In the old good days, you had to advertise in top shelf mags. You would place your ads and then have to wait MONTHS for any replies to filter through via a mail box you hired from the publisher.
Moving on, and publications like The Loot made finding swinging partners easier. In fact I got my first swinging partner from there.
Of course life is much easier now. Thank Goodness!
This is getting a little jading...
Accept the fact you don't understand and move on. And please don't be telling us our marriages and relationships are a mockery - you have no right. I'm a level headed person, I really am, but it's hard to not feel insulted by your tone on this OUR forum.
Be so good as to answer Ice's excellent questions.
:twisted: :twisted:
Why, Ice, sweetheart...? Do you really think I'd do anything to make you look silly...?
As you can see, they are history...
When will they ever learn?
Given enough notice, and if it's a Saturday, then I'm sure Terry will come.... :twisted: :twisted:
Ice.... behave! :smug:
When I get one of those these days, I reply with a very formal "Welcome to Swinging Heaven" standard response, tagged off with "If I, or any of the other Moderators can help you..." type thing.
It sure dampens their ardour pretty quickly! :twisted:
If there's enough interest, i.e., we get at least a couple of other gals apart from me, I will write to Rios official and ask about group discounts.
I've been dying to use the Mods emails account for something totally fun and not just slapping dickheads! :twisted:
Congratulations to you both.... :bounce: :bounce:
It's so wonderful to hear some GOOD news to counter all the trials some of our fellow SH pals have been through recently.
All the best
Heather and Terryxxx
I'd just like to make the point that Rimming - to give it its proper name - is one of the simplest ways to catch lots of nasty diseases. And not just the ones that can be cleared up with a dose of Amoxil.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, or M.E., or 'Yuppie Flu' to those of us old enough to know the term, is passed on through bowel fluids. And this is a long term, and very disabling condition that can take YEARS to battle. I know because my friend has it and he caught it whilst rimming!
Best advice I ever had was to wrap the enitre area in cling film before you play... and it's more fun that way too! :twisted: