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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 69
Bisexual Female, 64


I read the book years ago. As film adaptations of literature goes I thought the film was quite good. It works as a stand-alone piece of art, IMHO
What are your "best" erotic films of all time? I'd like to start a small collection - probably no more than 10 - of the best that are commercially available. I've looked for the excellent "The Story of "O"" on video or DVD and haven't yet found it. I also saw the Henry Miller Anais Nin film, which I think was called Henry and June and thought that it was splendidly erotic. Last Tango in Paris was not so good. I thought. Secretary was good.
What I'm interested in is eroticism rather than the "there's a hole, so stuff something in it" brand of pornography, although I'm sure some pornography is erotic.
BTW, I did have a look to see if there'd been a similar thread posted previously but couldn't find one - apologies if this has been covered before, please point me in the right direction if it has.
Cheers - K
I think it is potentially a problem, but on the other hand, how many crimes are actually committed against people who meet via sex-sites? We hear of one or two, but that is probably the tip of a very small iceberg and one shouldn't be unduly afraid
To my mind the biggest problem is probably the time-wasters and fantasists. And for us (a couple who are married to othe people) there is the risk of "exposure" by malicious people - mostly jackal-reporters, living off other peoples lives. For that reason we don't want to use a web-cam.
We have found that a couple of phone conversations followed by a meeting in a public place is a good way forward.
Assuming that what you are asking is how to recover your sex drive. The first response is ... do you really want to, or is it just your wife who wants you to?
Your sex drive is yours, and if you are happy that it has vanished then that's it, really. Was it Plato who said something about age being a release from the tyranny of the libido - meaning that you can ghet on with your life without sex getting in the way.
However if you aren't happy about losing your libido you need to understand why it was lost, before you can attempt to fix it. Has this happened just recently? Might it be down to something festive like too much spending at Christmas weighing on your mind allied to too much alcohol, carrying too full a stomach, being too fat, being too unfit. All of these can be factors, and for many age is a big factor.
Maybe you simply don't fancy your wife any more. Do other women turn you on?
Or is it simply that you quite fancy sex, but have difficulty achieving and sustaining an erection?
I think it would be a good idea if you could be more specific about what's going wrong and what remedies you've attempted. As I said earlier, age can be an indicator, so for starters, how old are you?
My expereince might be useful to you: I am nearly 50. After having a massive sex drive until my late 30's it started to die off as my wife's 25 year history of lack of interest in sex (and my frustrated attempts to interest her failed). Quite simply, we have substantially different sex-drives I'd had a few affairs along the way which were very exciting. However a couyple of years ago the last of those ended painfully and I decided I didn't want more pain and really coudln't be bothered tying to fuck my wife anty more.
It's true what they say ... use it or lose it. I couldn't even be bothered wanking. On the few times my wife and I shagged I found it increasingly difficult to orgasm. I got some Viagra on prescription and that did make it a bit easier, but not much, and besides which it still needed me to fancy my wife and I'd stopped fancying her.
Then along came Alicia and we started a great affair. I fancied her and so it was more easy to get an erection, she did lots to interest me. She is a wonderfully adventurous lover - I'm currently cataloguing some of our adventures in the Swingers Stories. The Viagra still comes in useful for a sustained erection and it (possibly) makes my orgasm a bit easier to come by. but I was never driven by my own orgasm, it's my parters (multiple) orgasms that give me a massive kick.
The bottom line is that I'm now pretty well sorted and have a wonderful sex life, but it was a close thing. Has Alicia not come on the scene then I'd be just another miserable old git with no interest in sex.
Hope this helps
Well, in freestyle squirting the best that Alicia's achieved is about 12 inches. However in the soixante-neuf event it's usually only about 2.5".
After flirtation and anticipation we'd finally consumated our lust. She was a very active and expereinced woman, and as we lay there afterwards, complerte fuckwits the pair of us she said, in a reflective tone of voice. "You're very ... filling, aren't you?" Subsequently I've used veryfilling and fillwell as a contact name.
It's very nice to get that sort of exclamation from a woman who has had children
The laast couple we went with, the woman had not had children. She looked at my dick and said, simply "Oh God". About ten minutes later she screamed "Ohhhh Myyyy Gaaaaaaaaaad"!
Does screaming count?