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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 84
0 miles · Kingston upon Hull


Quote by Dawnie
I like a woman that is sexy, independent, caring, humerous, loyal, a bit feisty, not too tall, with big tits and a flat head

Yeah well women like people with personalities so your buggered rolleyes
If it was just down to big tits and a flat head, youd be well in
I like a woman that is sexy, independent, caring, humerous, loyal, a bit feisty, not too tall, with big tits and a flat head
Quote by Freckledbird
Just say, "youre a crap shag and i want to shag other women"
If that doesnt at first work, just keep telling her and eventually she will give in.

Well it worked for Pash and you gave in didn't you, HC? :lol:
In reverse
Just say, "youre a crap shag and i want to shag other women"
If that doesnt at first work, just keep telling her and eventually she will give in.
Quote by earthchild
I suppose i used to hijack a bit and dont really now. Nothing to do with any site changes or politics or anything else other than the fact that i dont post that often and dont recognise many of the names. My walking on eggshells is the fear that people wont get me.

but the people you used to bounce off are also missing
Yes you are right, and perhaps i am too damn lazy to start again over here. However, perhaps hijacking also shows a laziness in taking the easy option rather thinking constructively.
I suppose i used to hijack a bit and dont really now. Nothing to do with any site changes or politics or anything else other than the fact that i dont post that often and dont recognise many of the names. My walking on eggshells is the fear that people wont get me.
Sorry, but i am reminded as to how last christmas's panto, arranged by the local Paranoid Schizophrenics Society, descended into chaos when one of the audience shouted, "hes behind you!"
Quote by Freckledbird
And I'm crap at taking compliments confused

Youre talking hypothetically obviously
Quote by essex34m
I'm crap at taking compliments, but only because it has become so tedious lol
it is suuuch a bore, isn't it Happy's? biggrin :D :D
Do what i do, grin and bear it :lol:
the grinning is due to your compitence
I'm a martyr, really i am
Quote by Marya_Northeast
I've been thinking a lot about this since the thread started.

Therin lies the problem, you think too much! lol
Quote by LondonPlaything
I'm crap at taking compliments, but only because it has become so tedious lol
it is suuuch a bore, isn't it Happy's? biggrin :D :D
Do what i do, grin and bear it :lol:
Must admit i have been guilty of knicking bandwidth. There have been occassions when i have needed to pick up my emails whilst out and about and in a hurry. I usually pick a street and drive up and down till i find one.
Quote by mazandden
I like gingers or redheads. Except one, Gordon Stachan.

Gordon Strachan =Worlds top person with ginger hair!
here we go, 2 in a row!
:shock: :shock: :shock: Nooo, he is a little shit.
Quote by BiWelshMinx

Did that sound funny in your head? lol

Don't even start a row with know what happens ;) kiss
Ok, i wont, but its only cos i let you win.
Anyway i like greys too, so youre ok :lol:
Quote by BiWelshMinx
I like gingers or redheads.

I'm sure HR will be pleased......
actually she'll probably run a fecking mile! lol
Nope she wants me, just as you and minxy do. :lol:
Markz? Is that you? :shock:
Did that sound funny in your head? :lol:
Quote by LadyFeeBee
I like gingers or redheads.

I'm sure HR will be pleased......
actually she'll probably run a fecking mile! lol
Nope she wants me, just as you and minxy do. :lol:
Quote by earthchild
Hello!!! wave

shit, who left the cat flap open it was supposed to be nailed down,
HC passionkiss hump
I sneaked in, my only motive to liven up the forums for both oldies and newbies alike
My work is done
I have been to a number of munches and have seen the "look at me arent i outragous?" behaviour of some.
Where the problems could arise are when, for example, someone that barely knows her, or at all, unrequested grabs Mrs Happy Cats bum. If i then punch them and it all kicks off whose fault is it?
Mine probably, and i probably wouldnt do it, but i can see that scenario happening with others.
Thought of another.
They say: Age/looks/size not important
They mean: I'm that desperate I'll shag anyone me