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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 65


Warming the Bed
Hi Guys,
Just a friendly word of warning, to anyone who intends going to Burtonwood to meet up with this couple. Be prepared to be stood up, messed around or worse.
Before anyone accuses me of sour grapes or whatever. I posted a message about this couple, without naming them, some time ago as I was unsure myself. I received many mails and some responses on this board, where others did name them and told of very similar experiences.
Have fun peeps and, as the Sgt in Hill Street Blues used to say, "Let's be careful out there"
Ttttttthat's all folks!!
Henry smile
Warming the Bed
"Yes, I had noticed you experiencing some difficulty, flashing the non-existent interior light!!"
"At least I fakkin tried, all you've succeeded in doing is frightening two old ladies and Rhodesian Ridgeback"
"Alright alright but, even you would agree, the dog had a cute arse"
"Yeah s'true, less hair than the Afghan you pulled last week, that's for sure"
"You heartless c**t, you know I was devastated when she walked out"
ps; Have actually witnessed a dogger on a bike, lol
Warming the Bed
Perhaps we could have a "Derek & Clive Go Dogging"?
Sit at a well known dogging site, on the bonnet of a car. Flat caps on, fags hanging from mouths, discussing the finer points of the various players.....
"Now she has definitely got style!!"
"Yeah, the way she managed to extricate herself from the car. Whilst still keeping his, not insignificant member, in place was a sight for sore eyes"
"I particularly liked the way she attempted a pas de deux, whilst he supported her on the said member"
"That was classy, very very classy"
"Shame it didn't come off though?"
"Still, he should be able to walk again, in a couple of days time"
"Yeah, poor bastard"
"Fakkin funny to watch though"
"Yeah, stupid fucker"
Henry (Squatter) Moon smile
Warming the Bed
FFS, if you're going to remind us all of the fantastic Derek & Clive sketches, will you at least have the decency to warn us!!!
I am now having to mop up half a cup of coffee, from my monitor screen and surrounding desk!!!
You C**T!! You fakkin' C**T!!
Which reminds me, on Radio 1 (not that I was listening by choice I hasten to add) I heard an American band being interviewed. Before I embark upon my tale, think of how you would say the word CENT (As in dollars and cents) then, if you can bear that in mind, read on.........
The mother, of one of the band members, was on tour with them. This guy was bemoaning the fact that he couldn't do all he wished to, with Mom looking over his shoulder. "Such as?" asked the unsuspecting and probably slightly naive DJ. "Well, if I see a pretty girl I may want to get up close, kiss her or place my hand on her c**t"
Had he pronounced the word, as we know it, I'm pretty sure the switchboards would have jammed. As it was, the DJ fumbled through another question, admitting he had lost his train of thought after hearing the last response.
Yes, yes, I'm on me way back to me kennel............ 8)
Warming the Bed
Awwwwww bless, poor Enchanting One sad
Your tale is nearly (note I said nearly, lol) as sad as mine. Read, weep, then offer solace if you please, lol.
I have been trying to seduce a very sexy lady, with my charm wit, oh and copious hints that I was hung like a Grand National winner (sic). Thought everything was coming along nicely, so sent her my phone number last Tuesday. Not hearing from her by Thursday, I sent her a little reminder, as I had rather hoped we could "gedd idd ooorrnn" soon, possibly at the weekend even.
Anyway, this Love Goddess (and I use that title advisedly ;) ) eventually phoned me, on Friday. By which time I had accepted a lesser invitation, as it seemed a visit to paradise was a non-starter, for that evening.
Speaking to her, on the telephone, more than confirmed my initial instincts were correct. Her velvet smooth voice flowed over me. Changing the timbre only affected me more, as did the way she paused occasionally letting her words sink in. I replaced the handset and stared at the phone. How the hell did she do that??? How did she manage reach down a BT phone line and caress my erogenous zones? I wouldn't mind but, we hardly mention the "S" word, in our conversation!!! (I was very good ladies, I didn't talk about shopping or my train-spotting activities, lol)
Having offered me, the much prized invitation to paradise, I tried desperately to back out of my prior engagement. Alas, I was unsuccessful in my efforts and paid the price for giving my word. How I wished I could have forsaken my morals, to partake of the fruits on offer.
So you see O' Enchanting One, your tale touched me as I too suffered at the hands of fate. Perhaps we should cry on each others shoulders or better still shag each other senseless??? lol lol lol
Henry biggrin
Warming the Bed
Wellllll........ I suppose the enchanting one, could always take along one of her patients? wink
It was just a suggestion, you know kinda care in the community type of thing? lol
Yeah I know, I'm all heart and full of smart ideas too, he he he he he 8)
Warming the Bed
As someone who has only recently joined and tried the chatroom, I have to disagree with you (Sorry, lol)
Obviously there are going to be regulars in the room, who know each other and they will chat as friends. However, I have been made to feel very welcome, whenever I've gone in. (And I'm one of the lepers, otherwise known as single blokes, lol lol)
The only advice I can offer, is to make sure you sign in using your profile name (so people will know who you are) and throw yourself into the chat, lol.
Hope you have fun, next time you go in and if you see me, say HI! Coz I'll probably be asleep, scratching me bum, picking me nose, greasing the cat's boils or something equally exciting, lol lol lol
Henry biggrin
Warming the Bed
Hi Mark & Linda,
Taking a leaf out of Baldrick's book. I have a cunning plan..... More cunning than Cunning McCunning, from Cunningtown........
Personally, I think Linda should refrain from putting any more pics up. That way, no one would see how sexy she is, lust after her and want to shag her senseless. Eventually when there were no other blokes available, through boredom and lack of other offers, she might consider me as a potential sex partner.
Henry biggrin
ps, If you could send me all the pics of Linda, I would look after them and make sure no one else got their filthy mits on 'em.
Warming the Bed
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the comments and keep up the good work biggrin
I didn't want to start a witch-hunt, hence me not naming them. For all I knew, they could be genuine.
However, judging from the response I've had via email, (Thanks, to those of you who have responded smile ) I am not the only one this has happened to. Seems they make quite a habit of it sad
I guess it takes all sorts and some get their kicks, in different ways to the rest of us, lol confused
Hope the rest of us have a great weekend, enjoy the good weather and get loads of s**gging in, lol lol 8)
Henry :)
Warming the Bed
Speaking of p**s takers.........
I'd be interested to learn how many other blokes have fallen for adverts, placed by a certain couple from the North West. That's assuming it is a couple, lol. They use more than one nickname and email address, arranging to meet single guys at a country park, on Merseyside.
Having exchanged pics, several mails and given them my mobile number, we arranged to meet. They didn't show confused . But, in fairness, anyone can get waylaid or have to cancel.
So, having been told the car let them down, we arranged to meet the following night. This time they showed up!! :shock: (Well their car did, lol) But, as I parked up, they drove off! lol. I mailed them, the following day, thanking them for the entertainment. I also commented on how, if they wished to advertise as another couple, they should try and mask their IP.
A couple of days later, having received a mail off them saying they would be at the park that night at a particular time, I arranged to meet them. (Yes, I know, I'm a slow learner, lol lol) I arrived, before the arranged time, and waited. Whilst there several guys turned up, who waited for a while then left. Needless to say, our phantom doggers didn't put in an appearance, lol.
Please let me clarify, this is not a case of sour grapes. I accept, as a single bloke, that I am one of many such guys out there. As with most single guys, I am happy to respect the wishes of couples who choose to "play". Secondly, on two out of the three occasions, I enjoyed "unplanned" encounters with others later in the evening, lol wink . All I would ask is, why did they go to the trouble they went to and how many others has this happened to?
What concerns me, being a "laid back kinda guy" 8) , is that another bloke may not be. Where I laughed it off, choosing to air my views on a message board, someone else may not take it so lightly.
This is a great site, through which I have met some very nice people and chatted with a many more. As a means of contact, it is head and shoulders above any other I have come across. At the end of the day, it's about consenting adults having some fun together. Long may that continue!!!
Henry biggrin