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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 84
0 miles · Kingston upon Hull


Bit late, but, happy St Davids Day.
Im sure the reason you only pay when going in to Wales over the severn bridge is cos everyone is going too fast to stop em on the way out. I might be wrong though.
If the people in a democracy vote by fair and legal means for the re-introduction of the death penalty, it should happen. We wont get the chance to vote, but we should.
Quote by Cherrytree
Very probably weird lol

Quote by tyracer
this forum takes new twists each day :shock:

hey let's be nice!
dirtyweasel, I am with you on this one, reminds me of the scene in Four Weddings & a Funeral where Hugh Grant snogs Andie MacDowell in the pouring rain at the end - dead sexy!
But i do think its weird!
Mind you, i wouldnt have said so unless the poster had asked the question.
Good luck to you weasil, but i'll pass :lol:
Mine came from a visiting cat that at the time, was lying on the table next to me looking contented. I then realised that Happy also matched my persona
Quote by didyuk
smile good at sending messages to adds bad at getting replys from them confused lol

Oi! don't be moaning about lack of replies on here! :?
wink wow i got one lol
Nice one!
Quote by markz
There's not this mad "papist" plot to take over the world you know rolleyes

Are you sure, I mean, really sure?
who are you........... :roll:

Quote by Tiger_lily
There's not this mad "papist" plot to take over the world you know rolleyes

Are you sure, I mean, really sure?
I reckon it was a campaign to help get the song to number 1. It would get the Pogues royalties, but I'm not necessarily suggesting that Moyles or whoever would benefit financially from that wink
Thanks for agreeing with me Neil lol
Ive not doubt youve sat there many a time nodding and thinking as to how clever i am. Its nice you feel you can now do it in public :lol:
There are sites out there 100% just looking for your money, why should SH give them the publicity?
There are sites out there that are 100% free, why should SH advertise the competition?
It aint rocket science when you think about it
Its certainly not for me, i wonder whether part of the turn on is the feeling of humiliating someone or being humiliated
Quote by Stormwalker
Try a can of spray from Halfords.

Git! I wanted to say that, i was going to quote a Rolling Stones song and everything and youve spoilt it!
Quote by BiWelshMinx

You took your bloody time.
I dont like bitter, i like lager, now run off and get me a proper one, and, no head!

FFs! I am multi tasking here you know!!

There-one lager-no some head going free if anyone wants it?
You are lovely really, you just want to please me :lol:
Carlsberg don't do dreams...but if they did.. :giggle:
It would be about me?
Quote by BiWelshMinx

You took your bloody time.
I dont like bitter, i like lager, now run off and get me a proper one, and, no head!

FFs! I am multi tasking here you know!!

There-one lager-no some head going free if anyone wants it?
You are lovely really, you just want to please me :lol:
Quote by Freckledbird
no head!

You don't like head? :shock:
Of course not, its horrible!
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Whers my drink welsh bint?

Bitter-just like you :giggle: kiss
You took your bloody time.
I dont like bitter, i like lager, now run off and get me a proper one, and, no head!
Quote by bicuriousuncut
I once told my Mum to fuck off :shock: :shock:

Oh thats bad!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
Its ok, she wasnt in the room at the time
Quote by Devon1
I once sneaked up behind Mrs HC whilst she was doing the dishes and smacked her bum :shock:

Me too lol :lol:
I didnt smack your bum! :shock:
I once sneaked up behind Mrs HC whilst she was doing the dishes and smacked her bum :shock: