence:
6, 5, 6, 11, 6, 5, 6, 11, 6, 5, 6, 11, 6, etc.
Big smile broke out after finding that I can now comfortably fit into 34" waist jeans for the first time in many years. I had a big grin on as I walked out of the shop, realising that all of the effort to lose weight had been worth it.
Thanks Gufuncouple, you've confirmed how I thought it was supposed to work. And thanks for confirming it's broken.
Hi, all.
I have tried several times to set up some Saved Searches, but either I am expecting something above what the facility is designed to provide, or it's broke.
I run a search which returns results, and I Save it with a 72hr alert period. The search appears in my Saved Searches list, but the only option I have is Delete. I can't run a saved search from the list, and cannot modify a Saved Search. The table is filled with N/A's which never change, even months after the search was saved.
I never get any alerts e-mailed to me.
Has anyone got the facility to do more than sit there quietly?
Quote by sexoholics
simplyporndvd lol

Used them loads of times. Reasonable prices, massive selection, "proper" product (not someone copying knock-offs to DVD-R in their bedroom), flexible shipping in that you can request the delivery with or without boxes and with or without the paper box-front insert, no delivery charges.
Pot Black.
Steely Dan - Green Earrings.
Bad Company - Silver, Blue and Gold.
Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi.
Pinky and Perky. I'll get me coat.
The problem may have been further up the network than the link from your Speedtouch to the exchange. The modem can be showing all of the correct lights, but sometimes the link from your BT exchange to the core network can go down.
If that happens then you're stuck as you have no way of bypassing the BT systems. However, if something up in the network goes down, alarms alert the engineers automatically, they can re-route traffic and service is restored automagically.
Something else that can affect your connection is if you are using a wireless router in an area where there are lots of other wireles LANs in use, such as a block of flats. Often the modems are shipped all set to the same radio channel number, so the signals can be corrupted by radio transmissions from another modem.
This particular e-mail has been doing the rounds since December 2003, and is detailed here:

The UK version is almost word for word the same as the US one, with the $ signs changed to £ but the amounts unchanged.
While this particular e-mail is just a scaremongering one which has been made up, the message we should take from it is valid - which is to be on your guard at all times and not give out your personal details to anyone who cold calls.
There are some I would, and some I wouldn't as it wouldn't feel right.
Problem is, those I would, won't.
Quote by dekntan
ooh we have new emotions :spit: :borg: :upset: :embarrased:
or have i been blind for months and months

Months and months, I'm afraid.
Quote by Fridayiminlove
But what I want to know is what ever happened to Bella Emberg? :P
Friday x

Still alive and kicking. She was in a Dr Who episode last year, as Mrs Croot.
If Focus can't help, the agency doing the creative for the new Flake campaign is Publicis: They might have a copy of the old adverts to give them "inspiration" - in case the red braces don't work.
I like coincidences - the coincidence here is that: "The campaign was art directed by Poppy Wilcox," from this item about the new campaign:
To throw another name into the ring, Namesco are good. They were in the shortlist for the recent ISP awards.
UK-based helpline at 0870 rate, should it be needed.
Quote by staffcple
The superfast internet connections are usually a bit of a con to extract more money from you. Besides unless your downloading huge files (movies)or using multiple chatrooms or downloads at the same time etc it makes no difference to the speed of regular surfing (downloading your average page etc)
Staffys xxxx

Quite agree. I can only get 512kb because of the distance I live from the exchange, but for bog-standard surfing it's fine.
Quote by Daqs
need some ideas on what i can do for my 21st birthday anyone?

Giz some clues. Do you want to go away for a long weekend, or stay on your home patch, should it involve doing something other than getting blotto, or should it involve just getting blotto? dunno
I'm not a regular chat room user, but I like the look of the new room.
A couple of observations:
Sometimes when I click the Pics icon, the first pic is displaced down and to the right in the sub-window. The "next" button position still works even though the button icon is obscured.
Sometimes I missed the Pics icon and hit the user name of another chat user and I opened a whisper session by mistake. I don't know whether doing this automagically opens the associated whisper session at the person I clicked on, but a double click to whisper would prevent this happening. I closed the whispers down as quickly as I could in case I created a tab at the other end. More traffic to handle?
Others have mentioned the smileys that float about.
I'm currently reading a fascinating book called "Project Orion", which is about the highly unlikely-sounding but very real plan in the late 50’s and early ‘60s to develop a huge spacecraft which used atomic bombs to drive it forward.
It would take something like 250 atomic blasts to propel the 4,000 ton, 150 foot wide craft into orbit. The programme was cancelled when the moratorium on nuclear air-bursts was introduced.
There was a documentary on the TV about the project a few years ago. The book is by George Dyson, the son of Freeman Dyson who was one of the physicists working on the project, so there is a degree of insight that might not exist if someone from completely outside of the project had written the book.
Quote by mazandden
keeno,not overly sure what you mean by celebrating burning catholics??????

From :
Gunpowder Plot: Conspiracy to blow up the English Parliament and King James I on Nov. 5, 1605, the day set for the king to open Parliament. It was intended to be the beginning of a great uprising of English Catholics, who were distressed by the increased severity of penal laws against the practice of their religion. The conspirators, who began plotting early in 1604, expanded their number to a point where secrecy was impossible. They included Robert Catesby, John Wright, and Thomas Winter, the originators, Christopher Wright, Robert Winter, Robert Keyes, Guy Fawkes, a soldier who had been serving in Flanders, Thomas Percy, John Grant, Sir Everard Digby, Francis Tresham, Ambrose Rookwood, and Thomas Bates. Percy hired a cellar under the House Of Lords , in which 36 barrels of gunpowder, overlaid with iron bars and firewood, were secretly stored. The conspiracy was brought to light through a mysterious letter received by Lord Monteagle, a brother-in-law of Tresham, on Oct. 26, urging him not to attend Parliament on the opening day. The 1st earl of Salisbury and others, to whom the plot was made known, took steps leading to the discovery of the materials and the arrest of Fawkes as he entered the cellar. Other conspirators, overtaken in flight or seized afterward, were killed outright, imprisoned, or executed. Among those executed was Henry Garnett, the superior of the English Jesuits, who had known of the conspiracy. While the plot was the work of a small number of men, it provoked hostility against all English Catholics and led to an increase in the harshness of laws against them. Guy Fawkes Day, Nov. 5, is still celebrated in England with fireworks and bonfires, on which effigies of the conspirator are burned.
So basically, Bonfire Night is a celebration of the discovery of a Catholic plot, and a symbolic renactment of the execution of one of the perpetrators - although Fawkes was actually hung, drawn and quartered. However, as the says, "the political meaning of the festival has grown to be very much secondary today."
The full story here:

There's a lot more to it than letting off a few fireworks! One wonders whether the green half of Glasgow celebrates Bonfire Night!